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The Clinton Body Count Continues! Is Hillary MURDERING Anyone That Gets In Her Way?

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For many years, numerous people tied to Bill and Hillary Clinton have died under mysterious circumstances. Now new bodies have been added.

Three people with tangential connections to Bill and Hillary Clinton have died in unusual circumstances over the last few weeks, sparking a renewed interested in the so-called “body count” of people who allegedly got in the way of the “Clinton machine.”

Is there something to it, or is it all just in the minds of “conspiracy nuts” who intersect with reality only on rare occasion?

The question was raised in a commentary Tuesday by Rachel Alexander at Townhall.

She cited the recent deaths of Democratic National Committee worker Seth Rich on July 10; Shawn Lucas, who helped serve the DNC with a summons in a fraud allegation, on Aug. 2; and John Ashe, the former president of the United Nations General Assembly, on June 22, just before he was schedule to begin pretrial meetings “involving shady financial dealings regarding a former Clinton crony.”

“Since the Democratic National Committee emails were leaked a few weeks ago, three people associated with the DNC have all been found dead under what could be questionable circumstances,” Alexander wrote. “Some – including Bernie Sanders supporters – suspect the Clintons were behind the deaths, just more episodes in the alleged ‘Clinton body count’ dating back to the 1990s. Others dismiss the speculation as left-wing conspiracy nuts. But until the police have completed their investigations and the medical examiners have released autopsy reports, it is premature to make any determinations.”

The recent deaths:

  • Seth Rich, a DNC staffer, reportedly was shot in the back on July 10 in Washington while he apparently was walking home from his girlfriend’s apartment. Reported Alexander: “Some are speculating that Hillary Clinton is behind the murder, because Rich could have been the DNC staffer responsible for leaking the 20,000 damaging DNC emails to Wikileaks. The allegation is that powerful Sanders allies convinced Rich to leak the data.” Her column notes that Rich previously worked on the failed U.S. Senate campaign of Nebraska businessman Scott Kleeb, whose clean-energy business had come under investigation after losing $300,000 in 2010 and another $300,000 in 2011 despite having been subsidized by the Clinton Global Initiative. Possible corruption between the CGI and Kleeb “led to Sanders’ cronies pressuring Rich to leak what was going on.” Continued Alexander: “The myth-debunking site Snopes labeled the suspicion over Rich’s death as false. This is strange, since how does Snopes know that it is false? The police haven’t even completed their investigation yet, which Snopes admits. Many murders go unsolved, including several of the strange deaths of people associated with the Clintons.”
  • Shawn Lucas was part of a two-person team that served the DNC on July 3 with a complaint and summons on behalf of Sanders supporters. On Aug. 2, “he was found lying on the bathroom floor dead by his girlfriend.” “His girlfriend said he was in good health.”
  • WND reported just weeks agoon the death of former U.N. official John Ashe in his New York home. Some have speculated whether it was a case of “Hillary Clinton silencing people who ‘know too much.’” That question was pointedly raised by Kosar at the Political Insider. The cause of death was reported as a heart attack, but the New York Post reported the local Dobbs Ferry police said “his throat had been crushed, presumably by a barbell he dropped while pumping iron.” He was scheduled to testify in just days with Chinese businessman and co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, who was accused of smuggling $4.5 million into the U.S. and lying that it was to buy casino chips and more. The New York Post said Ng earlier was identified in a 1998 Senate document “as the source of hundreds of thousands of dollars illegally funneled through an Arkansas restaurant owner, Charlie Trie, to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton administration.”

The Political Insider previously reported on the mysterious deaths of colleagues of the Clintons.

“In fact, 46 people who were close to the Clintons have died during their 3 decades of political power. That number should give us all pause. If Hillary Clinton was a Republican, that number would be the question asked by reporters every day,” the report said.

All of these deaths dating back to the ones in the 90’s were all pre-mature deaths. Before you shout conspiracy nuts consider this. How many people have people in their lives die prematurely? The average would say about two or three. In the Clintons case it is now up to 59 or 60. I’m not saying the Clintons are responsible, but I think there are people connected to them who are capable of doing such acts to achieve the Clinton agenda. Larry Nichols who has hosted the Clinton Chronicles tapes ha said he has murdered for the Clintons. In 2013 Nichols claimed a career as a hit-man, stating on The Pete Santilli Show that he had murdered people, on command, for the Clintons.[6] But he said in 2015 that he had been on painkillers when he made the 2013 remark and that it was not true. Whether he has or not can’t be proven either way, but if you care to google him you will find him to be a most fascinating and interesting guy. As he says in the end of The New Clinton Chronicles, “That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”  Please watch this video narrated by Larry. Just the first few seconds will send chills through you. The New Clinton Chronicles 2015 – YouTube

Investigative reporter David Bresnahan broke the story of the list during the summer of 1997 while researching his book “Cover Up: The Art and Science of Political Deception.”

“I started looking into all the various deaths of people that were involved in various Clinton scandals,” Bresnahan said in 1999. “I started to investigate the entire picture instead of just one focused event.”

“Not only did I find a list of dead people, but I also found that there are over 100 people who have refused to testify,” Bresnahan explained then.

“There is also a list of people who have gone to jail. There are 45 people who have gone to jail, some of them White House staff, Cabinet members as well as people from the Justice Department. So many of those (lists) developed when I started to pursue the big  picture The Clinton Body Count Just Went Up By 5 In The Past 6 Weeks! – Freedom Outpos
Just a few more bodies in a long line of deceit for the Clintonian Crime Family. Below is a complete list of all the Clinton deaths.






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