
Obama Bashes Gingrich Over His Views On Deportation, Immigrants

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Friday from the White House while commenting on the terrorist attack in Nice, France, President Barack Obama, without naming him, went after former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA), who said last night in the wake of the attack, that Muslims who believe in Sharia Law should be “deported.”

Obama said, “We will win this fight by staying true to our values, values of pluralism and rule of law and diversity and freedoms, like the freedom of religion, freedom of speech and assembly, the very freedoms that the people of Nice were celebrating last night on Bastille Day. In the wake of last night’s attacks, we’ve heard more suggestions that all Muslims in America be targeted, tested for their beliefs, some deported or jailed. And the very suggestion is repugnant and an affront to everything that we stand for as Americans.”

“We cannot give in to fear or turn on each other or sacrifice our way of life,” he continued. “We cannot let ourselves be divided by religion, because that’s exactly what the terrorists want. We should never do their work for them. Here in the United States, our freedoms, including freedom of religion, help keep us strong and safe, and we have to be vigilant and defend our security and our freedoms.”

(via: Breitbart)

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