
After Trashing It In 2020, Chris Cuomo Now ADMITS It: “I am taking …Ivermectin”

From 100PercentFedUp - READ ORIGINAL

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It took 4 long years, but we have been 100% vindicated for publishing the TRUTH even in the midst of widespread propaganda and pressure and all sorts of fear tactics.

Do you remember this:

Yeah, that came direct from the FDA, making it sound like Ivermectin was just “horse paste” and not approved for human use.

We told you back then that was a 100% lie.

Truth is, Ivermectin is not only approved for human use and safer than Aspirin, but it’s also won a Nobel Prize and is effective against countless diseases.

More on that in a minute.

But first let’s continue our trip down memory lane.

Do you remember this, from Chris Cuomo with his buddy Don Lemon back when they were both on CNN?

Full video player here:

Well, guess what….following in the footsteps of the FDA (who later recanted and deleted the Tweet and admitted it was wrong) Cuomo has also flip-flopped.

Gone are the days of him TRASHING Ivermectin and laughing at you for taking it.

Now HE is taking it!

Watch this horribly cringe video where he admits the massive flip-flop, and watch as he still can’t even bring himself to praise people like Joe Rogan (and us) for telling you the TRUTH in a time of mass deception:

Full video player:


I am taking …Ivermectin.
Ivermectin was a boogeyman early on in COVID. You couldn’t talk about it. That was wrong. We were given bad information about Ivermectin. The real question is why?

Everyone’s gonna say Joe Rogan was right. No, Joe Rogan was saying, yeah, he was right.

But that’s not what matters. What matters is the entire clinical community knew that Ivermectin couldn’t hurt you. They knew it, Patrick. I know they knew it. How do I know? Because now I’m doing nothing but talking to these clinicians who, at the time, were overwhelmed by COVID, and they weren’t saying anything.

Not that they were hiding anything, but it’s cheap. It’s not owned by anybody, and it’s used as an antimicrobial, antiviral in all of these different ways and has been for a long time, Over almost 20 years.

Yeah. So. And my doctor, who is now my doctor, was using it during COVID on her family and on patients, and it was working for them. So they were wrong to play scared on that.

Sorry but this Chris Cuomo is a real piece of shit if that’s how he’s going to handle this.

And MEMO to Patrick Bet-David….you’re going downhill too.

You had Cuba Gooding Jr. on your show this morning and you let him tell ridiculous, obviously BS stories on your show without any challenge whatsoever, and now you let your bud Chris Cuomo do the same thing?

MEMO TO PBD: man up bro and start taking a stand for the truth or your brand will follow these losers downhill fast.

Is Chris Cuomo really who you want to hitch your wagon to Pat?

Meanwhile, back to the land of reality where the adults are in charge, let’s examine Ivermectin a bit more since it’s back in the news.

Do you know how powerful this drug is?

Safer than Aspirin….

And potentially able to cure a vast number of diseases.

Now do you see why they hated it so much?

Oh…and CHEAP!

The trifecta!

Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? 20 Peer-Reviewed Medical Journal Articles!

6 Incredible Secrets of Ivermectin: The Medication That Keeps on Giving

While the FDA and Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon (the demonic Trinity) were telling you it was unsafe and "horse paste" we were telling you something very different.

We told you this:

TRUTH: Ivermectin Safe, Effective, Won The Nobel Prize and FDA Approved Since 1996!


Time for a reality check!

Truth check!

That's what we do here at WeLoveTrump on all topics, and today's topic is the REAL news about Ivermectin....

Real, unfiltered news with no bias.

Just the facts, ma'am!

Like this one for example:

Two Separate Doctors Claim OVER 100 Members of Congress Treated With Ivermectin!

Anyone else mad yet?

And today I have a new video to show you.

Someone sent this to me really explaining what Ivermectin is, it's history and so much more.

They don't want you to see this which is exactly why I'm sharing it with you.

Watch it here on Rumble:

Remember this disclaimer:

I am not a doctor.  I am not giving you medical advice.  I'm not saying any one thing will treat or cure COVID.  We clear?

I’m a REPORTER.  I research and I report and I give you the full story open and honestly so YOU can decide.  Consult your doctor before taking any vitamin, supplement or medicine.  

Now let's go to another video.

This woman below documented her own journey with Ivermectin on video.

