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WATCH: Catholic Woman Arrested AGAIN For Silently Praying Outside Abortion Clinic “You’re Engaging In Prayer Which Is The Offense”

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A Catholic woman was arrested for a second time for silently praying outside an abortion clinic in the UK.

Isabel Vaughan-Spruce was just acquitted less than a month ago by the courts in the UK for praying outside an abortion clinic, yet she was just arrested again for the same ‘offense’.

Vaughan-Spruce tells the police officers that she’s not protesting or doing anything prohibited, but they told her “But you said you’re engaging in prayer which is the offense”.


Here’s more from Daily Mail:

A Catholic woman has been arrested for silently praying outside an abortion clinic just weeks after being acquitted for the same offence.

Footage of Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, 45, director of anti-abortion group March for Life UK, being arrested for a second time outside the BPAS Robert Clinic in Kings Norton, Birmingham, has emerged online.

Officers can be heard asking Ms Vaughan-Spruce to ‘step outside the exclusion zone’ that exists around the clinic.

However, she tells officers that she is ‘not protesting’ and ‘not engaging in any of the activities prohibited’.

The officer responds: ‘But you’ve said you’re engaging in prayer, which is the offence’, to which she replies: ‘Silent prayer.’

The officer then says, ‘No, but you were still engaging in prayer. It is an offence’, to which Ms Vaughan-Spruce answered: ‘I disagree.’

She was arrested by six officers after silently praying outside the clinic.

In a statement through her legal representatives, ADF UK, Ms Vaughan-Spruce said: ‘Only three weeks ago, it was made clear by the court that my silent prayers were not a crime.

‘And yet, again, I have been arrested and treated as a criminal for having the exact same thoughts in my head, in the same location.

‘The ambiguity of laws that limit free expression and thought – even in peaceful, consensual conversation or in silent, internal prayer.’

According to ADF UK, a charity committed to protecting freedom of expression who have campaigned against the buffer zones, Ms Vaughan-Spruce has been subject to bail conditions prohibiting her from going near the abortion facility.

It’s unbelievable that internal, silent prayer outside an abortion clinic is an offense in the UK. They claim that by silently praying she’s intimidating and harassing women who want to get an abortion, which is ludicrous.

According to her bail conditions Vaughan-Spruce cannot go back to the abortion clinic to pray. I guess she’ll have to be acquitted again of her thoughtcrimes before she can return.

Vaughan-Spruce wrote a recent op-ed where she explains that she’s prayed in front of this abortion clinic for 20 years, 19 of which was never a problem. Only since the UK passed new amendments to the Public Order Bill last year creating these ‘exclusion zones’ has she been harassed and arrested for praying.

Does this sound familiar? Biden’s DOJ has been prosecuting people for something called the FACE Act, The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act. They had prosecuted Catholic Mark Houk under this Act, but he was recently found not guilty.

If the leftists continue to control our government, you can bet the FACE Act will make it illegal to silently pray, just like in the UK – all in the name of baby-murder.

Thankfully we have a Constitution to protect us – for now.



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1 year ago

What is meant by “exclusion zone”? He’s not saying that was the offense, the prayer was. How can they try to legislate someone’s silent prayer? You might as well tell them not to think! No one is going to tell me I can’t talk to God! I might have understood if he’d said that being in the “exclusion zone” was the offense though I don’t know what that means but he specifically said the praying was the offense.

1 year ago

These people are loosing their minds. They don’t have any actual crimes going on, they have to find some way to make it look like their doing their job? When in actuality they’re not.