

WEF Orders World Governments To Begin ‘Severely Rationing Meat and Fuel’ To Usher In The Great Reset

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The globalists at the World Economic Forum have instructed governments worldwide to begin severely rationing meat and fuel in an acceleration towards their Great Reset agenda.

According to a study conducted by globalist-aligned academics, World War II-style rationing is the answer to the so-called climate crisis. reports: The authors believe a rationing scheme would be more equitable than individual allowances, because unlike carbon taxes and carbon-credit schemes – both of which have been proposed in response to climate change – rationing would not allow the rich to “buy their way out”.

A rationing scheme could also have broader applications, the researchers claim. “The concept of rationing could help, not only in the mitigation of climate change,” says joint lead author Dr Nathan Wood, “but also in reference to a variety of other social and political issues – such as the current energy crisis.”

He added:

“The cost of living crisis has shown what happens when scarcity drives up prices, with energy prices rising steeply and leaving vulnerable groups unable to pay their bills. Currently, those living in energy poverty cannot use anywhere near their fair share of energy supply, whereas the richest in society are free to use as much energy as they can afford.”

Although the study is nothing more than a piece of research at this stage, that could change very quickly, especially as we near 2030, a key date for the UN’s Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Accords. It is already clear that the world will not meet its commitments.


New schemes are already being implemented to limit personal mobility and consumption, and there will surely be more to come. Recent proposals for so-called “15-minute cities” have drawn widespread criticism across the world, including in cities such as Oxford, where pilot tests are due to take place.

From 2024, Oxford will be divided into a series of six separate “neighbourhoods” by the local council, with car-travel between them heavily restricted and subject to fines if unauthorised.

Residents of the city will be able to apply for special permits to allow them to drive into other neighbourhoods for up to 100 days a year. Otherwise, they must use public transport, bike or walk in order to move from one neighbourhood to another.

At the same time, the anxiety and catastrophism about the effects of climate change is increasing, or being increased. At the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos a few weeks ago, “climate migration” was one of the main talking-points.

Al Gore, in a blustering speech, suggested the West would soon be overwhelmed by 1.5 billion migrants fleeing the effects of climate change, who would make it impossible for individual nations to govern themselves normally. Some, such as WEF-approved author Gaia Vince, are claiming that we must encourage these migrants to come here right now, to minimise their suffering.

There is also alarm about the prospect of private geoengineering, after an American startup, Make Sunsets, announced it had released helium balloons containing reactive gas in an attempt to cool the earth. A number of pilot releases took place in Mexico in April last year. Although the Mexican government has now moved to prevent further releases within its territory, Make Sunsets has vowed to continue with its crowdfunded project, and the technology it used is cheap and readily available, virtually guaranteeing that other groups will try to emulate it, with unknown consequences for the environment.


The inspiration for the proposed measures comes from the rationing that took place during the Second World War, especially in countries like Britain, where there were severe restrictions on consumption of a wide range of commodities and resources to aid the war effort. In Britain, rationing outlived the war, and only came to an end eight years later, in 1953.

Researchers note that compulsory food rationing was more popular than voluntary changes to behaviour when resources became scarce. Also, despite shortages, rates of malnutrition actually went down in Britain during the Second World War.

One of the main problems, according to the aforementioned new paper, is that people today just don’t understand the scarcity they are facing in the way that Britons did seventy years ago. A world of instant gratification and consumer goods at the touch of a button is not conducive to a sense of deprivation or urgency about scarce resources.

Dr Rob Lawlor, joint lead author, said: “There is a limit to how much we can emit if we are to reduce the catastrophic impacts of climate change. In this sense, the scarcity is very real.”

The authors of the study believe rationing wouldn’t be the first step, however. An information campaign to promote the benefits of rationing, along with stricter regulations, would be required condition the public over further restrictions. Such a campaign appears to have already begun.

