
WOW! Trump Get 36 Point Swing In Key Poll…With A Group NO ONE Expected!

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As the election season moves out of primaries and into the big show, we are starting to see how Donald Trump is fairing against Hillary Clinton.

Earlier in the year, it looked like Clinton had a solid lead, according to polls. Now, things are changing.

Though the real match up has yet to begin, polls across America are shifting in Trump’s favor. It looks like the American public are coming to their senses and turning their backs on Crooked Hillary.

But the latest group to change sides will leave you shocked.

From Conservative Tribune:

According to an ABC News/Washington Post poll, millennials — the generation everyone loves to hate — now only support Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a margin of 45 to 42 percent.

If that doesn’t sound good, consider this — back in March, from the same poll, they backed Clinton by an incredible margin of 64 to 25 percent in a hypothetical Hillary-Trump match-up. That’s a massive 36 point poll swing!

In fact, the only demographic where Hillary made any gains was in the 65+ demographic, where her numbers were up by one point. Unfortunately for her, Trump’s numbers were up by five points. 

Keep in mind this is at the end of the primaries. Trump has yet to go toe to toe with Clinton at a debate, or focus on her at his many rallies, or run very man ads. The little he has done to expose Clinton’s crooked past has been enough to change minds.

The media is crying “smear campaign.” But a voice of reason is coming, from all places, Rush Limbaugh. He said this is simply a matter of the American people getting a chance to see Hillary as she really is. A job, he claims, the media refuses to do.

“As far as the millennials are concerned, Donald Trump is running negative ads about Hillary — or is Donald Trump doing the job the American media refuses to do?” Limbaugh said.

“Is Donald Trump telling people who don’t know things, things they don’t know, that the media won’t tell ’em, or is he engaged in just smears? And I think the odds are it’s gonna be seen as the opposite. I think it’s gonna be seen as Trump doing the job the American media and the Republican Party won’t do.”

It’s true that many Millennials are too young to remember Bill’s time in office, or the many scandals that have swirled around the couple. The Democrats and their cronies in the media have tried to cover up Clinton’s suspicious behavior. But it’s out there, like a gross sore. All Trump is doing is casting a light on it.

How will the polls look through the Summer, as the campaign really heats up? We might be looking at a November where Hillary has very little chance of success.

Source: Conservative Tribune

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