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The Woke Pope Again Demands Open Borders For Everyone

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During the Eucharistic celebration and the Canonization of Blessed Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, he told the audience of religious people from different countries that they are a beautiful “fruit salad,” which is beautiful. “In this way, you well-represent the breadth of Bishop Scalabrini’s work, the opening of his heart, for which, so to speak, a diocese was not enough.”

“Of great importance was his apostolate in favor of Italian emigrants. At that time, thousands were leaving for the Americas. Mons. Scalabrini looked at them with the gaze of Christ, of which the Gospel speaks to us; for example, Matthew writes: “Seeing the crowds, he felt compassion for them, because they were tired and exhausted like sheep that have no shepherd” (9:36). And he took great care with great charity and pastoral intelligence to ensure them adequate material and spiritual assistance.”

“Even today, migration is a very important challenge,” he said. “They highlight the urgent need to put fraternity before rejection, solidarity with indifference. Today every baptized person is called to reflect the gaze of God toward his migrant and refugee brothers and sisters. There are many to let his gaze broaden our gaze, thanks to the encounter with humanity on the way, through proximity concrete, according to the example of Bishop Scalabrini.”

Pope Francis is an open-borders pope. His views are globalist. He thinks this helps to build “a world of peace and well-being for all.”

“To foster fraternity and social friendship, we are all called to be creative, to think outside the box,” and “savor the richness of the encounter of diversity.”

He was talking with many missionaries, and they should love migrants, but when it comes to protecting a nation, we need rules. That is something Pope Francis doesn’t understand as a religious leader but continues to meddle in.

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1 year ago

well, the border is blown, beyond regulation, overwhelmed, and the situation is similar in italy, bum’s rush, here they come, so i hope his eminence i happy…

1 year ago

So he’s opened the vatican gates with the Walls surrounding it???

Thats where the illegal immigrants need to go, he have all the wealth!!! Amen