She starts off looking not so good but makes a swift turnaround in just a few days.

This is not me talking, listen to her share and document her own story....

Here is the video from Rumble:

Now let's talk about the MSM disinformation campaign, which is a nice way of saying "outright lies and propaganda".

Look, I will give you one disclaimer before we get started:  I am a journalist and not anyone with any medical expertise.  I'm not a doctor and I'm not giving medical advice.  

I'm just presenting you with the results of my research that the MSM really seems to want to hide....

And I know how to do my research.

So let's start with this:

Now let's unpack all the lies the MSM has been telling you about Ivermectin.

You would assume based on all the MSM propaganda that Ivermectin is only approved for Horses and not Humans.

The only problem with that?

It's not true.

Not even close.

Here's the real truth:

Yes folks, that is a statement taken from PolitiFact's very own fact-checking page about Ivermectin.

But what they do with their "Face Check" is so insidious....

Here's how PolitiFact tries to claim that the TRUE statement is still somehow false, watch these mental gymnastics:

This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.)

It is true that ivermectin was approved by the Food and Drug Administration that year — but not to treat the coronavirus. The drug was approved for strongyloidiasis, a disease caused by a roundworm, and onchocerciasis, or river blindness, which is caused by a parasitic worm.

The drug was approved for humans under the brand name Stromectol, National Geographic reported, and since then it’s been recognized as a safe treatment for several tropical diseases caused by parasites. In 2015, two scientists even won a Nobel Prize for their discovery of ivermectin and its use to treat diseases caused by parasites.

But unlike, say, river blindness, COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus, not by parasites. And as PolitiFact recently reported in a story exploring ivermectin, there’s no conclusive evidence that ivermectin is effective against COVID-19.

The lying and the deception is just so evil, really makes me angry.

If you gave me a full year, I couldn't come up with all the twists and turns these people take to turn the TRUTH into a lie.

It's sickening.

Oh, and now 4 years later we have been 100% vindicated!

Have you seen this?

BREAKING: FDA Loses The War on Ivermectin!

But we're just getting started.

Next come the scare tactics and VERY misleading headlines.

Like this article from WIVB Channel 4 News:

After a recent resurgence in several states, health officials are warning residents to be aware of a dangerous of an unauthorized “treatment” for COVID-19 — often being taken with dangerous consequences.

It’s called ivermectin and it’s used to treat and prevent parasites in animals, the Food and Drug Administration explains. The tablets are not FDA approved for treatment of COVID-19 in humans and isn’t even an anti-viral drug — meaning it has no impact on the coronavirus. And because the large-concentration tablets are intended for large animals, these can be treacherous for humans.

In addition to not being authorized for treatment, there’s no evidence ivermectin treats COVID-19.

“There’s a lot of misinformation around, and you may have heard that it’s okay to take large doses of ivermectin. That is wrong.”

The FDA and several state officials say they’ve seen an uptick in calamitous use of the drugs, particularly tablets used to treat parasitic worms in horses. While ivermectin is approved for humans to treat certain skin conditions (rosacea) and certain external parasites like head lice, the FDA warns this ivermectin is different than the one used in animals.

On Friday, the Mississippi Department of Health was forced to send out a warning to residents about the dangers of the drug after several poisonings.

The Mississippi Poison Control Center said at least 70% of recent ivermectin-related calls are tied to people taking livestock or animal formulations they bought a livestock supply stores or through online markets.

Eighty-five percent of callers had mild symptoms — these include rash, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain — but one person needed evaluation because of how much they’d taken.

More severe dangers of ivermectin ingestion include neurologic disorders, seizures, coma and death.

Use of ivermectin should only be taken if prescribed by a doctor for an FDA-approved use. Regardless of the usage and prescription, the FDA warns ivermectin overdose is still possible. Possible interaction with other medications is also a possibility.

I highlighted the key parts.

A 70% SURGE in Ivermectin Poison Center calls sounds like a lot doesn't it?

NPR even reports a 245% surge!  Oh my!

Sounds bad until you realize according to NPR that the 245% surge is going from 133 calls to 459 calls....NATIONWIDE!

According to the National Poison Data System (NPDS), which collects information from the nation's 55 poison control centers, there was a 245% jump in reported exposure cases from July to August — from 133 to 459.

