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Eric Trump Drops Major Revelation About Mar-a-Lago Raid And Says The Video Will Be Released ‘At The Right Time’

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The raid on the Trump family home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida has made news not just for the raid itself, but also for what is being uncovered as transparency about the search and its questionable protocols unfold.

Eric Trump shared with Sean Hannity on Fox News about the raid and the aftermath, as the American public responds to the FBI tactics.

He said after the raid that “my father’s poll numbers have absolutely gone through the roof.”

The previous night on the show he said that people “were trying to buy [wife] Lara and I dinner to apologize for what the United States government has done to our family, Sean.”

“I mean, you wouldn’t believe the energy out there,” the former president’s son said. “I’ve been through all these firestorms over the years. I’ve never seen America more mad than it is right now.”

“People are not buying the sham in the country,” he said.

“They’re targeting Donald Trump. They’re targeting his family. They’re targeting everyone around him,” he said.

Former President Donald Trump has been forthcoming with his thoughts on social media about the events.

On Monday the former president made the argument that the raid is not only an issue for him but for the entire nation.

“The country is in a very dangerous position. There is tremendous anger like I’ve never seen before, over all of the scams, and this new one — years of scams and witch hunts, and now this,” he said to Fox News.

“There has never been a time like this where law enforcement has been used to break into the house of a former president of the United States, and there is tremendous anger in the country — at a level that has never been seen before, other than during very perilous times,” he said.

“People are so angry at what is taking place,” he said. “Whatever we can do to help — because the temperature has to be brought down in the country. If it isn’t, terrible things are going to happen.”

Questions are being asked about the judge who signed the warrant for the FBI raid.

One Trump attorney, Alina Habba, said that this judge recused himself from the former president’s lawsuit against Clinton this year when she spoke to Fox News host Jesse Watters on Friday, The Daily Mail reported.

“They needed a little drama, so they throw this out there. They go to the judge that had recused himself in my Hillary case a month ago,” she said.

“I would like to know why he recused himself in that case, but then he was able to sign this warrant. I want to know that,” she said.

It was on June 22 when Judge Bruce W. Reinhart recused himself from the Trump lawsuit against Clinton.

Then, six weeks later, the same judge signed the warrant to search Mar-a-Lago.

What could have been the reason the judge would have felt the need to recuse himself from the Trump lawsuit against Clinton but not on the Trump warrant?

And it gets more interesting.

In his recusal, the judge said “The undersigned Magistrate Judge, to whom the above-styled cause has been assigned, hereby recuses himself and refers the case to the Clerk of Court for reassignment pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 455.”

The code he referred to says, “Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”

Another attorney for former President Donald Trump has spoken on what she witnessed during the raid of his Florida home by the FBI.

Attorney Christine Bobb drove to the Trump family home when she was called about the raid. The raid was in progress when she arrived.

“I was stuck in the parking lot there to you know collect paper and answer questions,” she stated.

Bobb related the disagreement between the Trump family and the FBI over whether the CCTV cameras should be turned off.

The FBI demanded the cameras be turned off, and Trump refused.

“The cameras were only off for a very short period of time,” Bobb said.

Now, Eric Trump said he has some information that the family is going to share, Conservative Brief reports.

He appeared on Fox News and spoke to host Sean Hannity where he said that they ignored the FBI’s request to take off the surveillance cameras and they do have video of the search.

“Will you — you still have the surveillance tape, is that correct? Will you — are you allowed to share that with the country?” the host said.

“Absolutely, Sean. At the right time,” the son of the 45th President of the United States said.

“That’s why cops wear body cams. They don’t tell you to turn off cameras. They want transparency. And that’s not what happened here,” he said.

“And you know for a fact they asked for the cameras to be turned off,” the host said.

“They asked for the cameras to be turned off,” Eric said.

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1 year ago

You know what ticks me off is Eric, Don Jr, Don Sr, and all the other morons kept telling us for 3-4 yrs now they have the evidence to cook FBI DOJ, Clintons Obama Bidens and yet never once did they drop the Bombshell. Their shills on Fox news Tucker, Hannity Ingram et al, is the reason I stopped wasting my time with Fox news. Now its local and what I can gleam from reliable sources and sure as hell not ABC CBS MSNBC NBC or CNN
Put the video up now or s hut the f up

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago
Reply to  APB

This is because certain people are being protected… Joe, Hunter, Clinton, Obama

Biden Hunter child pole sick fuck!.jpg
Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

Protected? You tell me?

biden joe fondling naked woman.jpg
Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

10% for the big guy

biden hunter 10 big guy 2.jpg
Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

Or this…

obama pedophilia.jpg
Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

or this again? Hillary is in Hunter’s Laptop…

clinton hillary putala.jpg
1 year ago
Reply to  APB


1 year ago
Reply to  APB

Remember about all the evidence Adam Schiff had proving Donald Trump was a Russian Agent.

Frank S.
Frank S.
1 year ago

The time to release evidence will be immediately after Trump’s lawyers have sufficiently reviewed CCTV for criminal prosecution. This requires, naming names, securing related documents (unredacted affidavit, warrant, inventory, etc.) Be patient.

Matthew Goettel
Matthew Goettel
1 year ago

Each “side” of the battle of the rich men of the earth claims evidence that they have will carry the day. It never gets released or is ignored and nonconsequential when it is…

1 year ago

Did you check with jew boy kushner first?