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Sick LGBT ‘Pride In The Park’ Event Targeting Children Will Feature Satanists Performing ‘Unbaptisms’ On The Kids

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An event dubbed “Pride in the Park” targeting young kids will include a sick leftist cult of Satanists who have sworn to perform “unbaptisms” on the children.  And this isn’t in California, but deep-red Idaho.

The event, which will take place this Saturday in Coeur d’Alene, is described as a “family friendly celebration of LGBTQ+ diversity.”

The Satanic Temple will be there, according to the North Idaho Pride Alliance website, in an attempt to brainwash and recruit children.

“@TSTIdaho will be at Coeur D’Alene’s “Pride in the Park” event next Saturday, June 11th from 10am-3pm!” tweeted one Satanist.

“We will have merchandise and performing unbaptisms for those interested! Just know, Satan loves you for you! Hail Satan!” reports: As the Idaho Tribune’s Johnston Meadows documents, “Among the Satanists, there will be a plethora of LGBT speakers and performers, many of who are drag queens.”

“Among the sponsors, there will be an Idaho HIV, STD & Hepatitis prevention and care booth, for children to learn about how gay people are at a much greater risk of contracting such diseases, due to their poor life choices,” he adds.

Members of Antifa are also planning to turn up to “protect” members of the LGBT community from protesters and anyone who might have a problem with their kids being around Satanists or drag queens.

Leftists get irate at conservatives for calling them “groomers” when they advocate exposing kids to drag queens, whose entire act is based on sexualized fetishes.

However, at least for the Satanists who will attend the event, they have openly stated their intention to groom children for membership.

The issue of kids being exposed to drag queens has once again been raging following outrage over footage from a Texas drag queen show which included children being made to perform catwalks and hand dollar bills to men dressed as women who performed sexualized dance routines.

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2 years ago

They just did this in Salt Lake City. Using Satan church to babtise in fake blood. The whole thing should never have been allowed

2 years ago

Only parents can stop it by not exposing their kids to this abomination. If they don’t drag their kids to it, it will stop.

Last edited 2 years ago by NightWisp
God's Servant First
2 years ago
Reply to  NightWisp

The same parents who drag their childen to this demonic outpouring of filth are the same ones who drag them for the lethal clot shots! Shame on them.

2 years ago

You people make me want to puke.

2 years ago

If you take your kids there, you deserve what you get!
Its that simple

2 years ago

Family entertainment…whose family, the Adams Family. This bunch of evil freaks have a lot of balls going into deep red Idaho.

2 years ago

What happens when your state is overrun by yuppies, leftists and portlanders.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

We keep on fighting them.
We are being swamped with out of state Leftists, but we keep fighting their corruption and their perversity.

2 years ago

Come Lord Jesus!!!

2 years ago

So the LGBT loves Satan. That should tell you all you need to Know about LGBT

2 years ago
Reply to  Henry

That was my thought, exactly. Also it isinteresting that the booth will have people help kids to learn about HIV and other gay transmitted diseases. Wow, it is so obvious but people are choosing this.

2 years ago

Why do we even except this in Idaho. We ran out BLM . We can do the same to the fags and queers;

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Any gains that people of the alphabet society have made are now being reversed by the LGTBQ (whatever letters I missed) Just because I do not care what others do in their own bedroom does not mean that we must be forced to watch as they ram it down our throats. And that included our children!

Sonny Bono
Sonny Bono
2 years ago

Too many stupid mothers think it is cute…they want a male, female child, and a transgender one.

Ray j Jones
Ray j Jones
2 years ago

do surveilance with photos and videos and audio of all the perpatraitors for use with law enfarcement in the hopes that they will arrest all of these evil peoples for the crimes that they are breaking that are all ready on the books send the info to the states attorney general that these shame less law breakers need to be arrested and procicuted for sex crimes against children it might even be a good ideal to have as many cops as possible ready before the event starts so these sick people can be arrested on the spot before they have the chance to harm any children and the parents that bring their children to the event should be arrested on the spot for aiding and abetting child sex predators……………..

2 years ago
Reply to  Ray j Jones

Unfortunately the only folks that would be arrested by Law Enfarcement would be law abiding Christian citizens like you and me. After the recent child massacre, I very low exxpectationse for Law Enfarcement personnel.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ray j Jones

Every member of the CdA police will be on duty that day. Police from surrounding communities will be on call. Federal agents from various three-letter organizations are likely to be present also.
When the Antifa/BLM came to CdA in June of 2020 they were met by 800+ ARMED citizens who lined both sides of downtown Sherman Ave. They stayed very polite and peaceful and did absolutely no damage – mainly because, when they went to retrieve their pre-positioned bricks, they found several ARMED citizens waiting for them.
This “Pride in the Park” is their attempt at payback. They are looking to create some in-your-face trouble. If/when they do, things are likely to get very kinetic and news-worthy.