Initial regulation would focus on the “biggest polluters”, such as international travel, the fossil-fuel industries, as well as farming. This would help to create scarcity in “products that harm the planet”, and rationing could then gradually be brought in to meet people’s basic needs in a “fair” manner.

Rationing could be regulated through the use of a carbon allowance, using “carbon cards” that function like bank cards but track and limit usage of all commodities. Or, alternatively, the government could simply ration particular goods, such as flights, petrol, and meat.

Rationing, they claim, could speed up the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy and sustainable lifestyles and infrastructure. Rationing petrol, for instance, might drive government investment in low-carbon methods of transport, such as rail and tram systems. Price controls on rationed goods would also “prevent prices from rising with increased demand, benefiting those with the least money,” they say, in an almost total negation of the entire basis of market economics, and endorsement of state control of resources.


Once again, it seems choice won’t be a factor in whether we change our lifestyles to suit the climate-change narrative. This is already particularly evident with regard to consumption of animal products, as plant-based alternatives and new proteins fail to attract consumers on the basis of their taste or the health claims made about them.

Alternative mechanisms to get people to stop eating meat, including enhanced social pressure, inflation and even direct government intervention – a meat tax? – are now the preferred methods of advocates of fake foods, rather than making their own products desirable or tasty or just not hideous.

Nobody will make rationing desirable, but it can be made necessary. Just look at what’s happened to eggs as a result of the ongoing “eggflation” saga. In many stores, purchases of eggs have had to be limited, due to artificial scarcity, mainly as a result of punitive measures to combat avian flu but also due to a spate of mysterious fires and fertility problems affecting egg producers. There’s no reason why artificial scarcity on a grand scale could not be created. Such an experiment is already being trialled on the Dutch farmers, who are being expropriated at a rate that would make Robert Mugabe blush.

Although the rationing scheme proposed in the new study is just that – a proposal – it’s likely to be a matter of when and not if. Some form of personal carbon allowance will be introduced to curb our individual consumption: governments have been talking about them for nearly twenty years, at least. The real question we should be asking ourselves, then, is, how can we fight back? We will have to find a way to make our representatives realise that they are the ones with no choice, not us. And disregard our wishes at your peril.

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1 year ago

Where are our Military snipers when we really need them

1 year ago
Reply to  Sheepdog70

dancing in high heals, with the ADMIRAL Levine

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 year ago
Reply to  Sheepdog70

No “Cojones”!
They’ll NEVER fight their “gods”!

Madam DeFarge
Madam DeFarge
1 year ago
Reply to  Sheepdog70

Your military now worries about pronouns not protecting America. They will be the ones trucking us to the killing fields.

1 year ago


1 year ago

There is a simple response to Comrade Schwab: “Stick this where the Sun don’t shine!” There is no climate change crisis for a simple scientific truth: Any thermodynamic analysis of CO2 shows that it physically cannot increase the air temperature more than 1.5 degrees Centigrade (1.5C) as its concentration rises. At 100 parts per million (ppm), CO2 absorbs and re-radiates enough infrared radiation from Earth’s albedo to increase air temperatures about 1.2C. Increase CO2 to 400 ppm and it will only add another 0.2C. Double today’s concentration to 800 ppm and CO2 can only contribute less than 0,1C to the air temperature. That is, CO2 has already warmed the Earth about 1.5C and cannot increase it any further. Now, ask yourself this: Why do the climate alarmists (Kerry, Gore, Thunberg,…) declare that a we must spend trillions of dollars on “green energy” to prevent the average temperature from rising more than 1.5C by 2100 when CO2 has already added its maximum capable temperature increase? Are the climate alarmists just plain stupid, paying little attention to the real science? Or, do they know exactly what they are doing, which is to foment a climate emergency that throws the general population into a panic so that they will not balk at spending these enormous sums of taxpayer funds? Lift the covers a bit more and you will find a very sophisticated “wealth transference scheme” behind the whole act that would make Karl Marx, author of the Communist Manifesto, so very, very proud.

