

Muslim Refugees Are Getting FREE APARTMENTS While Homeless Citizens DIE IN THE STREETS

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This is what happens when the liberal bleeding hearts decide it’s more important to bring in refugees while ignoring the homeless in their nation. This is happening in Sweden but it is also happening here in America: (FROM JANUARY 8, 2016) COLD WEATHER HAS ALREADY CLAIMED THE LIVES OF THE HOMELESS. So-called ‘refugees’ get all entitlements the moment they arrive here yet we have homeless vets and many homeless families who’d love a place to live. LIBERALISM ON STEROIDS IS AN AMERICAN PROBLEM TOO.

The King of Sweden is even considering allowing Muslim invaders posing as refugees to stay in his unused palaces as the country has run out of available housing options for the illegal aliens.

The European ”humanitarian superpower” Sweden does its very best to please Muslim asylum seekers, by providing them with both food, clothing and shelter, but it seems the country’s own ethnic citizens in need are of less importance and forgotten.

Sture, a homeless man in his 60s was found dead early Wednesday morning outside the hospital in Nynashamn. Sture had sought refuge from the cold in Nynäshamns hospital during the night. But he was not allowed to remain there. A security guard threw him out, and without any offers of housing from the municipality, and out of options, he was forced to spend the night at a bus stop outside the hospital.

In the morning he was found frozen to death, reports Nynäshamnsposten. Of course in Nynäshamnsposten the article about Sture’s death soon became just a notice, but Swedish alternative media dug up his story. Sture was a man who is described as a good worker throughout his life, including in the armed forces and at a nursing home.

Proud as he was, he did not like to bother others, even though he was homeless. The alcohol problems continued. He was promised treatment and wanted to get free from the addiction, but relapses put obstacles in the way, and the municipality betrayed him.
During the last days of his life, he had kept himself warm inside the hospital, until the security guard arrived and threw him out. His belongings were still inside. He did not even get back his jacket.

VIA 100PercentFedUp

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