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FBI ‘Raid’ On Biden’s Delaware Home Was All For Show — They Gave Him Advanced Warning And Time To HIDE Evidence

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There is a double standard to how the FBI and DOJ treat their political opponents, those who are opposed to the ‘Administrative State’, and how they treat other Americans, and this story is the perfect illustration of how that double treatment unfolds in real life.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United States and its principal federal law enforcement agency, but they do not treat all Americans with equal justice as we have seen in the surprise pre-dawn raids of the private homes of other Americans.

Unlike the violent raids we have seen the FBI conducting on American Conservatives, America’s progressives- like Democrat Joe Biden are being treated very gingerly by the group.

In an ongoing investigation into the scandalous discovery that Biden had in his possession top secret classified documents laying around from his time as Vice President, Biden’s Rehoboth Beach, Delaware home was inspected on Wednesday by the FBI,  and reportedly the Pro-progressive agency found no documents with classified markings.

“Bob Bauer, Biden’s attorney, did say the FBI took with them handwritten notes and some materials for further review. The search took three-and-a-half hours,” CNN reported.

“Bauer said that like last month’s search of Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware, agents ‘took for further review some materials and handwritten notes that appear to relate to his time as Vice President.’ Bauer confirmed earlier in the morning that investigators were searching the home. The search was planned and had the ‘full support and cooperation’ of Biden, Bauer said,” the outlet added.

“The DOJ’s planned search of the President’s Rehoboth residences, conducted in coordination and cooperation with the President’s attorneys, has concluded. The search was conducted from 8:30 AM to noon. Under DOJ’s standard procedures, in the interests of operational security and integrity, it sought to do this work without advance public notice, and we agreed to cooperate,” Bauer said. “The search today is a further step in a thorough and timely DOJ process we will continue to fully support and facilitate. We will have further information at the conclusion of today’s search.”

It was reported on Tuesday that the FBI conducted a search of the Penn Biden Center much earlier than previously known or disclosed by the White House, leading to speculation of a cover-up, according to reports by Conservative Brief, who reported:

“An anonymous official for the Department of Justice informed CNN that there was no search warrant and the November search was done with the cooperation of the president’s legal team, proving that Biden and his attorneys were not surprised by the inspection of his Beach home this week.”

CNN went on to report with more details: “The White House and Biden’s legal team did not previously disclose the FBI’s November search, in contrast to a search conducted by the bureau earlier this month at Biden’s home in Wilmington, Delaware. This latest revelation raises additional questions about how transparent the White House and Biden’s legal team have been about the government’s investigation into the president’s handling of classified documents, which is now being overseen by special counsel Robert Hur.”

Earlier this month, Attorney General Merrick Garland said: “On November 9, the FBI commenced an assessment, consistent with standard protocols, to understand whether classified information had been mishandled in violation of federal law.”

NBC News noted that in addition to collecting the documents, FBI agents also scooped up several notebooks at Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware home that he wrote during his tenure as vice president, according to sources who are familiar with the probe.

“The notebooks were seized because Biden’s notes on some of the pages relate to his official business as vice president, including details of his diplomatic engagements during the Obama administration, and may refer to classified information, this same person said, adding that the notebooks do not have classified markings on them, but some of the handwritten notes inside them could be considered as such given their sensitive content,” the report said.

“Other pages in the notebooks, while they may not contain potentially classified information, could still be considered government property under the Presidential Records Act because they pertain to official business Biden conducted as vice president, according to the person familiar with the investigation,” the report continued.

“The notebooks include a mix of handwritten notes from Biden on various topics, both personal and official, according to the person familiar with the seizure. On some pages, Biden wrote down things about his family or his life unrelated to public office, said this same person. On other pages, he memorialized in writing some of his experiences or thoughts as vice president at the time, according to this same source,” NBC News noted further. A source told the outlet that Biden kept a large number of notebooks but it isn’t clear how many were confiscated by FBI agents.

The NBC report added:

Biden’s possession of notebooks from his time as vice president that includes notes about official business he conducted in that role raises questions about whether he appropriately followed procedures for preserving presidential records. It also raises questions about whether the notebooks are considered personal or official, and how other vice presidents and presidents who kept similar notebooks while in office have handled theirs. Federal law allows presidents and vice presidents to write and, upon leaving office, keep diaries and notes of a “personal” nature, so long as they hadn’t shared the material with anyone in the time they held office.

In addition to the classified documents, there are also questions surrounding a lack of transparency on why the U.S. Secret Service apparently does not have any visitor logs from Biden’s Delaware home.

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1 year ago

Of coarse the Democrats Brown Shirt FBI only go after Trump Supporters and could care less about the Corrupt and Traitor Deep State Globalists who own them

1 year ago

Since when has co criminals turned on each other?Never!The 2008 election made sure America would be destroyed by their own government.,

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago

Honestly, I can not blame the FBI for completing their search in 3 & 1/2 hours… None of them wanted to fondle Jill’s unmentionables in her drawers or closets.

1 year ago

There is no reason to pretend any longer that we the people trust our government.

1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  sue

Way Past TIME!!! AMEN

1 year ago

No schiff, I said that a week ago!!!