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Sen. Ted Cruz Reveals What DOJ Is Really Worried About in Biden/Documents Case

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Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) stated on Wednesday that while it’s unlikely that Joe Biden will have many issues as a result of the revelations that he kept sensitive information in several locations, Biden’s Department of Justice will have significant problems.

Given that Attorney General Merrick Garland named a man who is anticipated to be lenient toward Biden as a special counsel, Cruz told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the White House “is not really concerned” about Biden’s legal exposure in relation to his possession and improper handling of classified information:

“Merrick Garland appointed as a special counsel someone who had been the right hand to Rod Rosenstein, who had been the right hand to Chris Wray. I think they believe this special counsel is going to give him a slap on the wrist, slap it under the rug, and be done with it. They’re not really worried, I think, about facing an indictment.

“Here’s what they are worried about. Merrick Garland and the White House wanted to indict Donald J. Trump. They wanted to indict him for (classified documents found at) Mar-a-Lago, and suddenly, they’re in a world of hurt politically, because if they bring that indictment, even someone who’s been asleep under a log for 100 years will wake up and say, wait a second, why do you indict that guy for doing the same thing the other guy did? That’s their problem, and it’s why they’re so dismayed.”

Cruz said the past week has been the worst for the Biden White House since the “disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan,” when 13 American troops were killed in a terror attack.

“They’ve had incompetence, they’ve had scandal, they’ve had corruption, they’ve had dishonesty and they’ve had hypocrisy,” Cruz said:

“And all of that has been on display in the past week. You know, when we saw Merrick Garland stand up and appoint a special counsel to investigate Joe Biden, I joked on my podcast, ‘Verdict with Ted Cruz,’ that Merrick Garland was like a hostage video. He was blinking out S-O-S, because he was so unhappy.

“And he was forced to do it. He had no choice but appoint a special counsel, given the utter hypocrisy in going after Trump. And it was discovered that Biden had classified documents, not in one place, not in two places, not in three places, but four and five. He had ’em stuck by his Corvette, he had ’em stuck in a room by his garage, he had ’em in the Penn Center, he had them in the residence — you’ve got to wonder where Joe Biden didn’t have classified documents.

“And all of his preening about irresponsibility. He’s either being dishonest or incompetent. But what’s clear is, he’s sending Karine Jean-Pierre out there to dissemble, to mislead, to say things that are factually false. And day after day, she stands up and says falsehoods from that podium, and I think it’s only going to get worse.”

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been peppered with questions in recent days about Biden’s alleged mishandling of classified documents. She is now refusing to comment, insisting that she’s already answered questions with her non-answers.

On Wednesday, for example, Jean-Pierre told a reporter who raised the subject:

“So, I’m going to say this, and going to keep it really short today: As it relates to this particular issue, as it relates to an ongoing legal matter, I’m going to refer you to the Department of Jus- — Department of Justice with the — that specific. As it relates to anything that you want to ask of us about this — this legal matter, I would refer you to the White House Counsel Office. I’m going to leave it there. Not going to go into it further.”

In his conversation with Hannity, Sen. Cruz decried the “double standard” of the Justice Department leaking damaging information regarding Donald Trump, even releasing a photograph of top secret documents found at Mar-a-Lago, but saying nothing about a similar discovery at Joe Biden’s Penn Center office six days before the 2022 election.

In Biden’s case, the DOJ clammed up: “They were not going to leak it because they want Democrats to win. And I think one of the very worst legacies of Joe Biden has been the deep corruption of department of justice and the FBI,” Cruz said.

“Why didn’t the FBI raid Joe Biden’s Delaware home, why didn’t they raid the Penn Center? Why did they just trust the lawyers? Hey, you guys look around, see what’s there. Because it is a patently double standard.”

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1 year ago

So it’s still pass the buck & give the crimes a washing with congress!!
They All gotta go, they are the TRUE usless eaters!!!

Donnie Laymon
Donnie Laymon
1 year ago
Reply to  John

I agree 100% .We need to clean out everyone in the government and start over. These people are Communists and most should face incarceration or execution publicly for everyone to see.

1 year ago

Brandon is a corrpt POS

1 year ago

What goes around comes around.Democrats have heaps of Karma coming their way.

victor B Khalil
victor B Khalil
1 year ago

they play to win by anything even destroy the country

1 year ago

The Buffoon and his criminal family are just waiting for the Hammer to finally fall. Because we all pray that the truth which has been exposed fully will expose the criminal acts of a re-treaded Obamy regime.

1 year ago

There is no doubt that Joe made these docs available to Hunter to use blackmailing other countries in dealmaking to profit the Biden family.