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Corrupt DOJ Is Preparing To DROP Criminal Probe Of Hunter Biden And Let Him Off The Hook For Sickening Crimes

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Hunter Biden is apparently a member of the special class of Americans who doesn’t have to face any legal consequences for his massively corrupt behavior; Americans are learning this as they come to terms with an obvious two-tiered system of justice that can no longer be denied.

At the same time, the country is watching Republicans being dragged through court and persecuted with legal consequences, expensive lawfare, and jail time for things like ‘walking through a building on Jan. 6th” or not answering a Congressional subpoena the way they wanted, in the case of Steve Bannon, we are also getting a front row glimpse of Democrat Hunter Biden getting away with shocking crimes.

On Wednesday, the ‘breaking news’ was that Hunter Biden was growing closer to facing the consequences of some of his crimes, according to information from government insiders- who floated the idea that prosecutors who were investigating Hunter Biden were about to make a move.

The insiders described a situation where Joe Biden’s Department of Justice was pushing back to defend Hunter, in the form of Attorney General Merrick Garland bringing up concerns that any move on Hunter was too close to the Nov. elections.

A skeptical American public knew that it was improbable that Democrat Joe Biden’s son would face anything serious.

According to one lawyer- the public would be correct.

The lawyer is a former DOJ official, and he told the media that he believes Hunter Biden has landed a plea deal to only admit to minor tax and gun charges over the federal probe.

“Lawyer Jim Trusty, former chief of the DOJ’s Organized Crime Section, said reports that the investigation is coming to an end suggests that Hunter will be hit with minor tax charges and for making false statements when purchasing a handgun in 2018.

He believed it was unlikely that Biden would face any charges involving the investigation into alleged money laundering and violation of lobbying laws that claimed Biden used his father for controversial business dealings overseas,” The Daily Mail reported.

Jessie Watters discussed the unfolding situation this week and interviewed Trusty about his point of view:

As seen in the video, Trusty and Watters talked about exactly that- a soft plea deal.

“Investigators are now reportedly weighing whether they should charge the president’s son with tax fraud for lobbying violations and lying on a firearms background check. But there’s now concern from the Department of Justice about the timing of the charges. According to CNN, Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s Attorney General is worried about bringing charges against Hunter so close to the midterms. But, wait for a second, I didn’t realize Joe Baden was on the ballot. This November?” Waters said.

“CNN is also reporting that Federal investigators have examined Hunter’s business, activities overseas during Joe Biden’s presidency and whether Hunter violated money, laundering, and campaign finance laws as well. The US attorney in Delaware is named David Weiss. He’s a Donald Trump appointee, and he stayed on to continue the Hunter Biden investigation, but it looks like he’s butting heads with Joe Biden’s Justice Department as he appears ready to charge the president’s son,” Waters continued.

Waters welcomed a former Department of Justice prosecutor, Jim Trusty.

“Jim. Do you see a significant conflict here? That Delaware US Attorney is ready to charge, but the main Justice. Merrick Garland says, ho, ho. Ho, we don’t want to make this too political before the midterms? Waters asked Trusty.

“Maybe, but I actually think there might be more collusion at work than you are giving credit to. I’m really concerned about the story that came out because it is a lowball treatment of Hunter Biden, you know, 80 or 90 percent of federal White Collar cases, Jesse, include the word conspiracy.

We’re now at a reduced hearing about a tax case and a rinky-dink gun case, which means, by definition, one person they’re talking about. So I think they are coming up with the right timing for a soft plea for Hunter Biden to have very little consequences and the other part of the story that I thought was very disturbing and very interesting is that we are told Federal officials were really fretting over whether Hunter’s drug addiction was a defense in these cases,” Trusty told Waters.

“Well, you know, drug addiction might be a factor when you’re in a barroom brawl, right? Whether you have an intent to kill when that knife fight, but for economic crimes? No, you talking about complex, economic crimes, spanning months or years, it’s ludicrous,” Trust said.

“It would never be a defense. So I think we’re hearing the beginning of a story of a poor drug-addicted man who’s going to get very special treatment with a Friday evening plea to tax charge and maybe this 18 USC 922 firearms in the hands of someone with a drug addiction kind of built-in mitigation to how they’re going to package that, and it cuts a what looks to be pay-for-play scheme completely into a tiny little Silo of Hunter Biden- if that’s where they’re going to go,” Trusty told Waters.

“That looks like a mop-up job. Again, whether it’s the Clintons, the Biden’s- they never get touched. It is what happens when you’re a Democrat? All right. Jim thank you very much. We hope you will be wrong,” Waters said.

“Thanks, me too,” Trust said in closing.

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Patricia Cochran
Patricia Cochran
2 years ago

Wonder how much it cost Hunter and the Big Guy to get a “deal” for his crimes.

2 years ago

ONE thing The Two can’t BUY…is RESPECT of the American public.

Diane Chavez
Diane Chavez
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

They don’t care about respect from the public—-they live to get their way ALWAYS!

Diane Chavez
Diane Chavez
2 years ago

Well how easy was it for Nancy Pelosi’s husband to get off for his drunk driving crimes? A Pardon from Gruesome Newsom?

2 years ago

so……….they are letting this scumbag off the hook??????? karma will follow

2 years ago

Dear Trump,

is anyone Anywhere surprised..

I can only imagine if this was one of your Fine outstanding Boys?

2 years ago

If not now, then after the midterms, go after Marxist Joe and his spawn!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  LMB

After the midtetms?
America will be gone by then!

2 years ago

No surprise and no fuss. Hunter is only one of hundreds of criminals with DC contacts, both parties. Besides Joe would only pardon him.

2 years ago

Think they could murder someone in front of the cameras and they both would be given a go free card. This group of no honor or ethics will never hold any biden accountable for anything – just look at the clintons – the comey get out of jail card, was she didn’t know it was a crime – this the reported smartest woman in the world.

david russell
david russell
2 years ago
Reply to  toots

The POTUS pardon power extends only to federal crimes:

The Consti­tu­tion gives the pres­id­ent the “Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeach­ment.” 

jacques merdeD
jacques merde
2 years ago

Hunter Biden

jacques merdeD
jacques merde
2 years ago

Hunter Biden… again

jacques merdeD
jacques merde
2 years ago

Hunter Biden… once again…

jacques merdeD
jacques merde
2 years ago

Hunter Biden, The laptop that just keeps on giving…

jacques merdeD
jacques merde
2 years ago

Hunter Biden… to see the emails from his laptop… go here.

Biden Laptop Emails

jacques merdeD
jacques merde
2 years ago

Did Hunter “play” with one of Obama’s daughters??? U decide for yourself.

2 years ago

Hunter needs to be black bagged give all data up on him and everyone including his old pedo dad joey, and then executed

2 years ago

if this had been trumps sons or daughter they would have been hung by the neck by now. The only good demorat, independent, rhino gop is treading ocean water with no hope of rescue.

2 years ago

The department of JUST US!!

Diane Chavez
Diane Chavez
2 years ago

President Trump needs to be President again! He had this nation running smoothly! We miss President Trump!

2 years ago

Burisma bribola by itself should be worth 20 years in the pen probably. Get the biden crime family out of the oval office please.

david russell
david russell
2 years ago

Justice will not be served here. As long as Joe Biden is alive and POTUS, he can pardon his son.

2 years ago

Is this really a surprise to anyone. It only shows how despicable the democrat party is from top to bottom. Along with how vengeful they can be if you cross them.

Last edited 2 years ago by johninnil