
A Vote For Hillary Is A Vote For 4 More Years Of Obama’s Failed Policies

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[VIA EagleRising]

Hillary Clinton confirmed during an interview on Meet The Press what everyone already knew – she’s running for four more years of Obama.

Mrs. Clinton is currently suffering through her second disastrous campaign for President and has scenes of déjà vu’ dancing through her skull, as Bernie Sanders makes like Barack Obama and upends her campaign of “destiny.” However, she seems more understanding of her weaknesses this time around and has launched an offensive against Sanders in an effort to stave off his climb up the polls.Hillary-and-Obama-800x300

Her latest campaign tactic is to remind her Democrat voters that a vote for her is a vote for Obama, while a vote for Bernie is a vote to condemn Obama’s presidency. While this tactic is sure to make Republicans guffaw, Democrats may just buy in.

Chuck Todd: You got it. Let me just start with this. Your opponent is 74 years old, calls himself a socialist. Started this campaign with next to zero name recognition. You have 38 of 44 U.S. senators endorsing you, 12 of 18 Democratic governors. He has zero. What happened? What’s gone wrong? And save me the, “We always knew this was going to be a close race,” answer.

Hillary Clinton: Well, Chuck, look, I think it’s actually good for the debate that we’re having. That there is so much interest and energy that I feel on my side and I know obviously so does Senator Sanders on his. We’ve got a big choice to make. And it’s exciting. I had a great couple of events yesterday. I am enthusiastically pursuing the opportunity to reach every single voter in Iowa.

And we’re going to see what happens. I feel good about where we are. Obviously, we’ll find out a week from tomorrow. But if you look at the differences between Senator Sanders and myself, I don’t still think we can wait. We can’t wait to make progress on the myriad of issues that I think we’re going to be facing in the next administration. I want to build on the progress that President Obama has made. And he has a different approach. And that’s what voters are trying to determine, which they prefer.

Wow. It’s really a shrewd maneuver, isn’t it? I mean, any other election in any other year it would be foolhardy to tie your campaign to an unpopular president and his deeply unpopular policies… and yet, that is exactly what Hillary Clinton is doing. She’s not running for Bill Clinton’s 3rd term, she’s running for Barack Obama’s 3rd term. It’s truly astounding.

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