

23-Yr-Old Woman Dies Suddenly and Unexpectedly After ‘Catastrophic Reaction’ To Pfizer Vaccine

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After receiving two doses of the Covid vaccination, a 23-year-old woman with an undiagnosed neurological illness “suddenly and unexpectedly” died in her sleep, an investigation heard on Friday.

People who felt abandoned and disregarded after seeking aid for prolonged Covid or negative reactions to the Covid vaccinations have been speaking to the standing committee on health, aged care, and sport.

According to information provided to the investigation, Amy Segdwick passed away “sudden and abruptly” in her sleep in April of last year as a result of adverse reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

Her parents claimed that because their daughter was diagnosed with an undiagnosed neurological issue in 2019, the covid vaccine was given priority for her.

Amy Segdwick died ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ in her sleep in April last year after she experienced negative side effects from the Pfizer vaccine, her mother has told a parliamentary inquiry. Picture: Facebook reports: The 23-year-old sought advice on the best vaccine for her condition and was told with minimal discussion that she should select Pfizer, the inquiry heard.

The decision set off a “catastrophic” chain of events, her mother said.

“She fell off a cliff after receiving her Pfizer vaccines,” Mrs Segdwick told the inquiry.

Amy noticed she had numbness in her feet and became unbalanced over the month in between vaccinations.

After the second jab, the numbness spread up her legs and her limbs ached. Mrs Sedgwick said Amy had trouble standing and walking when they made an urgent doctor’s appointment.

The doctor said Amy’s worsening health could not be attributed to the vaccine.

“When we questioned the conclusion, we were firmly told we needed to let the vaccine theory go,” Mrs Sedgwick said.

“We were sick with worry.”

She told the inquiry her daughter’s condition deteriorated rapidly, to the point where she was unable to stand, walk, write or cut up her own food.

Mrs Segdwick’s “strong, brave, resilient daughter” had to be hoisted into bed during “the extremely traumatic time”.

She died in the early hours of April 2, seven months after receiving the vaccine.

“I know Amy would be here today living her wonderful life, but for receiving that vaccine,” Mrs Sedgwick told the inquiry.

“Our initial concerns about the adverse reaction should not have been so grossly dismissed.”

Dismissal by medical experts was a recurring theme throughout the inquiry on Friday as the committee heard from people living with long Covid.

Associate Professor at UNSW School of Clinical Medicine, Nada Hamad, told the committee she faced extreme difficulty in getting recognition and treatment despite her medical expertise.

“I was repeatedly not heard or dismissed,” she said.

“People would look at me and say: ‘You must be making this up’.”

Professor Hamad told the committee there was a “reluctance to acknowledge what was happening” to her even though she could articulate her symptoms in medical terms.

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Hate communism
1 year ago

Do you think these doctors are going to admit anything bad about the vaccines. Their big paychecks would end. Pushing poison into your body for personal gain. Parents who don’t have enough guts to say no. Lawsuits are probably the only way to stop the killing of young people in America. Biden has destroyed your country. Just remember illegals don’t have to get any vaccines. Just you stupid Americans.

1 year ago

I care little for the opinions of doctors associated with the CDC, NIH, FDA and so forth. In fact any doctors that I would go to that told me to put that swill in my body would be immediately replaced.

Last edited 1 year ago by Raymond
1 year ago
Reply to  Raymond

I have no use for medical Dr’s. The only thing they know is what Big Pharma wants them to know. The Deep State owns big Pharma and Big Pharma owns the FDA, The CDC and Congress, all bought and paid for and Big Pharma wants every one sick. I started seeing a Naturalist Dr. about 6 years ago and am healthier today then I have been in years. Medical Dr’s. treat the symptoms wjhere Naturalist Dr’s. treat the Cause

1 year ago

Well,wasn’t that the intention with the mRNA?

1 year ago

It had to be raw milk or organic food that caused this???

1 year ago

It is really amazing how the world has gone downhill.

1 year ago

Corporate-owned doctors have been pushing toxic drugs for profit for generations. Most come with a long list of potentially horrific side effects. For them, the mRNA jab was just a matter of degree- and large bonuses!