

Fox News OUTED For Censoring Star Host Jeanine Pirro

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Fox News is censoring star Jeanine Pirro as The Five co-host has been on a tour to promote her new book Crimes Against America: The Left’s Takedown of Our Republic.

A spokesperson for Pirro’s publisher, Winning Team Publishing, said that Pirro was “prohibited from speaking at Turning Point USA, church services, and various other events.”

“We are extremely disappointed that Fox News would censor one of their biggest stars,” the spokesperson said.

Pirro was forced to pull out of an appearance on a Christian commentary show that was scheduled to take place in Ohio this week.

The show’s host Gene Bailey said:

“We’re surprised after all promotion that she’s pulling out, especially after having been on the program last week.

“We’ve been announcing her appearance, and the promotion’s been out there for a while. Suddenly this morning, they informed us she would not be able to attend, and I’m awaiting Fox News for comment.”

Pirro said recently promoting her book:

“A lack of accountability has created this sense in America of a corrupt Department of Justice and FBI, and the sad part about that is that people in America want to believe everything is on the up and up and that Lady Justice is blind, but Lady Justice is not blind.

“The Supreme Court has essentially allowed itself to become a political football by not stepping in and making sure whoever leaked it — whether it is a clerk, a secretary, an assistant or a Supreme Court justice — that not identifying the person has been a self-imposed injury on the court.

“The most stunning part for me is the fact that 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, according to the Durham report, was the one who came up with the idea of a Russian collusion hoax.

“No one is fired. No one is suspended,” she said.

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1 year ago

Fox news is losing viewers as they are turning into CNN. Newsmax and twitter are gaining their viewers

nancy reyes
1 year ago
Reply to  Sheepdog70

I bet you soon they will fire her from fox.!!!

Jay Stires
Jay Stires
1 year ago

It doesn’t surprise me that this is happening, something is happening in this Country and it’s not what this Country stands for and should not be tolerated.

1 year ago


1 year ago

I love her she isnt afaid to tell it like it is

Carol Pummell
Carol Pummell
1 year ago

It is her responsibility to choose. God or the flesh…….