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Leaked Memo Proves Hillary’s Interview With Steve Harvey Was 100% FAKE and STAGED

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Can Hillary Clinton do anything “off the cuff” or without pre-screened questions, hired actors, or staged scenarios?

It appears she can’t.

Everything about Hillary is contrived and phony – even her “casual interviews” that are supposed to look unrehearsed and informal.

They are 100% FAKE.

Case in point – back in February Hillary did the Steve Harvey show, attempting to appeal to black people and women.

Not only did she get the questions ahead of time, but there was an entire “storyline” laid out for her and her team to follow.

The Washington Free Beacon received the leaked memo.

Here is part of it:


From the Washington Free Beacon:

Talk show host Steve Harvey provided Hillary Clinton’s campaign with the exact questions he would ask of Clinton during a February interview, according to an internal campaign memo sent a week before the interview and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

“Steve is known to be a host who goes out of his way to make his guests feel comfortable,” two of Clinton’s top communications aides wrote in a memo to Clinton a week ahead of her interview. “We coordinated closely with the show’s producers on the script and format of the show.”

The memo, sent to Clinton on Feb. 17, 2016, by campaign spokeswoman Karen Finney and communications aide Betsaida Alcantara, was attached to an email posted on the website by hackers suspected of acting in concert with the Russian government.

One of the individuals behind the website provided the Free Beacon with a password to access that email and others sent to and from Clinton volunteer Beanca Nicholson, who was doing advance work for a campaign swing through Chicago that included the Harvey interview.

The campaign memo reveals that Clinton’s staff worked with Harvey to craft the structure of the interview, and briefed the Democratic presidential nominee ahead of time on the precise wording of Harvey’s questions.

The questions touched on Clinton’s granddaughter, her preference for deep dish or thin crust pizza, her campaign’s “great start,” efforts to bridge America’s racial divide, and her support for gun control policies.

According to the memo, Clinton’s staff saw Harvey’s show as an effective and low-risk way to reach out to female and African American voters. They also noted recent episodes of the show that focused on issues that Clinton had stressed during her campaign.

Clinton’s staff pitched the show on some of those issues, including gun control, and noted that Harvey would not likely force Clinton to go into detail defending her positions.

“Please note that the tone of the show is generally light so even on policy questions, Steve won’t go too deep into details,” the memo noted.

(via: Truth Feed)

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