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WATCH: Alan Dershowitz Doesn’t Hold Back His Anger — SLAMS The Biden Administration For ‘Weaponization Of The Justice System’

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Attorney Alan Dershowitz joined Rob Schmitt on Newsmax Monday night to give a legal perspective on the FBI’s raid on former President Trump’s Florida home at Mar-A-Lago earlier in the day and accused the Biden administration of weaponizing the justice system.

Dershowitz said, “A raid is supposed to be a last resort. But this administration has used the weaponization of the justice system against its political enemies. It’s arrested people, denied them bail, put them in handcuffs, used all kinds of techniques that are not usually applied to American citizens.”

“I suspect it has to do with some investigations leading toward Donald Trump and some of his associates,” he added. “Again, the law is clear: You don’t engage in a raid unless you’ve exhausted all of the other remedies unless you believe that the person you raided will destroy the evidence. Raids are not the first recourse in America; they’re the last recourse.”

Dershowitz continued, “And so, the government will have to show a court eventually that they exhausted all other possibilities, or they had a reasonable basis for believing that the evidence would be destroyed if it was sought in the normal legal course of events through a subpoena. Raids are a last resort, but today, in many instances, it’s being used as a first resort.”

The famed lawyer then said regarding the FBI’s raid on Trump’s home, “Unless there is evidence that we’re not aware of, this is improper, and it is misconduct. We have to find out what the facts are. But we have to make sure the shoe fits on the other foot, that we want to make sure what’s being one here is something that Democrats would not oppose if it were being done to Democratic operatives, as well. I don’t think it passes the test.”

(From The Post Millennial – READ ORIGINAL)

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Half-Matter Wallace
1 year ago

So, who was “weaponizing” the JustUs system while Trump was president?

1 year ago

The Deepstate, just like today!

david russell
david russell
1 year ago

The problem is that while Democrats are evil, Republicans are cowards (or bought).

Few, if any, are actually afraid yet. But by the time fear becomes dominant, it will be too late.

My advice to all: Learn Mandarin.

david russell
david russell
1 year ago

What next? Well, the obvious answer is that the 87,000 new [armed] IRS agents will go after Republicans. The obvious way to do this is to force states to relinquish their voter registration records.

Being a Republicans is becoming an act of courage. Unfortunately, most Republicans are cowards.

1 year ago
Reply to  david russell

Next is Trumps arrest!

1 year ago

Amazing. How come the FBI DOJ never went after Clintons, Obamas, Bush2 and Bush 1. How come Obama took all classified and non classified papers to his Presidential Libray oh wait that is still not built is it, no and where are all of these documents. How about Hillary destroying and Blech bit of phones, computers, laptops and all. How come No NSA records are ever found. Welcome to the Global America folks, how the hell do you like it. Now Court has ruled (demorat controlled) Congress gets Trumps tax records. WOW, so how come we cannot see pelosi, et al tax records. I go with my grandpop, the only good politician/judge is a dead one. said that in 1921 and so damn correct right now. Why does the IRS need 87,000 more agents they got what 100,000 under obama for enforcing obamacare. Folks buy your weapons and plenty of ammo. US Govt just bought 1/2 trillion rounds and none of that is for the US Military it is for HHS, Social Security, Treasury, IRS

1 year ago
Reply to  APB

Who the hell do you think you are, staying TRUTH & FACTS???