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WATCH: Ron DeSantis Joins The Fun — Sends Two Plane Loads of Illegal Aliens to Martha’s Vineyard

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Wednesday saw the arrival on Martha’s Vineyard of two planeloads of illegal immigrants thanks to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis committed to dropping off illegal immigrants in liberal states months ago and set aside funds for a program to accomplish just that.

“Yes, Florida can confirm the two planes with illegal immigrants that arrived in Martha’s Vineyard today were part of the state’s relocation program to transport illegal immigrants to sanctuary destinations,” the governor’s communications director, Taryn Fenske, told Fox News Digital.

Fox News obtained video of the migrants deboarding the planes at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts.

“States like Massachusetts, New York, and California will better facilitate the care of these individuals who they have invited into our country’ by incentivizing illegal immigration through their designation as ‘sanctuary states’ and support for the Biden Administration’s open border policies,” Fenske said.

“As you may know, in this past legislative session the Florida Legislature appropriated $12 million to implement a program to facilitate the transport of illegal immigrants from this state consistent with federal law,” she added.

Fox News Digital reported in April that Florida’s budget since-approved by the State Legislature included $12 million for the Florida Department of Transportation to remove illegal immigrants from the state and relocate them.

Martha’s Vineyard is famously known as a playground of rich progressives, including former President Barack Obama, who bought a multimillion-dollar house there in 2019.

While his office also told reporters that they could be sent “to other ‘progressive’ states whose governors endorse blatant violations of federal immigration law,” DeSantis has been suggesting for months that the illegal immigrants be sent to either Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware or the liberal playground Martha’s Vineyard.

“It is not the responsibility of Floridians to subsidize aliens to reside in our state unlawfully; we did not consent to Biden’s open-borders agenda,” the governor’s office said.

In November, DeSantis said dozens of migrant flights landed in Florida at the behest of the Biden administration, and he threatened at that time to send them to Delaware on buses.
Meanwhile, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, began sending thousands of illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C., in April as the migrant crisis overwhelmed border states. In August, buses from Texas started heading to New York City and Chicago. Arizona has also sent buses to Washington.

Vice President Kamala Harris, was put in charge of tackling the border crisis by President Biden shortly after they assumed office in 2021, sparked a firestorm this week after she twice declared the U.S. southern border is “secure,” while administration officials estimate an average of 55,000 so-called “gotaways” each month, or illegals who successfully make it into the country without being detained.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson had Arizona Gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on his show Wednesday night to discuss these transfers of migrants to liberal “sanctuary” cities.

[Florida] “flew them there based on the idea that communities, border towns in Texas and Arizona are bearing all the brunt and maybe the people who make these policies should have to live with them,” the host noted. “What’s your view of that?”

Lake told Carlson that got an initial “kick” out of watching liberal mayors [like Mayor Bowser in Washington D.C.) throw their hands up in frustration after migrants were shipped into their backyard.

“This is “life every day for us in these border states,” she told Carlson, before explaining why she doesn’t think this is the way to go.

“I’m not a fan of it, Tucker,” Lake said. “I mean, we’re just taking people who are here illegally who shouldn’t be here, and moving them further inland.”

The candidate described her “bold, aggressive plan” to secure the border.

“We’re going to call it what it is. We’re going to issue a declaration of invasion on day one, get troops on the border in the form of our National Guard,” she said. “We’re going to stop people from coming over, and we’re going to stop the cartels from having control of our border.”

Lake told Carlson, that as a mother, she does not like that her state has become “the pipeline for the most dangerous, deadly drug this country’s ever seen—called fentanyl—number one killer of young people.”

She added that the drugs are coming through Arizona “because Joe Biden gave control of the border to the cartels.”

“On day one, we are going to invoke Article 1, Section 10 authority and take back control of our border away from the federal government,” Lake declared. “It’s a dereliction of duty what they’ve done. We’re not going to let Joe Biden drag the state of Arizona down while he’s trying to destroy this country.”

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1 year ago

BRAVO potus DeSantis in 2024. Now send thepresident of Mexico. send them all illegals, refugees to every demorats home/neighborhood

1 year ago

Don’t leave out the Hamptons or Connecticut!

1 year ago

Love it. Bravo????????????

1 year ago

This is so wrong at every level. Drugs coming in, migrant drowning trying to get here, burden on border states, crimes of illegals besides entering illegally. We have no lawful president or administration. We atre bordering on civil war and that is what democrats want.

1 year ago
Reply to  Eagle

Yes ….exactly. Provoking war so UN military can take
over I read.

1 year ago

Ron DeSantis is the man.Can we clone him and get some more intelligent smart leaders.,sorely needed in America today.

Jake FrizzellD
Jake Frizzell
1 year ago
Reply to  Babsan

Sadly, this ‘kabuki theatre’ with Ron was scripted by the khazjeu abomination….

Jake FrizzellD
Jake Frizzell
1 year ago

Our current trajectory can only be altered by by rounding up the khazjeu abomination and all of those who support and provide nourishment to the khazjeu….

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago

They should be flown back to their country of origin…