Yes folks, out of 333 MILLION people, there were 459 calls to poison centers.

So 0.00000137% of the population.

And those are just calls.

According to the bold part of the Channel 4 article, 85% of those people who called or had symptoms had MILD symptoms like a rash.

The horror!

According to the article, only ONE person needed a further evaluation.

But is this what you hear in the MSM?


If you listed only to the MSM fear-porn, you'd think we had a crisis of Ivermectin deaths.

The truth is the polar opposite.

Anyone else REALLY tired of being lied to?

It's why I'm here.

I will continue to shout the truth from the rooftops!

But I'm not done yet.

Did you know that Ivermectin has actually been listed even by the corrupt WHO as one of the most "essential medicines" out there?

It's true, you can read it right here until they take it down.

But I'm not done yet!

Let's cut right to the chase and go to a medical journal to see the true toxicity data on Ivermectin in humans.

Seems like something JOURNALISTS should do, don't you think?

Let's go to, the WHO's own website for "Internationally Peer Reviewed Chemical Safety Information".

They lay it out in black and white and even a non-medical person like me can understand it.

Now let's go down to Section 7.2 of their report which is about Toxicity in Humans:

I'm going to bold the key part:

  7.2 Toxicity
       7.2.1 Human data
                     Amounts approaching the therapeutic doses in 
                     animals (100 to 200 ðg/kg bodyweight) are not 
                     hazardous to humans.  Ingestions of large 
                     quantities (10 to 100 times the animal 
                     therapeutic dosage) may produce symptoms 
                     resembling those observed in animal toxicology 
                     studies at high toxic levels.
                     An adult female accidentally self-injected a 
                     small quantity (approximately 200 ðg/kg) 
                     subcutaneously.  Twelve hours later she 
                     experienced colicky pain with nausea but 
                     recovered within 12 hours (MSD, 1988).
                     Clinical studies of oral ivermectin given in 
                     doses from 2 to 200 ðg/kg (maximum 12 mg) have 
                     shown a pattern of adverse experiences that 
                     included only one serious event (transient 
                     stupor).  The remaining adverse experiences were 
                     considered not serious and were chiefly of the 
                     type expected based on the characteristics of 
                     the underlying disease and the responses seen 
                     after treatment with other microfilaricidal 
                     drugs, except for reports of "depression" (not 
                     psychiatrically tested) in four patients in open 
                     studies (MSD, 1988).
                     A 16-month-old boy weighing 15 kg ingested 
                     approximately 100 to 130 mg of ivermectin (as an 
                     injectable solution).  Ten hours post-ingestion 
                     he had mydriasis in one pupil, with frequent 
                     vomiting, pallor, 35°C temperature, tachycardia, 
                     somnolence and variable blood pressure.  He 
                     developed urticaria the following day, and had 
                     recovered after three days (MSD, 1988).

Let's start with the very first line: even if you take the ANIMAL dosage, it is "not hazardous to humans".

Case closed folks.

Seriously, why is this not front page news?

Is it because Ivermectin WORKS and actually treats COVID-19 and they can't let that happen?

Now the big question....where can you get it?

Here you go:

Critical Medications Every American Should Have On Hand (Including Ivermectin) – And How To Get Them Prescribed

Ask the average, well-prepared patriot what they stock up on in case of an emergency and the answers might be something like:

  • Food

  • Water

  • Ammo

  • And precious metals

But even the most prepared Americans are sorely lacking the critical medications that can protect them from anthrax, tick bites, COVID and even bioweapons.

And it’s not because of a lack of knowledge either.

If you want a simple antibiotic, then you better be prepared to jump through hoops to prove why you need it, thanks to the influence of big pharma.

Luckily a small group of patriotic doctors, pharmacists and business leaders have had enough with the corrupting influence of big pharma.

As champions of medical freedom, The Wellness Company has made it easy for Americans to get the critical medications they need.

That’s why they created the prescription medical emergency kit.

Inside you’ll find an assortment of 8 critical, life-saving prescriptions you need to keep you and your loved ones safe.