Fred Byther
Fred Byther
1 year ago
Reply to  Smoky95

You are correct. The real science doesn’t support this nonsense at all. Living in the Holocene interglacial, but still in the Ice Age that has lasted about 2 million years, we are in the late stages of this interglacial warming, after which the temperatures globally are expected to drop significantly. This is the real science that contradicts the entire premise of “global warming”.
Also, CO2 concentrations of less that 500 ppm are nearly one tenth of Co2 contration in the past. Those periods of higher CO2 were accompanied by a robust biosphere where life flourished. We are not only in a CO2 STARVED state, the obsession with CO2 is insane. As carbon based lifeforms, CO2 is vital to all life on the Earth.
But as most of us know, the “Climate Change” agenda has nothing to do with climate, or science at all, It is a malevolent effort to assume total control of humanity. It is sheer evil in its true intent, including the elimination of 90% of us so the self proclaimed “elites” can own and control every aspect of humankind.

1 year ago
Reply to  Smoky95


1 year ago


1 year ago

What the Biden administration, the Democratic Socialists Party and their Rino allies have done to our country in the last 2 years should be enough to enrage every American out here. This act could put Americans over the top. Go ahead keep pushing. Do much more to us I believe it will end in a real insurrection.

1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond

Hell, that is exactly why they are trying to disarm us. They know that as long as we are armed we will retaliate!!

Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond

Yes, it should be enough. But it isn’t. There are still millions (yes, millions) who still back Biden for no reason more than they still hate Trump. As Ron White has said, “You can’t fix stupid.” When someone refuses to listen to others, when their only argument is attacking personally, when any form of logic closes their mind that person IS stupid and stupidly arrogant.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eyes of Horus

Biden and Trump both slurp the dingus of our enemy Israel and NEITHER are qualified to lead US

Mensa Graham
Mensa Graham
1 year ago
Reply to  Larry47460

May I ask why you have this feeling for Israel?

1 year ago

Where are our representatives in congress goung to stop this crap from happening to our country. Biden is signing our health care over to WHO andHe will follow this guy right down to the depths of hell to sell us out and our food supply. They already have started to do it with eggs and meat. They sold out our fuel. When America are you going to wake us and clean this congress of communists out of our WH, out of our country.

1 year ago

WWIII will severely cramp General Schwab’s plans. Funny how world wars seem to pop up right when evil tyrants rise up to the rule the world.

Hate communism
1 year ago

I don’t listen to rich elites who think we will bow down to communism. You will not starve my family. Your days are number. Biden is just about to be dragged out of office along with Obama and Soros and tar and feather then hung on the White House lawn for crimes against humanity. You rich elites thinking the world will obey you. The masses are done with your lies about climate change, fake meat, eating bugs, destroying the food supply and destruction of energy for people. I dare you to come to America and stand on a stage and tell the Americans to bow down to you. You don’t have the nerve. Your old rich elites who will be charged with crimes against humanity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hate communism

Public Hunging are absolutellynecessary

1 year ago
Reply to  Janko

I totally agree with you. People need to get hungry for get awake

Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
1 year ago
Reply to  Hate communism

Thing is, millions WILL bow down to the WEF and Schwab because they think Communism will work THIS TIME. It hasn’t before and it won’t now. As the axiom goes, “You don’t know what you got until you lose it.”

1 year ago
Reply to  Eyes of Horus

communism is the system they foist on you when they want your nation destroyed

John A OwenD
John A Owen
1 year ago

This Ass Clown is way past it’s ‘Use-By Date!’

1 year ago

First.Take away all food and fuel from this cartel called WEF.When done ,then we can discuss the rest of their evil agenda

1 year ago

All people of the world arm yourselves. Each and every Globalist Demorat, ex pos potus, world leaders etc are all part of thie one world order. You and I will be slaves but these bastards male and female will live high on the hog as they do now. NOW NOW is the time to fight back.
They are easy targets their security teams will piss their pants and crap them like joey biden does when the bullets start flying to wack this bald headed pedofile.

