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WATCH: U.S. Scientists Claim Nuclear Fusion Energy ‘Breakthrough’ That Will Give Us Free And Unlimited Energy

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American scientists believe they’ve made a nuclear fusion energy “breakthrough” that could lead to free energy.

From The Washington Post, “U.S. to announce fusion energy ‘breakthrough'”:

The Department of Energy plans to announce Tuesday that scientists have been able for the first time to produce a fusion reaction that creates a net energy gain — a major milestone in the decades-long, multibillion-dollar quest to develop a technology that provides unlimited, cheap, clean power.

The aim of fusion research is to replicate the nuclear reaction through which energy is created on the sun. It is a “holy grail” of carbon-free power that scientists have been chasing since the 1950s. It is still at least a decade — maybe decades — away from commercial use […]

The development was first reported by the Financial Times on Sunday. It was confirmed by two people familiar with the research, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to avoid getting ahead of the official announcement. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm was slated to make the announcement Tuesday at a media event billed as the unveiling of “a major scientific breakthrough.”

These lines from the Financial Times were particularly concerning:

“Initial diagnostic data suggests another successful experiment at the National Ignition Facility. However, the exact yield is still being determined and we can’t confirm that it is over the threshold at this time,” it said. “That analysis is in process, so publishing the information . . . before that process is complete would be inaccurate.”

Two of the people with knowledge of the results said the energy output had been greater than expected, which had damaged some diagnostic equipment, complicating the analysis. The breakthrough was already being widely discussed by scientists, the people added.

I hope it’s true but I have many questions.

First off, was this discovery a victory for diversity and inclusion or was it made by a pale, stale, white male?

If so, it’s a product of colonialism, white supremacy, racism, bigotry, hate and all that and should probably just be discarded for that reason alone.

That said, if it is a legitimate breakthrough and the technology is allowed to be developed, how is it going to be used?

As it stands today, traditional nuclear power is the most efficient form of major power generation ever made but our rulers are actively shutting down our nuclear power plants in the name of environmentalism.

(Just last year, the Biden regime also announced they’re banning incandescent lightbulbs.)

We could already have extremely low cost energy in America (as they have in France) if our ruling oligarchs invested in building more nuclear power plants across the country but instead they’re spending $100 billion in Ukraine and taunting Russia to nuke America.

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david russell
david russell
1 year ago

I suspect there is a lot less here than meets the eye.

1 year ago

Tesla tech is free energy, without nuclear anything!!!
They been hiding it since 1900!

1 year ago
Reply to  John

Actually it’s prior to 1900, Nicola Tesla wanted to create ‘free energy’ but was prevented from doing so.
It just goes to show how corrupt this system of things is when we could have had FREE energy for well over a CENTURY but instead WE’RE FORCED TO PAY FOR IT.