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NY Professor Calls Cops Murderers For Shooting Man Who Nearly Stabbed Them To Death

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A professor at Stony Brook University in New York is receiving criticism for being “anti-cop” and “blaming the victim” after he called two Suffolk County cops who killed the knife-wielding criminal who attempted to kill them as murderers.

“This was a wellness check — why didn’t they de-escalate the situation?” Prof. Anna Hayward posted on a Stony Brook Medicine Instagram.  “Why did a man have to die? What about the man they murdered?”

The Suffolk County officers responded to a call that the suspect was threatening his roommate with a fire extinguisher.

The man stabbed and seriously injured two officers, one with life-threatening neck wounds. At least one of the cops pulled out his firearm and fatally shot the suspect in self-defense.

Lou Civello, vice president of the Suffolk County PBA, slammed Hayward’s “murdered” comments as beyond the pale.

“While a Suffolk County Police Officer fights for his life after being stabbed in the neck, an anti-police Professor slanderously referred to him and his partner as murderers.”

“Stony Brook University Professor Dr. Anna Hayward displayed a stunning level of ignorance when she callously commented on Stony Brook’s official page denouncing the police and condemning the actions of these hero cops who stopped an armed criminal and saved others from harm.”

Hayward, R Anna, common senseless

He said a “quick glance” at Hayward’s Twitter account reveals numerous anti-law enforcement posts, including calls to “defund the police.”

“Stony Brook University must denounce Dr. Hayward’s hateful comments and should put an end to the harmful anti-police bias in their program,” said Civello while praising the work of Stony Brook’s hospital medical staff in treating the two officers.

Stony Brook University officials, in a statement Monday night, said, “We appreciate the members of law enforcement who work to keep our community safe, and we are proud of our doctors at Stony Brook Medicine for the quality medical care they provided the injured officers; we wish them a speedy recovery. The comments made online were from what appears to be a faculty member’s private account that is not affiliated with Stony Brook University.”

Her private account [now deleted] may not be affiliated with the school, but she sure is!  No amount of weasel-worded statements can cover up that fact.

In answer to the multi-credentialed (Ph.D. MSW and SBU School of Social Welfare) Haywood’s query, “….why didn’t they de-escalate the situation?”  Because, madam, they were trying to keep from being stabbed to death!

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Joeza Cuckster
Joeza Cuckster
1 year ago

Maybe if that criminal had placed a knife to her throat and stuffed her p*ssy with sausages the lunatic teacher may feel differently about the police.

Hate communism
1 year ago

If a Republican had said that that school would of fired that person in a minute of hearing about. Colleges better get it together. Your commie ways are coming to a end. No more tax money for you unamerican unmoral communists. Where do you find professors who hate America and her laws and morals? I bet this woman doesn’t even stand up for her race. China would love her. Give her a one way ticket out of America.

Robbie CheneyD
Robbie Cheney
1 year ago

Was the knifeman a neqro? Inquiring minds want to know. Suspect Hayward had a ‘connection‘ to the knifeman…

1 year ago
Reply to  Robbie Cheney

Yes, the wacko teacher was having an affair with Tyrone Scruggs. She may be having his mulatto baby.

1 year ago

You can’t Fix Stupid!!

1 year ago

By her own logic, if she called the police she is the murderer.

Matthew Schumann
Matthew Schumann
1 year ago

A Fulbright Scholar. That pretty much says it all. Sad
Also, “every single time”

1 year ago

Facts, logic, reason, equality under one law for all, proof of guilt before condemning & destroying a person’s life, respect for what others worked to obtain, are all anathema to Demorats & Commies. Even math is racist to them. How can people allow them to rule? They are obviously driving the human race into an evolutionary black hole. It does not stop at simply manipulating the masses of humanity to enslave them, they are destroying it.