

WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Smashes Bill Maher’s Idiotic Jan 6 Narrative For 7 Minutes Straight

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“They hired a Hollywood — they hired a news producer to make it a production. And that’s okay. But let’s not pretend that we’re in a courtroom here.”

See now, THIS is the Bill Maher liberal that we’re used to. When you see clips of him bashing wokes that’s only minutes of big shows filled with – as I say every week – standard liberal fare. And one of his liberal Democrat hang-ups is making every day of the year January 6th day.

And he tried that with Kellyanne Conway last night, but you have to hand it to her, she not only stood her ground, she did it calmly without every breaking a sweat.

She doesn’t think the election was stolen, so Trump won’t love what she has to say, but you GOTTA love her refusing to let the Democrats off the hook for this Hollywood produced fake hearing sham designed for the sole purpose of raising money and boosting Dems in November.

This a LONG clip but even if you skip through it a bit you’ll see her holding fast.

“Every day on my calendar doesn’t say January 6th” was a great line. And she got liberal audiences to hear the truth about the fundraising and more – and I loved her needling them about how scared they are about Trump beating Biden.

Excellent job.



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Yaacov Myers
Yaacov Myers
2 years ago

“Good noW!”!,B”H. yes the Democrats want to publicly impeach the president, sway public opine, which makes a trial invalid! Donald Trump is the rightful President, and while we argue that one Obama is seeking his fourth term under cover of corrupt Biden family/Kerry/Obama/democrat Party network.

Yaacov Myers
Yaacov Myers
2 years ago

“Good noW!”!,B”H, Democrats used stooges in the Jan 6th fracas & CNN paid one $19000 to be a Trump supporter look alike! Pelosi did as she did at Charlottesville & organised for no security or minimal security to be there, but ensuring the presence of CNN reporters to swing the narrative her way to amass public opinion agains Trump. They cannot win any other way. Even the police stand byes at school’s, so-called shooting, performed by the suspect are DEMOcrat manouvres to change and radicalise public opinion, as their long term goal is to sue the 13 ISIS training camps in USA to suppress USA MAGA Americans family and the best of the best, by owning their military rifles, amid a crisis where Americans cannot defend themselves nd s defunded police could also be neutralised to begin with. OBAMA-Kerry-Biden-ISIS plot to instil Islamic rule in USA, G-d forbid!

2 years ago

Mike Lindell and Dinesh Desousa don’t have legitimate points of opinion? 2,000 mules is just an oversight? I’m supposed to be led to believe that by halting counting of votes in the wee hours of the morning, adding boxes of untraceable ballots, is legit? Cardboard on windows, re-inserting previously counted ballots, and stonewalling pole watchers is ok?

david russell
david russell
2 years ago

There’s too much evidence of voting irregularities to merely ignore. 2000 Mules alone makes the case. But there’s also Molly Hemmingway’s “Rigged” and other books as well.

The singular and sad fact today is that in America today there’s not penalty for lying if you’re a Democrat.