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Illegal Immigrant Who Killed Kate Steinle Just Got A Major Gift From A Bleeding Heart Judge

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In July of 2015, while walking along San Francisco’s crowded Pier 14 with her dad and afriend, 32-year-old Kate Steinle was shot dead. She pleaded to her father for help as she died in his arms.

Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate, who was in the US illegally and had already been deported five times, admitted to accidentally firing the gun.

He’s been serving time in jail for other violations, but even after a jury eventually acquitted Garcia-Zarate of homicide charges in 2017, he still faced a federal firearms charge. A bleeding heart judge, however, has set him free on ‘time served’ and a lecture.

Jose Inez Garcia-Zarate is facing deportation to his native Mexico after California federal judge, Judge Vince Chhabria, sentenced him to the seven years he’s already spent in jail.  

The judge boldly blustered, “If you return to this country again and you are back in front of me, I will not spare you. Let this be your last warning: Do not return to this country,”

Terrific!  That’ll stop a chronic, law breaking, border jumping offender like this guy for making a 6th attempt….that we know of.  

His attorney, Mike Hinckley, told the court on Monday that Garcia-Zarate “feels horrible about what happened, and that he’s very sorry and apologizes.”

Jose should tell that to Kate Steinle.  Oh wait!  He can’t.  Because Kate took a walk on San Francisco’s crowded Pier 14 with her dad, and was shot dead with a gun “accidentally” fired by Garcia-Zarate.  

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2 years ago

Another dead American that gets o Justice jyst like Ashlee Babbitt.god help them

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  Granny

San Francisco is like South Chicago or NYC why would anyone go there or live there??

Tom Clark
Tom Clark
2 years ago

Why anybody would expect a different outcome
when the judicial system is just as corrupt as
the executive and legislation branches.

Don’t forget to vote.

2 years ago

hang NWO liberal judgea and save sheople only if you want useless eaters to ezist

2 years ago

I wonder if he is going to come back and just go to another state at taxpayer expense so he don’t have to go before “that” judge again?