

COVID Vaccine Now The Leading Cause Of Death In Canada? New Data Reveals The Truth

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According to newly released government data, “unknown” causes is now the leading cause of death in the Canadian province of Alberta since the rollout of the COVID vaccine.

Public health officials are sounding the alarm because in 2020 and 2021, the number of deaths from “unknown” or “ill-defined” causes rose at a rate that has never been seen before.

Compared to data from before the pandemic, the number of deaths with no known cause is more than seven times higher than in 2019. reports: In total, there were 3,362 of these deaths in 2021, which is more than double the 1,464 in 2020. In 2019, there were only 522.

There is no data in this category prior to 2019.

The leading causes of death in the province are now as follows, via Calgary CTV News:

  1. Ill-defined and unknown causes (3,362)
  2. Dementia (2,135)
  3. Covid-19 (1,950)
  4. Chronic ischemic heart disease (1,939)
  5. Malignant neoplasms of the trachea, bronchitis, and lung (1,552)
  6. Acute myocardial infarction (1,075)
  7. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (1,028)
  8. Diabetes Mellitus (728)
  9. Stroke (612)
  10. Accidental poisoning by and exposure to drugs and other substances (604)

According to Calgary CTV News, the province’s health officials have said they are looking into the data, but “have yet to provide an explanation for the sudden spike in deaths of unknown causes.”

Despite the ‘experts’ dragging their feet to come up with an explanation, there has been an astonishing amount of evidence linking the experimental vaccines to the sudden rise in unexpected deaths. Ever since the vaccine was first introduced in late 2020, insurance companies across the globe have reported a massive 40% increase in death claims, many of which involve working-aged individuals.

There has also been a jaw-dropping rise in mortality among millennials aged 25-34 over the past year and a half. Following the experimental vaccine’s rollout, all-cause mortality jumped by 84% in this age group.

Coincidentally – or not – Alberta’s spike in unexplained deaths coincides perfectly with the introduction of the experimental COVID vaccine. Furthermore, the public health bureaucracy’s failure to classify a cause of death for nearly 3,500 cases – especially with today’s modern technology – is downright inexcusable, albeit unsurprising.

It’s also worth pointing out that Covid deaths amounted to just over half of the total number of deaths with unknown causes, indicating that the spike in death is not being driven predominantly by the virus or the pandemic. This mirrors the data cited above, which also showed that a small percentage of the increase was attributable to Covid deaths.

Unfortunately for Americans, this type of data is being suppressed and our public health officials are doing everything in their power to downplay the adverse side effects that are caused by the experimental vaccines while continuing to green-light more doses. However, either way – if the vaccines are driving this massive uptick in unexplained death, or not – this issue needs to be seriously investigated, but the ‘experts are refusing to do so in order to keep the approved narrative intact.

Meanwhile, the body count just keeps on piling up. This universal Covid vaccination push will go down as one of – if not the – worst atrocities ever perpetrated on mankind.

How many more unexplained deaths need to keep popping up until Americans and the rest of the world see some accountability for what’s happened?

Sadly, we are likely in for a lot more in the near future.

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Half-Matter Wallace
2 years ago

Vaccine deaths, aka SADS.

2 years ago

I never believed the b*******! Never vaxxed Never boosted!

2 years ago

Dr. Birx’s Bombshell Vaccine Admission: I Knew Vaccines Wouldn’t Protect Against Infectionfile:///C:\Users\ambrosia\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image002.jpg
 By Jack Davis  July 25, 2022 at 5:27am
Former White House COVID response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx has admitted that she knew COVID-19 vaccines would not prevent infection.
During the administration of President Joe Biden, intense pressure has been put on individuals to be vaccinated against the coronavirus on the grounds that they were group responsible for spreading the virus — a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” as Biden has put it.
That philosophy underpinned vaccine mandates supported by the Biden administration that upended employers and the military.
Birx, the coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force under former President Donald Trump, said faith that the vaccines created a wall of protection was misplaced – and she knew it.
Does what Dr. Deborah Birx said surprise you?
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While she still pushed the vaccines as a measure of protection against severe illness, she told Fox News host Neil Cavuto on Friday’s “Your World” that vaccines are not perfect protection. The statement came when Cavuto asked Birx how unvaccinated Americans should feel after news that Biden — the chief promoter of vaccines — had become infected himself.
“I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection,” she told Cavuto.
“And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization,” she said.
Although noting that the vaccine does confer some protection from the virus, she added: “Let’s be very clear: 50 percent of the people who died from the omicron surge were older, vaccinated.”
Birx is now backing a policy of testing and treatment, citing Paxlovid, the drug given to Biden last week after he tested positive for COVID-19.
“So that’s why I’m saying even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, if you’re unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. It’s effective. It’s a great antiviral,” Birx told Cavuto.
“And really, that is what’s going to save your lives right now if you’re over 70, which if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70,” she said.
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Birx cited one region for which she has a great concern.
“And so if you live in the South – I know people keep talking about the fall – I’m worried about the South,” she said.
Biden had been among the loudest voices pushing the claim that the vaccine would prevent transmission.
“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” Biden said in December, according to PolitiFact. “The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”
PolitiFact ruled that claim as “Mostly False.”
Bill Hanage, associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard, said Biden’s “statement is not accurate,” according to PolitiFact.
“We knew that vaccinated people could become infected with delta and shed viable virus in large amounts,” Hanage said.
Brooke Nichols, a health economist and infectious disease mathematical modeler at Boston University, said “vaccinated individuals can definitely infect other people. There is enough data to support this.”
“While vaccinated individuals may be less infectious and infectious for a shorter duration of time they are by no means a dead-end host,” Nichols said, according to PolitiFact.
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“When calling it a ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ though, it makes it sound as those vaccinated individuals aren’t substantially contributing to new cases — which they are [particularly now].”

