

President Trump Just CRUSHED The Phony Jan 6 ‘Unselect Committee Of Political Thugs’ With FACTS

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Last night President Trump responded to the phony public hearing by Pelosi’s hack January 6th committee, calling it “The Unselect committee of political thugs”:

Trump wrote: The Unselect Committee of political Thugs, essentially the same group who brought you the now fully debunked and discredited RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA HOAX (and many others!), refused to study and report on the massive amount of irrefutable evidence, much of it recently produced, that shows the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. They want NOTHING to do with that topic because they cannot win on the facts. CANCEL & DENY, call it “THE BIG LIE,” is all they can do. Corrupt Politicians!

This morning Trump also denied their accusation that he said “Hang Mike Pence”. Trump called that fake news:

I NEVER said, or even thought of saying, “Hang Mike Pence.” This is either a made up story by somebody looking to become a star, or FAKE NEWS!

Below are Trump’s other responses to the hearing, in the order that he made them, some of which came this morning…

On Pelosi turning down his offer of 20,000 National Guard troops:

The Unselect Committee has now learned that I, as President, suggested & offered up to 20,000 National Guard, or troops, be deployed in D.C. because it was felt that the crowd was going to be very large. Crazy Nancy Pelosi turned down the offer, she didn’t like the way it looked. Likewise, the Mayor of D.C. Had they taken up the offer, there would have been no January 6th. The Unselects have ruled Pelosi “off limits, no questions.” The hearing is another political HOAX to counter Inflation etc.

On the committee ignoring proof of election fraud:

So the Unselect Committee of political HACKS refuses to play any of the many positive witnesses and statements, refuses to talk of the Election Fraud and Irregularities that took place on a massive scale, and decided to use a documentary maker from Fake News ABC to spin only negative footage. Our Country is in such trouble!

On former AG Bill Bar:

Bill Barr was a weak and frightened Attorney General who was always being “played” and threatened by the Democrats and was scared stiff of being Impeached. How do you not get impeached? Do nothing, or say nothing, especially about the obviously RIGGED & STOLEN Election or, to put it another way, THE CRIME OF THE CENTURY! The Democrats hit pay dirt with Barr, he was stupid, ridiculously said there was no problem with the Election, & they left him alone. It worked for him, but not for our Country!

….Bill Barr was a coward who would not let his U.S. Attorney in Philadelphia, where Election Fraud was rampant, to even think about looking at it (see previously posted letter from U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain). I believe that by their inaction, others were told this also!

On his own stance about the 2020 election being based in facts and proof:

Many people spoke to me about the Election results, both pro and con, but I never wavered one bit – follow the facts and proof. The 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen…And look at our Country now – not pretty!!!

On Ivanka not having anything to do with reviewing the 2020 election results:

Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).

On the “Rushon the Capitol”:

The so-called “Rush on the Capitol” was not caused by me, it was caused by a Rigged and Stolen Election!

I would have done screenshots for all of them but that would have taken too long. But you can find all of these comments on Trump’s Truth timeline.



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2 years ago

totally agree

2 years ago


Lupie Marie Riley
2 years ago

Folks, pray for our true President that God will grant him the strength and courage to fight on for truth, justice and the freedoms of this nation that Satan’s followers want to destroy along with those who resist the wicked One’s attempts, mainly conservative Christians and Jews. Maranatha

Angel TalaricoD
Angel Talarico
2 years ago

Every last person on the J6 Committee is a traitor/enemy alien fifth columnist. They should be arrested and executed. If the jeuz loose control over America, will they nuke the entire world – Sampson Option? Maybe the predecessor of the khazjeu nuked Mars in the distant past, just as they were loosing control….

Last edited 2 years ago by Angel Talarico
2 years ago

This kangaroo court members are bought and paid for by Soro’s and the CCP!!!

2 years ago

We are now going into a very long recession, due to the indebtedness of your Commander In Chief. Trump had us going in the right direction until the crooked election put DUFUS in the White House. Prices of EVERYTHING overshadowing the so called wages increase under this worthless administration. YES, ALL OF YOU. You have 1 chance to undo (long term, what has happened in the last 18 months. Will not happen overnight, but a GOOD START is in NOVEMBER. Remember that.

Carol R Hansen
Carol R Hansen
2 years ago

America &I totally agree!

2 years ago

IF Democrats want The American people to go against their knowledge regarding the 2920 Election being stolen then open the records of Pelosi.
She heads Capital Hill Security.
We know her to be extremely dishonest in all her actions.
We the people are seeing daily how our country is being turned into Third World.
We know our vote was stolen.

2 years ago

The election was rigged and stolen! Invoke the 25th!

david russell
david russell
2 years ago

Trump has been shown more right than wrong on many issues. No one has admitted their error. No one has apologized for their slander/libel.

America failed Trump, not the other way around.