The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit includes:

  • Ivermectin 18mg – 7 compounded capsules

  • Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin) 875/125 mg – 28 tablets

  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg – 12 tablets

  • Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg – 60 capsules

  • Metronidazole (generic Flagyl) 500 mg – 30 tablets

  • Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (generic Bactrim) 800/160 mg – 28 tablets

  • Fluconazole (generic Diflucan) 150 mg – 2 tablets

  • Ondansetron (generic Zofran) 4mg – 6 tablets

  • 1 virtual consult for the kit prescription from a doctor you can trust

  • 1 Emergency Medication Guidebook written by our Chief Medical Board for safe use

The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit has medicines that can be used to treat:

  • Anthrax

  • Bacterial Vaginosis

  • Bite Wounds

  • Bronchitis

  • Chlamydia

  • Clostridioides difficile

  • Colitis

  • COVID – 19

  • Gonorrhea

  • Giardiasis

  • Lice

  • Nausea & Vomiting

  • Pharyngitis

  • Pinworms

  • Plague (bioterror)

  • Pneumonia

  • Rickettsial Infections

  • Scabies

  • Shigella Infection

  • Sinusitis

  • Skin Infection

  • Strep Throat

  • Syphilis

  • Tetanus

  • Tick Exposure

  • Tonsillitis

  • Travelers Diarrhea

  • Trichomoniasis

  • Tularemia (bioterror)

  • Urinary Tract Infection

  • Vaginal Candidiasis

  • Viral Upper Respiratory Infection

Now you could go through the hassle of trying to explain to your doctor why you need these prescriptions.

But chances are you would only be wasting your time.

Thankfully, The Wellness Company’s telemed doctors are standing by, ready to write your prescription today.

When the crisis strikes, your Emergency Medical Kit will make sure you’re prepared.

So do yourself and your loved ones a favor.

Click here to get the Emergency Medical Kit today.

Order The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kits today!

(Note: Thank you for supporting businesses like the one presenting a sponsored message above and ordering through the links above, which benefits WLTReport. We appreciate your support and the opportunity to keep you SAFE and HEALTY!)

Here's more....


Is it "horse paste" that could very well kill you?

The Ivermectin Freak Out by our Government reminds me of the "War on Drugs" trying to convince you you'd surely die from marijuana -- despite there never being a single confirmed case.

Same goes for Ivermectin.

They claimed it was “horse dewormer” that could "put you in a coma” or even kill you!

How dangerous!

Except....that wasn't true.

Not even remotely.

In fact, it is one of the safest and most effective medicines we have.

What a combo, right?


You usually get one but not both.


Watch this short clip from the Greg Hunter Show, posted to Rumble by The Vigilant Fox, where Dr. Pierre Kory makes it very clear how stunningly safe Ivermectin is:

Safer that aspirin!

VigilantNews had more (I put my favorite part in bold):

But first, a quick look at his impressive credentials. “Pr. Jacques Descotes, MD, PharmD, PhD, Professor Emeritus, Claude Bernard University of Lyon (France), [is] a world-known toxicologist with a 40-year track [record] as an independent consultant for the pharmaceutical industry as well as an advisor to regulatory bodies worldwide,” BusinessWire wrote.

In March 2021, he conducted a review of Ivermectin’s safety profile based on over 350 articles - plus accessible web sources. Here are his conclusions:

"Ivermectin has been administered orally to hundreds of millions of people throughout the world in the past three decades. The assessment of reported adverse events temporally associated with Ivermectin exposure shows that Ivermectin-induced adverse effects have so far been infrequent and usually mild to moderate.

"It is noteworthy that no deaths have seemingly ever been reported after an accidental or suicidal overdose of Ivermectin. No greater toxicity of Ivermectin has been substantiated in elderly people despite repeated assertions that an ageing blood-brain barrier might lead to increased Ivermectin toxicity level. The positive clinical experience accumulated with Ivermectin administration led many medical experts to break away from early adamant contra-indications in pregnant women. Finally, several national pharmacovigilance networks around the world released information and opinions to ascertain Ivermectin safety in human subjects. So far, there are no critical safety limitations to Ivermectin prescription in current indications.

I also want to point out that no severe adverse event has been reported in dozens of completed or ongoing studies involving thousands of participants worldwide to evaluate the efficacy of Ivermectin against COVID-19."

Astonishing. So what would it take to overdose on Ivermectin?

“In order to overdose from Ivermectin, you have to take either a hundred or a thousand times the standard dose,” declared Dr. Kory.

