

Putin Says He Has Evidence That CNN Colluded With Ukrainian Nazis To Conduct False Flag Operation By Filming Staged Killing Of Civilians

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Vladimir Putin claims to have proof that CNN and Ukrainian neo-Nazis collaborated to film staged attacks on civilians.

In a press release, the Russian Ministry of Defense MOD claimed Ukraine’s 72nd Centre for information and Psychological Operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in Kharkov are preparing a false flag and are working with CNN to broadcast this to the world.

The statement, titled, “Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters of the Russian Federation for Humanitarian Response,” warned that Ukraine will soon unleash “another cynical provocation with deaths amongst civilian population to accuse the Russian Armed Forces of launching indiscriminate attacks against civilian facilities.” reports: Russia alleged elements of the Ukrainian military are taking hospital staff and sick children from around Kharkov and moving them to the city’s First Child Health Hospital, which is supposedly known to be wired with explosive mines.

“The building of the hospital is mined and neo-Nazis are planning to explode it as soon as Russian troops launch artillery attacks at the military facilities in Kharkov,” the Russian government said. “Correspondents from leading Western news agencies have already arrived in the city to prepare fake photos and videos.”

Who are these Western news agencies?

None other than CNN is directly named by Russia as having “two reporters” being “escorted by 10 servicemen of Azov nationalist battalion.”

The CNN correspondents were said to have “arrived in Odessa for recording prepared terrorist attacks on civilian facilities in order to accuse Russia of using prohibited methods of warfare.”

Continuing, the Russian government again said they do not have a policy of attacking civilian infrastructure, a notion supported by their slow-paced military tactics used in the Ukraine operation thus far.

Furthermore, the statement noted multiple instances where “nationalist battalions,” otherwise known as neo-Nazi brigades, have occupied and placed military equipment in “educational institutions, houses of culture and other social facilities.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government warned the people of Europe and North America “that the abovementioned and other provocations by the Ukrainian authorities about the ‘atrocities of the Russians’ are soon to be widely circulated through the Western media and in various resources of the Internet.”

This accusation coming from the world’s largest nation, which is constantly in the news regarding the war in Ukraine, is extremely hard to find online in America while it should be a massive story.

As independent journalist Clandestine joked in his Substack newsletter Thursday, “It’s fine. Just CNN working with Nazis in Ukraine to film a planned terrorist attack and blame it on Russia, to cover up for their Deep State overlords who got caught making bioweapons in Ukraine. Nothing to see here folks.”

Dissecting the thought process behind false flag attacks being waged by Ukraine, Clandestine explained that “logically speaking, it benefits Ukraine much more for Ukrainian civilians to die, than it befits Russia.”

“Civilians die and they can push emotional propaganda, the world comes to aid Ukraine, and Putin is viewed as a dictator. But what happens when Putin doesn’t kill any civilians, and starts exposing the biolab network? The Nazis take it upon themselves to kill the civilians,” he wrote.

It seems like the Deep State is becoming more desperate to cover up their crimes in Ukraine, from the illegal biolab network to shady business deals and money laundering.

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1 year ago

Putin could be right this time, since it is about CNN.

1 year ago

PNN is already bleeding viewers, if they get internationally busted for deliberate propaganda, that could well be the end of it and good riddance.

david russell
david russell
1 year ago

US (an EU) assistance to Ukraine in this war is destroying the people, the infrastructure and the culture of Ukraine. On the other hand, Ukraine was the poorest and most corrupt country in Europe before this all started,,,,the world’s safe space for organized crime and evil-doing of all kinds (remember all the bio-weapons labs we’re running there?). Russia will turn the place into an absolute wasteland, but badly damage itself in the process. Our reward for helping the Ukrainians die will be starvation for African and Middle Eastern countries that depend on Ukraine for grain. The West will suffer some inconvenience for its perfidy, but not much.

Rumor is: Putin won’t be around to pay the piper for his sins much longer. Maybe he wants to go out with a nuclear bang. We seem prepared to risk it ourselves. We’re that crazy or obtuse (can’t it be both?).

david russell
david russell
1 year ago

Putin is evil and a liar. His only virtue is that he’s not crazy, but with him possibly facing a terminal disease, he may decide he’s taking everyone else with him when he goes. None of our leaders seem to be worried about that though.

Everything we are told officially is a wilderness of lies and deception. For a realistic view watch episode 60, Season 2 of Tucker Carlson Today where L Todd Wood explains the realities on the ground in Ukraine.