Ray j Jones
Ray j Jones
2 years ago

it looks like took down my comment about arresting the evil parents and the child predators that will be openly committing crimes at this event all you have to do is follow the laws that have been in place since the beginigs of our great nation and the newer ones too

Kim Bjork
Kim Bjork
2 years ago

This ‘pride’ LGBTQ activities being set up around the country has to end Child abuse. There are laws in svery state against the corruption of minors and against sexual promotion to children including lewd dancing. Time to bring lawsuits against municipalities and county governments that promote and allow this activity – including permits.

Angel TalaricoD
Angel Talarico
2 years ago

Faggotry played a prominent part in the Uvalde Massacre, yet, no one dares mention the ‘elephant in the room’…….

2 years ago

I don’t know why you guys put up with this kind of mental illness made out to be like it’s legitimate.

2 years ago
Reply to  Leethal

We don’t put up with this, we fight this with everything we have.
This is payback for repelling Antifa and BLM 2 years ago this month.

2 years ago

Very interesting about the anniversary date. Your comment made me think back to my research. Remember, BLM is PRO sexual perversion and contrary to popular belief are totally unconcerned with Black lives. While on their website the original statement of beliefs was very in your face that they oppose the male headed household in the black family and are totally for the transgender (can’t keep up with all their terminology) but basically promote the rights of the “oppressed” black men pretending to be women. You can still find this doctrine on their website just a tone downed version.

At least one of the founders is a proud lesbian. This link provides more detail: From the start, Black Lives Matter has been about LGBTQ lives – ABC News (

So, in other words the sexual perverts were actually behind the destruction of our cities two years ago, just under an assumed name or Doing Business As (BLM/ANTIFA, and you fill in the blank). You can’t make this stuff up

Concerned citizen
Concerned citizen
2 years ago

Come on Coeur d’Alene! I have been to your city and it is a beautiful representation of God’s work! Saddle up, man up, grow a spine already. This stuff happens in California….do not let this continue in Idaho! I am counting on Idahoan residents to defend and act, please!

2 years ago

All are heading to the lake of fire

2 years ago

This is happening because 2 years ago, in June of 2020, the men and women of Coeur d Alene stood on every street in town Protecting Coeur d Alene with their AK-47’s, AR-15’s, hunting rifles, shot guns, pistols and revolvers.
We were determined that no one would burn, riot, vandalize or destroy our city like they have done in so many others.
Not one pane of glass was broken, no fires were set, and the protesting “radicals” were the quietest bunch of misfits you have ever seen.

This is PAYBACK for foiling the radicals plans, so please PRAY for our town.
We detest this invasion of perverts and have already seen some trouble here, however our police are solidly behind its citizens protecting our town.

2 years ago

No. It is not payback for anything. They have been doing this “Pride in the Park” garbage for years but it was put on hold due to COVAIDS for two years.
It is getting more in your face every year and while I am glad that people are finally waking up to this, where the hell was everyone all the other years? There has always been a group of street preachers there preaching against the wicked agenda and some of the most vehement and nasty people toward them have been self-proclaimed “Christians”. Screaming and yelling at them and running down their signs with a bicycle.
Glad that people are finally waking up to this garbage.

2 years ago

We’re expecting thunderstorms here in cda tomorrow…I pray that GOD uses this weather to shut them down…HARD !!!

2 years ago

Sick parents

Daughter of Satan
Daughter of Satan
2 years ago

Hail Satan!

Barbara Douglas
Barbara Douglas
2 years ago

You’re being prayed for.????????

Daughter of Satan
Daughter of Satan
2 years ago

Fuck god where he breathes!

Christians can eat my shit!

2 years ago

You will be eating your own shit before long!! You sick demented demon!!
Guess you didn’t get the memo, God wins!! Enjoy Hell

Kristie L Mobley
Kristie L Mobley
2 years ago

Your spelling says it all..god with a lower case g represents a false god aka your satan..You deceived fool..God Almighty will not be mocked!!!

Kristie L Mobley
Kristie L Mobley
2 years ago

Shame on every parent..God wont hold his wrath back much longer on the knew and improved Sodom and Gommorah..

Rosa Rader
2 years ago

That garbage (satan) can not erase a Catholic baptism because you receive the indeliable mark of Jesus Christ who is superior to that inferior garbage, and he knows that. He’s just using humans who are to stupid to take the right path in life to make himself feel better. The only thing this garbage is interested in is collecting more souls for hell.

2 years ago

The Pied Piper of Perversion comes to Coeur d’Alene. When will parents recognize this evil?

2 years ago

Those who reject God will follow the devil into the lake of fire

Jesus Christ ONLY
Jesus Christ ONLY
2 years ago

As the Good Book says and mentions of such that due such abominatios. May they drink of the Almighty’s cup of his wrath. Richly deserved. Come quickly Lord Jesus for the world is absolutely dark beyond belief. You deserve to destroy it.

Darby O'Gill
Darby O'Gill
2 years ago

Pray the Rosary for our children…..asking Our Lady for Her protection.

Darby O'Gill
Darby O'Gill
2 years ago

Pray the Rosary often to ask Our Lady’s help for our children and our Nation.