
Man Connected To Clinton Party Found DEAD After Being Mentioned By Trump

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An author and researcher who wrote extensively about the Clinton’s family scandals was found dead Monday of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, The Political Insider reported.

Victor Thorn, a 54-year-old writer for American Free Press, had published more than 20 books, including three on the Clintons. He was also one of the people to whom Trump surrogate Roger Stone dedicated the 2015 book he co-authored, “The Clintons’ War on Women.

American Free Press said it had contacted someone in the State College, Pennsylvania, police, who said they found someone dead Monday morning but couldn’t comment on Thorn’s passing.

“There was something that occurred on Monday morning, but I don’t know if we’ve released any identities or any details about it at this time,” the police source said.

When asked if the person knew if the department could provide any updates, the source said: “I don’t. I don’t know what the status of the investigation is. I have not seen the detective that’s in charge of that today yet. They’ll release it as soon as they can. I don’t know what the holdup is or the details are at this point.”

Thorn’s most recent book was called “Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House.”

On American Free Press’ website, the description of the book said that it provided “groundbreaking information that mainstream media sources only caught up with months or even years afterward, if they had the courage to even touch it at all. Including more than 50 one-on-one interviews with experts, this collection taps into some of the nation’s most astute political minds to present a preponderance of evidence as to why Hillary and Bill’s return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would be disastrous for America.

“For example, all in one place you’ll find the real truth about the Benghazi scandal; Hillary’s covering up of Bill’s sexual assaults against innocent victims; the email scandal that has rocked her candidacy; her recent shady business dealings and money laundering; and much more,” it added.

Coming so soon after the death of a Democrat National Committee staffer allegedly linked to WikiLeaks, Thorn’s death is going to throw conspiracy theories into overdrive. Stay tuned; I doubt we’ve heard the last of this one.

(via: Conservative Tribune)

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