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WATCH: Biden Admin Endorses Gain-of-Function Research, Saying They Don’t Care About The Deadly Risks

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The Biden administration has declared that risky gain-of-function research is acceptable despite the potential for fatal consequences.

Gain-of-function research is too valuable for the U.S. government to discontinue conducting it, according to Biden’s National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby. reports: Asked by a reporter if Joe Biden believes the reward of gain-of-function research outweighs the risk, Kirby acted like he was unaware of the term and said, “I got a history degree, you’re going to have to… say that again?”

When the reporter repeated the question, Kirby answered by saying Joe Biden thinks gain-of-function research “is important to help prevent future pandemics.”

“He [Biden] understands that there has to be legitimate scientific research into the sources, or potential sources, of pandemics so that we understand it so that we can prevent them from happening,” Kirby said.

He continued, “But he also believes that research has to be done, must be done in a safe and secure manner and as transparent as possible to the rest of the world so people know what’s going on. So, I think that’s a fancy way of saying, ‘Yes.’”

Twitter user WarClandestine commented on the clip, writing, “Watch John Kirby play stupid and avoid answering about the cost-benefit analysis of Gain of Function research. He claims that he doesn’t understand the question because ‘he has a history degree’. But eventually, he said ‘yes’ the benefits outweigh the risks.”

It’s worth noting gain-of-function research is the most likely culprit behind the COVID-19 pandemic as the majority of sources say it leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, whether by mistake or on purpose.

Of course, the U.S. military was also involved in the Wuhan biolab along with Hunter Biden, EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others.

For a while, mainstream media and establishment politicians wouldn’t admit the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab and pushed the narrative it came from a wet market where someone ate a diseased bat.

However, a Wall Street Journal report published on Sunday revealed a leaked classified document showing the U.S. Department of Energy has joined the FBI in saying the Covid pandemic likely escaped the Wuhan lab.

Despite this development, Kirby told the press on Monday, “There is not a consensus right now in the U.S. government about exactly how COVID started.”

With Biden’s own government agencies admitting the Covid virus leaked from the Wuhan lab, people need to remember how often the mainstream media dismissed similar claims as “conspiracy theories” as seen in the compilation video below:

The tower of Covid lies is beginning to crumble down around the globalist puppets as the sleeping masses start to wake up to the elitist NWO agenda.

Watch the full Monday press conference below:

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1 year ago

They Don’t!
As a matter of fact, the risk is actually thier goal!!! ????

1 year ago

So now you know folks. Biden and the Democrats don’t care about your health at all. They’re going to continue to fund gain of function research no matter the risks. So a million dead in this country and millions more worldwide wasn’t enough death for them. Never mind the forced vaccinations with experimental vaccines that have harmed or killed possibly millions more here and around the world. How much longer do we tolerate these treasonous scum?

Robert WD
1 year ago

Joe wants to be able to run his own pandemic and shut our country down again, but still let illegals run loose across our borders!!!!!