
Molecular Geneticist Explains How mRNA Vaccines Were Designed to Conquer the Human Mind

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Now that everyone realizes that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn’t actually prevent people from getting infected or passing the disease on to others, many people may be wondering why governments around the world were so insistent that people get jabbed.

Article by Cassie B., republished with permission from

Renowned molecular geneticist Dr. Michael Nehls has one theory. He has studied the effects of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines on the brain extensively and believes it is the way these jabs affect our minds that made governments so eager to push them on their populations.

He recently sat down with Tucker Carlson to discuss his book, The Indoctrinated Brain, and how these vaccines are affecting people’s minds. He explained how both the vaccines and the virus itself – which was engineered in a lab, funded by the Chinese government and partly paid for by American government – are vital components of a widespread assault on the human brain that seeks to squash the individuality associated with clear and healthy minds.

Dr. Nehls said that thanks to the brain alterations this causes, “we can be conquered, and we would even accept it.” He also believes “it’s not about health, it’s not about even money – it’s about conquering the human mind.”

He added that there were other ways that the vaccines could have been designed that would have avoided affecting the brain in this way, but vaccine developers actually chose to use this mechanism – and that doesn’t seem to be an accident.

Investigative journalist John Leake explained why this theory is so compelling. He described his own experience with COVID-19 in June of 2022. He followed the protocol of Dr. Peter McCullough and quickly returned to normal after three days of feeling extreme fatigue and symptoms that were not unlike those of a bad hangover. However, he reported that he felt very depressed for about two weeks afterward and was inundated with gloomy thoughts. Even as his body returned to normal and he started to resume typical activities like long walks on the third day, his mind didn’t bounce back as quickly.

Dr. McCullough told him that this was caused by neuroinflammation from the spike protein, which means that both the virus and the vaccine will have this effect.

“The spike protein causes an inflammatory immune response that affects the brain, and autopsy studies have even found the spike in the brain,” Dr. McCullough explained.

People who can’t think for themselves are easier to control

In fact, the effects on the brain may be worse among the vaccinated because they induce the body to produce uncontrolled amounts of the spike protein for an unpredictable duration. When you also factor in how the vaccine is not a sterilizing one, which means those who get it still often contract the virus – some of them multiple times – it is easy to see how so many people’s brains could be declining in a major way and one that those in power could seek to capitalize on to control our behavior so we remain dependent on them.

Leake said that he has noticed many people around him experiencing some type of mental lethargy. For example, he feels that the quality of deep conversations among people has declined recently. While many people can keep up with trivial conversations, those that require more cognitive energy seem to be challenging these days.

He also pointed out that the virus emerged right around the time that the World Economic Forum announced its scary Great Reset agenda. In fact, WEF founder Klaus Schwab himself said: “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine and reset our world.”

It would be awfully convenient for them to further their agenda if the masses were unable to think for themselves.

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Survival Beef Company CEO: “No Lab-Grown Meat, No mRNA Jabs, and No ‘Beef Crumbles’ Ever”

There are easy ways and hard ways to run a freeze-dried survival beef company in America. The easy way is to go with whatever governments and globalists want for us as they continue their attacks against the real meat industry. The hard way is to approach the system with the wellbeing of the people — and therefore the nation — as the guiding principle in all business matters.

That’s why Jason Nelson, CEO of Whole Cows, decided the country needed a better way to stock up on long-term storage beef. A former U.S. Congressional candidate, Nelson served in both the U.S. Army and U.S. Marines so he knows about serving the nation.

“I started off as a consumer ordering survival beef,” Nelson said. “That’s all it took to make me realize the industry was in desperate need of a makeover. Have you ever tried the ‘beef’ they sell?”

Nelson’s company is the only one in America that offers high-quality cuts of beef rather than the standard “prepper beef” that’s usually made from the cheapest meat available. Gateway Pundit benefits when readers purchase their sous vide, freeze-dried Ribeye, NY Strip, Tenderloin, or Beef Cubes through this link and the links below. Use promo code “WLT15” at checkout for 15% off.

Click here to see all that Whole Cows has to offer!

“My partners and I all agreed on three things we would never accept when we launched the company,” Nelson said. “No lab-grown meat, no mRNA jabs, and no ‘beef crumbles’ ever.”

Globalists like Bill Gates and members of the World Economic Forum are heavily promoting companies that are trying to sell “cultured meat” as a substitute for the real thing. Legislation is in play in several states that will not only allow lab-grown beef to be sold at grocery stories and restaurants, but to also keep that fact a secret from consumers. Lab-grown chicken has already been approved by the federal government in this manner and will be hitting stores this fall.

Injecting cows with mRNA “vaccines” is also in the works. Some say it will happen this year. Others say it will happen in 2024. mRNA “vaccines” have been injected into pigs since 2018, yet most Americans are completely unaware due to lack of transparency and no labeling requirements.

As for “beef crumbles,” Nelson’s company takes pride in offering the whole cow… well, most of it. Their cattle are purchased from trusted Texas ranchers and butchered locally. Then, the ground beef and lower quality cuts of meat are sold wholesale to other meat companies. Whole Cows keeps the best beef from their cattle and turns it into cubes that can remain fresh for over a decade without refrigeration.

“We send our cattle to the slaughterhouse where we have them custom sliced to ideal sizes for long-term storage,” he said. “Then, we sous vide the beef, freeze-dry it, and package it in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers to maintain maximum freshness for years.”

With beef prices going up and the cattle industry under attack from globalists, it behooves Americans to stock up at Whole Cows. Don’t forget to use promo code “WLT15” at checkout!

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