“And there have been accidental poisonings where people have taken large amounts. But you know what happens every time? When they take these massive amounts of Ivermectin, it tends to affect them neurologically. They'll get confused. They might be stumbling — uncoordinated. They go to the hospital, and there's no treatment required. But within days, the patients return to normal. So, there's been no life-ending injuries. No deaths reported with Ivermectin. So, that shows you why it's one of the safest drugs in history, even at massive overdoses.

LOL.....100x and you MIGHT overdose?


If you took 100x the normal glass of water, that too could kill you.

Literally, that's true.

No, I'm serious....the normal glass of water is 8 ounces, right?

8 x 100 = 800 oz.

What would happen if you drank 800 oz of water?

It would be life-threatening, according to ChatGPT:

Ok, recap: Ivermectin is SAFER than Aspirin and SAFER or on par with Water.

AND effective.


The only thing it isn't?  👉 Profitable for BigPharma

Ahhhh, now you see why they hated it so much.

Safe and effective?

NOT liked by the FDA:

Have you figured out yet that Government is NOT here to protect you?

The SEC...

The FDA...

Pick whatever agency you want -- they exist to protect Big Banks (SEC), BigPharma (FDA), and on and on and on....

Now back to Dr. Kory, here is the full interview if you wanted to see it:

Pretty powerful stuff!

Want some?

Keep reading:

Need LEGAL and SAFE Ivermectin? Read This!

We just reported yesterday that a new leaked report says airlines are looking to BRING BACK MASKS in October.

Yes, really.

I fully expect a new "planned-demic" will show up right in time for the 2024 election.

Oh they might not call it "COVID" again and probably they won't.

But I fully expect a new one to hit.

And I'm going to be prepared this time.

Whether it comes in the form of a bioweapon or something much more mundane like a tick bite or a Bill Gates' mosquito – you and your family need to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

You know the Wellness Company and their great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of the corrupting influence of big pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic.

“I’ve strongly recommended “stock piling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family and patients have benefited.  Now, in summer of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.” – Dr. Jim Thorp

The Wellness Company and their doctors are medical professionals that you can trust and their new medical emergency kits are the gold standard when it comes to keeping you safe and healthy.

Be ready for anything, this medical emergency kit contains an assortment of live-saving medications – including ivermectin and Z-pak. The medical emergency kit provides a guidebook to aid in the safe use of all of these life-saving medications.

From anthrax to tick bites to COVID and even to a bioweapon like the plague – the Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency kit is exactly what you need to have on hand to be prepared.

Rest assured knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics on hand to help keep you and your family safe from whatever the globalists throw at us next!

The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit includes: 

  • Amoxicillin-Clavulanate (generic Augmentin) 875/125 mg - 28 tablets
  • Azithromycin (generic Z-Pak) 250 mg - 12 tablets
  • Doxycycline Hyclate 100 mg - 60 capsules
  • Metronidazole (generic Flagyl) 500 mg - 30 tablets
  • Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazole (generic Bactrim) 800/160 mg - 28 tablets
  • Ivermectin 18mg - 7 compounded capsules
  • Fluconazole (generic Diflucan) 150 mg - 2 tablets
  • Ondansetron (generic Zofran) 4mg - 6 tablets
  • 1 virtual consult from a doctor you can trust
  • 1 Emergency Medication Guidebook written by our Chief Medical Board for safe use.

The Wellness Company Medical Emergency Kit treats:

  • Anthrax
  • Bacterial Vaginosis
  • Bite Wounds
  • Bronchitis
  • Chlamydia
  • Clostridioides difficile
  • Colitis
  • COVID - 19
  • Gonorrhea
  • Giardiasis
  • Lice
  • Nausea & Vomiting
  • Pharyngitis
  • Pinworms
  • Plague (bioterror)
  • Pneumonia
  • Rickettsial Infections
  • Scabies
  • Shigella Infection
  • Sinusitis
  • Skin Infection
  • Strep Throat
  • Syphilis
  • Tetanus
  • Tick Exposure
  • Tonsillitis
  • Traveler’s Diarrhea
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Tularemia (bioterror)
  • Urinary Tract Infection
  • Vaginal Candidiasis
  • Viral Upper Respiratory Infection

Don’t be caught unprepared. Don’t be reliant on the broken and corrupt medical industrial complex. Don’t regret not acting today.

Order The Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kits today!

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