1 year ago

Why is this allowed? The WEF is the self appointed leader of the world

1 year ago
Reply to  Brya

Because the world Government was already installed and also usa signed in as well

1 year ago
Reply to  Janko

Not true. UN is a representative body of governments, not a government. US signature with a non nation, Gates funded WHO is theater.

Eyes of Horus
Eyes of Horus
1 year ago

Who gave this dipstick (the nice way to put it) the power to dictate the the rest of humanity what to do? Where did he get off saying he knows what’s good for everyone on the planet? Think of what he’s said: “You’ll own nothing and be happy” (you’ll BE nothing and be happy), “Xi, your government is the best in the world” (Communism is the best form of government for the world), “I am God!” That grizzled old crepitation has nothing to occupy his mind and life except himself and what he wants. It doesn’t matter that it will cause excessive damage to the whole world. It’s all about money and control and POWER.

Dan Gilfry
Dan Gilfry
1 year ago

Worms and bugs for the Humans!
Sirloin Steak and Roast Duck for the Foreign Nazi Rulers!
Now THAT’S Rationing!

G. H. Schorel-Hlavka

What is wrong with you people, don;’t you care about this poor woman who just lost about 30m dollars and need you to sacrifice yourself and donate monies to Uklraine so she can replace her lost monies?
Flashback 2022: Ukrainian Politician’s Wife Caught at Border with $29 million Packed in Suitcases

Ion Tractoristu
Ion Tractoristu
1 year ago

No meat, scarce foods, limited travel, no fuels, living in pods, concentration in cities?!
Deja vu all that crap, since this was the daily life in the Communist Eastern Block.
Nothing new.

Klud Norber
1 year ago

Marxism sets the lower classes against the upper classes, to destroy them. Members of the middle class are bereft of their means and thus become poor. These are set against the rich, to destroy them, for they are the ones who hold power. Then you have only two groups, the lower class and the upper class, the haves and the have nots, one set against the other. This is the Marxist divide and conquer strategy. Get rid of the middle clase by making them poorer, then set them and the other poor people against the rich people, divide and conquer. Marxism does not resolve a class struggle. It creates one. This is done for the people from among whom Karl Marx rose to his influence, the Jews. It has taken over Russia and China and several other countries. Now it seeks to take over the West and all its nations. The proposals of the WEF serve this purpose. And it will not be defeated by asking politely, or by us merely pointing it out to each other.

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by together_we_stand
1 year ago

Amen to that

1 year ago

God will have the last word

David Jeffrey Spetch
David Jeffrey Spetch
1 year ago

Not even 30% of the Earth’s surface area is land. 10 percent of that land is occupied by humans which means that 3% of the worlds surface area is occupied by humans. WEF scum bags can’t even prove that humans raise the temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere 0.000001 degree yet they keep right on lying to the public with their weak and pathetic divide, conquer and depopulate with their climate change rhetoric agenda. They belong in prison and their assets etc. given back to the countries they have been using useful idiots to steal from for decades.

David Jeffrey Spetch
David Jeffrey Spetch
1 year ago

you like your job, they seek to take it away with their green energy death trap agenda while they load your country with illegals and other immigrants even though your country has more people than homes because they are striving for you to lose your job, can’t pay your rent or mortgage and be replaced over the guise of a lie they call a crisis. WEF climate change agenda = you die over their lies.

Last edited 1 year ago by David Jeffrey Spetch
1 year ago

Klouse should be permanently muzzled. Ban

1 year ago

Al Gore is a lunatic and the others need to be put down. I don’t like saying that but they are going to destroy the world if people listen to them. They are trying to bring back the failed first time the Third Reich.

