

National Cattle Herd ‘Shortage’ Is Orchestrated To Push Bug-Eating, Climate Agenda — Here’s The Proof

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The global elite have substantially reduced the amount of the nation’s cow herd in an effort to battle climate change and shift people away from meat-eating diets, so Americans need to get used to eating a lot less beef.

The majority of Americans are still eating animals that were slain some time ago, despite the fact that meat prices have been growing quickly in recent years. Regrettably, things are starting to tighten up, and inaction might have serious repercussions.

The USDA’s most recent biannual report indicates that the number of beef cows in the country has reached its lowest level since 1962. The cattle inventory was at 89.3 million head as of January 1st, 2023, which is 3% less than the amount from the previous year and the lowest level since 2015. 38.3 million cows and heifers have given birth to off of that total. In addition, there are 28.9 million beef cows, which are those specifically bred for slaughter and meat sales, which is the lowest number the agency has recorded since 1962 and a decrease of over four percent from previous year.

With 331 million people living in the United States, the decline in the stock of cattle presents a serious issue. It does not appear that the production of cattle will increase in 2023. There is a biological lag in the cow supply chain, so what consumers buy at the grocery store is a result of what cattle ranchers were dealing with a year or two ago. A fresh calf needs around two years to mature into the steak you will have for evening.

The corporate media is already calling beef “a luxury meat,” and prices are inevitably going to rise even higher in the coming months. If you love beef, you should stock up now.

However, the reduction in cattle inventory may be part of an orchestrated plot to enforce the bug-eating agenda of the globalist elite. It is well-known that many globalist elites have advocated for people to reduce their meat consumption and switch to a plant-based diet to combat climate change.

In this context, the decrease in cattle inventory may be a deliberate attempt to force people to eat insects, which some have touted as the food of the future. As reported by the BBC, “insects are nutritious, environmentally friendly, and a sustainable source of protein.” The United Nations has also promoted the consumption of insects to combat food insecurity.

It is not far-fetched to speculate that the globalist elites may be behind the shrinking national cattle herd. With millions of people around the world already facing acute malnutrition and starvation, the globalist elites may be forcing the masses to adopt a bug-based diet to further their agenda. The reduction in cattle inventory may be part of a larger plan to enforce the bug-eating agenda of the globalist elite.

As the situation worsens, livestock economist Kenny Burdine has warned that cattle production’s downward trend is unlikely to reverse in 2023. In an interview with the New York Post, Burdine explained that “There was no question that the beef cow herd had gotten smaller” and that “it takes about two years for a new calf to become the steak on your dinner plate.” This means that consumers will feel the effects of the reduced cattle population for a while.

Food shortages continue to intensify globally, with many countries experiencing unprecedented levels of suffering. In Yemen, the Global Hunger Index currently ranks it as the worst in the world for the level of hunger, with millions of Yemeni children suffering from acute malnutrition. In North Korea, ordinary citizens are reportedly dropping dead on the streets every day due to severe famine.

In the UK, the largest supermarkets are now strictly rationing many fruits and vegetables, with Tesco and Aldi limiting sales of tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers to three per customer. Asda has capped sales of lettuces, salad bags, broccoli, cauliflower, and raspberry punnets to three per customer, along with tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers. Morrisons has set limits of two on cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuces, and peppers. Approximately 22% of all British households skipped meals or even fasted for a whole day in January, and it is reported that four million children are now in food poverty.

The world is facing an impending food crisis that is set to get worse in the coming years. Global food production is expected to drop precipitously, regardless of what our leaders do now, due to various factors such as dwindling topsoil, fertilizer supplies becoming tight, and microplastics raining on farms worldwide. Many of our leaders understand the looming catastrophe but don’t want to alarm the public.

The situation is dire, and those who are wise will start preparing for the challenges ahead. Unfortunately, most of the population continues to assume that everything will magically work out just fine, and so they will not be ready for the horrors that are ahead of us.

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Half-Matter Wallace
1 year ago

I would eat Bill Gates’ liver before I would eat Klaus Schwab’s bugs.

1 year ago

Schwab and Gates and others should be executed or assassinated immediately

1 year ago

Maybe out west, but where live this article is a HUGE LIE!!!

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  sue

Sadly Warp speed murderer Epstein compromised rapist P0S RINO swamp thing Trump is no solution to ANY of our problems.

1 year ago

Does anyone really believe that these billionaires that push this eat bugs as their diet? I know I don’t. Although it would explain some of their idiotic ideas.