
President Trump’s Spiritual Advisor Reveals The HUGE Warning She Gave Him In 2011 About Becoming President

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This is pretty incredible….

President Trump had the keynote address at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “Road to Majority” event today.

We had a Livestream Watch Party here in case you missed it:–watch-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-ma.html

But it was Paula White who really caught my eye for a moment.

She told several incredible stories about her involvement with President Trump over the years, including how they first met.

Get this, (then just) Donald Trump back in 2002 saw Paula White on TV, called her up, and brought her into Atlantic City for private Bible studies!

I bet you didn’t know that before!

She also revealed what happened in 2011 when Donald Trump asked her if he should run for President.

According to White, she prayed about it with 30+ friends and later reported back to President Trump: you will be President, but you will pay a horrible price.

Wow, talk about a prophecy!

Here are more details, from The Daily Mail:

One of Donald Trump’s spiritual advisors claims she told him God wanted him to run for president – but there would be a ‘price’ to pay.

Televangelist Paula White has known the ex-president for 22 years after he saw her on TV, called her and brought her to Atlantic City for private Bible studies.

She said Trump told her in 2011 he didn’t ‘like the way this country is going’ and asked her what she thought of him running for president.

‘And then, he turned around, and he said, “Well, what does God say?”‘ she recalled.

White said she prayed with ’30-something’ friends and later told Trump: ‘Sir… you’re going to be president one day.

‘And a tear ran down my eye and I told him, “I hate the price that you’re going to pay.”

‘Little would any of us have imagined the price this man, his family and many of you – many of us – have paid.’

But White said she believed it was ‘worth it,’ due to the pro-religion laws Trump passed during his four years as president.

‘I’m going to be president, and you’re going to be faith director,’ she said Trump told her in 2014 when he decide to run for the 2016 election.

‘I’m not sure either one of us knew what we were doing, but I know God was with us.’

White led Trump’s Evangelical advisory board during his campaign and gave the invocation prayer during his inauguration.

She was later given an official White House job as an advisor for the Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiative.

White on Friday claimed religious freedoms were under attack ‘as never before’ during Joe Biden’s presidency, and this was frightening because religious freedom was ‘the bedrock which all our other freedoms fall upon’.

Watch this short clip here:

Longer clip here:

Here is Paula White giving a powerful prayer back in 2019 before President Trump’s big Orlando Rally:

I want to end with something very important….

There is power in prayer and no one needs it more right now than President Trump.

Will you join in with us please?

PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?

It seems very timely to do this right now…

I keep saying it feels like 2016 all over again.

Almost every day something happens that reminds me of the 2016 vibe.

And this is the latest.

We had people praying for President Trump like crazy in 2016.

Less so in 2020.

But suddenly Prayer for President Trump is back BIG LEAGUE and I am loving every minute of it!

In fact, I have a goal to see if we can get One Million Prayers for President Trump!

I’m logging them all and I’m going to post them all in one MASSIVE article soon.

But first, will you please add yours?

PRAYER CHAIN: Can We Get One Million People Praying for Trump?

Here’s more:

WATCH: The Incredible Moment When Patriots Gather To Pray Over President Trump!

I love this so much!

I keep saying that it feels to me like 2016 all over again, and here is another example.

Back in 2016, this was a regular occurrence.

In 2020, I didn’t see it much, if at all.

But now it’s back and I’m getting mega 2016 vibes here.

But regardless, this is what we need!

Isn’t this so good to see?

I don’t care how confident we are or how well things are going, we will not make it anywhere without God and without prayer!

And isn’t it so wonderful to have a President who not only allows this but seems to encourage and welcome it?

Smart man.


Watch on the FULL Video Player here:

Here’s more, from Breitbart:

A group of Iowa faith leaders prayed over former President Donald Trump on Saturday in Cedar Rapids before he delivered remarks to supporters and slammed President Joe Biden as “the destroyer of democracy.”

Video shared to X, formerly Twitter, by Republican strategist James Blair shows a dozen or so Iowa faith leaders with their hands spread toward Trump while one of them led the group in prayer.

“The gates of hell will not prevail against him. We speak this over him. Lord, I pray for protection over him; I pray for protection over his family,” the faith leader said.

He also prayed, “All the weapons formed against him will not prosper, and lord, they will come to nothing, and the traps that have been laid against him.”

The moment came after more than 150 faith leaders in Iowa endorsed Trump for president on November 23.

“The overwhelming support from Iowa’s faith leaders is a clear indication of President Trump’s unwavering commitment to the principles and values that are important to people of faith,” said Pastor Dan McCoy, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church in Urbandale in an email press release from the Trump campaign.

“This announcement is not just a number; it’s a powerful message that faith communities trust President Trump to lead our nation forward with integrity and moral clarity,” McCoy added.

Reminds me a lot of this moment:

WATCH: President Trump Stops To Let Woman In Crowd Pray Over Him

What a fantastic day we had today!

So many things happening all at once…

It looks like President Trump STILL holds the nuclear football.

He received a Hero’s Welcome in New Hampshire today.

And at that Hero’s Welcome one moment in particular jumped out at me.

It’s when a woman asked to pray over him and he stopped what he was doing and let her pray.

So incredible watch here:

It reminded me a lot of all of these:

Remember this one?

Or how about this one?

PRAY For Trump and FIGHT For Trump!

Here’s what I mean…



We have four million people who read this website, let's get 25% to stop and pray right now.

That's right, goal is to have One Million people praying for our President.

Will you please help? 👇

Add your prayer here if you want so others can join in praying together:

Keep it going!

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