2 years ago

Yes,the depopulation by vaccination seems to working as intended.

1 year ago

I realize that there was an urgency for doing something when people started dying from Covid, but the actions taken by government didn’t seem right to me. Then when they refused to talk about natural immunity that raised the red flag. Now I am hearing (and not knowing what to believe) about all the side effects of the “vaccine” and the booster shots. I got a lot of heat from people my age (74) for not getting the shot. I just used my own judgment and made my own decision. I now am feeling sorry for those that took the shot, they must really be concerned that what they did could cause damage to themselves just because they were told to do it.

1 year ago
Reply to  johninnil

Feel blessed you had common sense enough to not get the jab. I’m 75 and you and I have seen a lot of illnesses come and go, including childhood diseases that we contracted, stayed home and recovered from and returned to school. Today parents are told their children will die of these diseases if not vaccinated. If that were the truth my whole first and second grade classes would have been wiped out. We weren’t and I’m in contact with many of them today. The truth is most of these diseases were actually on the wane when the pharmaceutical companies realized people were going to get wise to it so they busted their butts to get the vaccines out there and convince Congress to make them mandatory. The one thing President Reagan did I didn’t agree with. I live in Texas where there are vaccine waivers now but there weren’t back when my children were born in the 1980s. But the vaccines were fewer and far between and they weren’t “leaky” as they are now. Today a baby gets a plethora of vaccines before their first birthday. It’s no wonder our children are sicker these days with things that were once rare, especially autoimmune diseases.

Any time there has been excessive government intervention in a health crisis it did not bode well. During the circa 1918 Diphtheria epidemic the government insisted on a vaccine and planned to have mandatory vaccination. When more people started dying from the vaccine than the disease they stopped the program immediately – which makes me more positive that depleting what the elites consider the surplus population is what it’s all about this time. Then, as usual for government, in order to hide their foibles, they added the numbers to those from the Spanish Flu, which was occurring at the same time, and voila we have elevated numbers for Spanish Flu deaths, which they glommed onto during COVID to aid in a further effort to scare the people of the world into doing the bidding of a few.

The whole purpose of the COVID fauxdemic was not the U.S. election. That was just not letting a good crisis go to waste. The ultimate goal was to brainwash people into believing they had to get a vaccine to stop the devastation. I’m sure it worked better than the “Star Chamber’ ever hoped. Many people still have no clue there is a motive behind all this and if you try to tell them, in their fear, they say you are a purveyor of “mis”/”dis” information, and your attitude will be the death of us all. Meanwhile they have no clue what they are doing to their bodies with this so-called “vaccine”. Many of the deaths attributed to COVID itself are the responsibility of mismanagement by our health professionals and hospitals. Including forbidding known, effective treatments and literally watching people die because they could profit financially from doing so – often ignoring a court order. But the rise in deaths since the advent of the mRNA gene therapies is frightening and must be investigated and exposed.

People of the world, too many of us have been had and if we don’t wake up soon it will be too late. We’ve already lost thousands of our beautiful children and adults in the prime of their lives. The reality of all this needs to come out. It’s already too late for many. Recipients of the “vaccine”, If they have not died already, they will have health issues the rest of their lives. All this because of a trust in government and healthcare professionals. I learned years ago that trusting both of these entities was misplaced at best. For one it’s about absolute power and the other the Benjamins.

1 year ago
Reply to  Barbara

Thank you Barbara, you laid it out perfectly. It boggles my mind how so many “intelligent” people fell pray to the propaganda being spewed out by the government and health professionals. I really believed that they have damaged their credibility to the point that their words are meaningless now. I know they sure have shaken my belief in them.

1 year ago
Reply to  johninnil

It will be a bit like a tontine, you will be the last man standing, someone needs to organize the funerals.

1 year ago

No question in my mind it’s the mRNA gene therapies. This has been tried in the past with bad results and was once abandoned until the de-population enthusiasts saw it as a means to an end. Every day I read about someone in their 40s dropping dead. I see the reports from Europe and the fact that many countries are not vaccinating children at all and yet crickets in this country. My husband’s oldest daughter dropped dead from a blood clot in January. She was vaccinated. Then I read an article the other day about a report that showed that when the “blood clots” from the deceased are analyzed, the components are not that of the usual blood clot. Then there is the fact that they have become prolific in the vaccinated. What’s to deny.

1 year ago
Reply to  Barbara

I am sorry to hear about your husbands oldest daughter. It makes me wonder about all those parents that are happily sending their kids to be vaccinated. Thinking they are doing what’s best for them.

1 year ago
Reply to  johninnil

My son and his family have not had the COVID jab and their children (12, 10 and 18 mos.) never will. The oldest two actually have vaccine waivers for attending school. They are healthier than their peers and rebound from any illness almost overnight. My daughter on the other hand believes the vaccines are for the good of mankind and should be received as recommended (mandated). Her son is 4 years old and is fully vaccinated. I prayed the FDA would not authorize the COVID shots for 6 mos. to 5 years, but they did. Now I pray for the welfare of my grandson every day because his mother told me he was getting the jab no matter what I said. She doesn’t believe the COVID jab was responsible for the death of her half-sister.

Last edited 1 year ago by Barbara
1 year ago
Reply to  Barbara

It constantly amazes me that people are so easily brainwashed.

1 year ago

“For the first time in history the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who refuse to take it.” ~ Dr. Robert Malone

“The vaccine was not brought in for COVID. COVID was brought in for the vaccine. Once you realize that, everything else makes sense.” ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich