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Alex Jones Jumps Off The Trump Bandwagon And Endorses Ron DeSantis For President In 2024 — ‘He’s WAY Better Than Trump’

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Longtime Trump supporter Alex Jones, who was instrumental in helping to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016, has declared his support for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as a candidate for the presidency in 2024.

Jones said he “pig-headedly” supported Trump in recent years “to keep him in office because of the nightmare scenario if Hillary or Biden got in.

Now that we are experiencing the nightmare scenario of the Biden administration, Jones said “With that, I am supporting DeSantis,” Jones said. “I don’t just judge a man’s actions. As Christ said, judge a tree by it’s fruits. I can also look in his eyes on HD video and I see the real sincerity.”

“This is what Trump should be like,” Jones said of DeSantis. “I’ve been hammering this point, and he’s doing it now. We have someone who is better than Trump. Way better than Trump.”

Is Alex Jones making a huge mistake?

Recent polling suggests the 2024 Republican primary race will be a two-horse race between Trump and DeSantis. A Florida poll released Tuesday suggested DeSantis might have a slight lead over the 45th president of the United States.

Both potential GOP candidates have been under attack by the Deep State and mainstream media.

The FBI executed an unprecedented raid at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence last week, shocking the world and resulting in a surge of donations to the Trump cause.

DeSantis harshly criticized the FBI for the raid, which Trump says was politically motivated and could only happen in a third-world banana republic.

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1 year ago

Just want to put it out there, Jones is 100% a Mooosaad operation!

Elizabeth Jessee
Elizabeth Jessee
1 year ago

When the criminals in DC can do this to a former President, what do you think they WILL do to YOU. 87,000 GASTEPO AGENTS!!!!!

Doris lauter
Doris lauter
1 year ago

Trump is much smarter on all subjects, and De Santis has modeled himself like Trump, even so far as to copy what Trump said “THey are really after yOU but I am in the way” Trump has proven himself to handle the country, bring prosperity and who knows about DeSantis? Trump should be president, and after his term is over, then think about DeSantis.

Stay Calm
Stay Calm
1 year ago
Reply to  Doris lauter

Will you still think so even after watching this?:
Wake up Trumptards ~ He’s a Huge Pedo with Epstein and Here is Your Proof!!!

Hank Jensen
Hank Jensen
1 year ago

Only one problem! DeSantis is a lawyer, so- he has no-
functioning cause and effect genes.
right/wrong switch.
functioning moral compass.
loyalty to we the people.
and, since he’s a lawyer, we don’t know who his puppeteers are!

Victoria Johnson
Victoria Johnson
1 year ago

Don’t any of you get it yet? EVERY WORLD LEADER IS A TRAITOR, all of them, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, BOW DOWN TO SATAN. Sorry for using caps, but it is so frustrating. Trump, Biden, De Santis, ALL OF THEM SATANIST PAEDOS. Alex Jones is a mossad bitch, and in case the USA citizens have not yet realised it, YOU ARE ALL ISRAEL’S BITCHES.

Stay Calm
Stay Calm
1 year ago

Don’t get so excited every time something happens.
They control BOTH SIDES of the chessboard.
It’s only a move according to their sinister plan.
Nothing new.
They are all actors that belong to the same theater club.