
Fully Vaxxed Katy Perry Insists, Without Evidence, That Her Weird Facial Spasms Were NOT Vaccine Related

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Fully vaccinated Katy Perry now claims, without providing any evidence to the contrary, that the strange facial spasms she had during a recent performance in Las Vegas were unrelated to the injection.

She started experiencing facial paralysis and spasms on October 22 during a performance at her Las Vegas residency PLAY, which led many to believe that she was either having a stroke or bell’s palsy, both of which are frequent adverse reactions to the immunization. reports: In a strange moment, Katy Perry’s right eyelid kept closing as she did the pose at the end of her performance.

The 26-second clip shows Perry’s right eyelid closing four times before she opens it by touching her temple.


Responses to the incident were divided on the internet. While some have joked that there was a clone issue, others have blamed the mRNA injection.

One user commented, “The first time the eye slowly closes while the other one is wide opened. This is one of the strangest things I’ve ever seen.”

Another said, “either she pretended really well or this is one of the most convincing glitches ever. The way her eye went normal when she touched by it.”

“We have the “Pfizer smile” and now the “Pfizer eye,” another said.

Another user said, “What the hell is wrong with her? Too much glue on her eyelash or computer glitch?”

The pop star said Thursday that the viral video was all part of the show’s performance and just a gimmick.

“Welcoming all my #flatearthers #spaceisfakers #birdsarentrealers #skyisntbluers to come see my broken doll eye party trick IRL in Vegas next year!” Katy Perry wrote on the caption.

Not everyone accepted Katy Perry’s explanation for what happened.

“This post seems like a distraction,” one responded on her post.

One commented, “Obviously, that was not a party trick. She knew exactly what to do to get the lid open, and it kept closing. I look for her “taking a break” in order to get treatment, or cancelling dates if treatment does not work.”

“Sorry, as a Doctor my first thought was of a minor stroke. It’s highly possible, but there are several other possibilities ranging from simple muscle spasm to drug reaction,” another said.

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1 year ago

On top of the eye issue, what the hell was she wearing? What is wrong with these performers that believe they must dress themselves up to look like idiots and cartoons. If I pay that much money to see a performance, I don’t want to look at that BS. They need to get a grip on reality. And yes, the eye issue is definitely from the jab. It won’t go away so she will need to get used to it.