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One Of The Democrat’s Election-Rigging Loopholes Just Got SHUT DOWN

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Democrats did everything they could to make sure Donald Trump did not win reelection in 2020.

They even skirted existing election laws.

But the Democrats just saw one ridiculous election loophole get shut down.

After the 2020 election, left-wing journalist Molly Ball wrote in Time Magazine how a “well-funded cabal of powerful people” worked together behind the scenes to”fortify” the election against Donald Trump.

One of the fortification methods was to change—or simply ignore—election laws in key swing states.

For example, Pennsylvania allowed for mail-in voting in contravention to the state constitution, but the case was not decided until well after the election.

Democrats invoked the “beg for forgiveness instead of ask for permission” strategy.

And now ballot drop boxes that were set up in 2020 in Wisconsin have been deemed illegal.

The Wall Street Journal reported that “at least 528 ballot drop boxes were set up that year in Wisconsin, following some guidance memos on the subject from the state elections commission. On Friday the state Supreme Court held 4-3 that such drop boxes are unlawful. The statute book says absentee ballots ‘shall be mailed by the elector, or delivered in person, to the municipal clerk.’ As the majority opinion wryly points out: ‘An inanimate object, such as a ballot drop box, cannot be the municipal clerk.’ Although drop boxes were meant to make voting easy, the majority is correct: ‘Good intentions never override the law.’”

Wisconsin was the home of much election chicanery.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million in “Zuck Bucks” to influence the 2020 election, and much of the operation was run out of Wisconsin.

State Special Counsel Michael Gableman was appointed to audit the 2020 election.

During the investigation, Gableman said, “When I started this process, when I started this whole procedure, I had no other goal in mind than to find the truth. And while we don’t have it entirely yet, we’re getting it. One of the important truths that has to be mentioned is recited in Chapter 1 of our report. And that is that the Center for Tech and Civic Life [received] $8,800,000 [from a] Zuckerberg-planned grant with the cities of Milwaukee, Madison, Racine, Kenosha, and Green Bay facially violates the Wisconsin law prohibiting election bribery.”

Gableman’s report found other anomalies, such as incapacitated senior citizens in nursing homes somehow voting.

Between Zuck Bucks and drop boxes, a lot of funny things were going on in Wisconsin, and Biden only won the state by 20,000 votes.

Stay tuned to Right News Wire for any updates to this ongoing story.

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2 years ago

Good….but What Other illegal Scheme has been worked out ?

Bob DoleD
Bob Dole
2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

Without getting into all the massive fraud in 2020 nothing was ever investigated by law enforcement. The DOJ, FBI and GBI have all tried to cover-up all the fraud and destroy the evidence. The fact we know so much like 2000 mules and Gableman report etc. etc. etc. is a miracle.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago

“Between Zuck Bucks and drop boxes, a lot of funny things were going on in Wisconsin”
Please, somebody, show me the gawdamned funny part.

2 years ago

It’s pretty simple. These old career politicians that have been there for way too long just don’t care who is in the White House or who has the majority on congress, they are friends of all in the swamp and they will be just fine, the hell with the people. Term limits are a must have, watch them, after a couple terms they just want to get along.

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

So Amerika turned out to be a Failure in the end !o!

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

The truth hurts the American experiment failed.

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

So you are saying the US form of government actually does not work.

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

Real easy to cheat in the US apparently !o!

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

Not a very good government system in the US

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

You all hate the US style of government apparently .

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

Censorship is not free speech

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

Fear my Words ?

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago

“Starting during the winter of 1777 in Morristown, New Jersey, Washington took the bold and controversial move to have soldiers in his army inoculated against smallpox infection using a technique called variolation. Later during the winter encampment at Valley Forge, Washington went even further, demanding that his entire army be inoculated – an action that required great secrecy since inoculated soldiers were incapacitated for a period of time. By some reports, death by smallpox in the ranks dropped from 17% of all deaths to a low of 1% of all reported deaths – a tremendous reduction.
Historian Elizabeth Fenn, author of Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-1782, claims that “Washington’s unheralded and little-recognized resolution to inoculate the Continental forces must surely rank with the most important decisions of the war…”

Mark Breza
Mark Breza
2 years ago