Last edited 1 year ago by johninnil
1 year ago

We need to kill these monsters and let God sort them out

Tom Joad
Tom Joad
1 year ago

I WILL NOT COMPLY. 3 things we can do to fight back: 1) Get rid of the CELL phone. 2) Grow a garden and 3) Use Cash!!. Up the TRUTH!

1 year ago

I remember an old joke about what would happen to the sahara desert were managed by communists? Answer: Nothing for 20 years, and then there would be a shortage of sand.

Same thing here. Just like the 1938 “War of the Worlds” broadcast, the best solution is simply to stop listening. Martians are not invading the earth. there is no “climate crisis’, and the world does not need any of the “solutions” proposed by the WEF.

1 year ago

Fortunately, in the US, many grow their own beef and even pump their own oil. If not the latter, consider converting to propane, or even to hydrogen. Roger Billings’ high school science project was successful, converting a postal jeep to hydrogen! Anyone can make their own hydrogen with an home built hydrogen generator.

Stop watching Netflix and Hollywood kosher entertainment. Use your ingenuity and get to work.

1 year ago

Government cannot cede elected authority to an NGO, a Non-governmental organization like privately funded WHO. This is a paper tiger built with napkins.

Annoying Truther
Annoying Truther
1 year ago

Sounds like a declaration of war to me.

1 year ago

Then by sheer coincidence three oil refineries explode and burn…. Boy they acted on orders fast eh?

1 year ago

What exactly are these self appointed leaders resetting too? A hivemind where they are the Gods?

1 year ago

Rewatching Soylent Green” for first time in decades. is this what we really need/want?

1 year ago

The WEF Has No Authority To Order World Governments To Do Anything.

1 year ago

Remember when the GR was supposed to be a good thing for everyone?

1 year ago

People started keeping records at the end of the little ice age.
One should expect a warming trend.

Willy nilly D
1 year ago

These “elite” can stick right up their rear and take one to the dome. First off there’s no way the door is being opened more for third world hoards to join US ranks , get in line. Adding one billion people to the US is a bit rich. As soon as Jose dipshit Biden is gone all this garbage he brought with him and doesn’t see nor hear will dissipate just like these moron cultist climate change believers. The science is out there that proves climate change is real in that the temperatures of the earth is raised 1 degree every 100 years ! Hardly an emergency or crisis. Labeling everything a crisis or emergency allows these jerks to take our taxes and dole them out as they see fit. I’m done paying taxes for the next two years.Well if you ask me these dinks have proven that protecting Ukraine’s border is more important than our own. Allowing illegal trash in and putting them up is thee American way my ass. Promoting degenerate behavior with trannies for all us is what we want? Try as they may, thee elite, to curb or restrict and see the bear your poking eventually claw your face off and shit down your throats. FOAD motherfuckers

Madam DeFarge
Madam DeFarge
1 year ago

Slavers should be shot.

Mensa Graham
Mensa Graham
1 year ago

Fair share = communism. Trust that the elites will never be subjugated to rationing. They will, however, be reintroduced to the guillotine!

Afshin NejatD
Afshin Nejat
1 year ago

Okay, so is everyone willing to recognize the problem now? It’s called “fifth columnry” and there are major, historically evident players in that racket.

1 year ago

Germany will be nuked off of the face of the Earth

1 year ago

Germany will be nuked off of the face of the Earth and if you won’t post my comment, then YOU will also be nuked off of the face of the Earth

Half-Matter Wallace
1 year ago

I would eat Bill Gates liver with a fine Chianti, before I would eat Klaus Schwabs bugs.

Goldie Elaine
1 year ago

well it wouldnt let me sign up for news

Goldie Elaine
1 year ago

it wouldnt let me join for news

1 year ago

there are not leaders they should be hanged for crime agains humanity and trying to have the planet for themselve its a non sens ony humans have that arrongance you dont see that in the animal kingdom

1 year ago

The NWO pretends they control us already.
We must show the so called elites they do not control anything!

11 months ago

Exactly how does WEF have any authority over national governments whatsoever?