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Gov DeSantis Issues Warning That George Soros Is Actively Attempting To Rig Midterm Election

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Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has issued a warning that globalist billionaire George Soros is actively attempting to rig the upcoming midterm elections.

The re-election campaign of DeSantis has released a Spanish-language public service announcement warning Hispanic voters that Soros is disseminating false information in order to rig the election.

Soros just founded The Latino Media Network (LMN), a new far-left organization that is acquiring all Spanish-language radio stations in the United States.

So far, LMN has bought 18 conservative local radio stations in the United States.

According to DeSantis’s campaign alert, “George Soros’ purchase of Hispanic radio stations meant to disinform the community.”

“The Spanish-language ‘Alerta’ ad was submitted to run on Miami radio stations (WAQI-AM and WQBA-AM) and warns listeners of the leftist motives behind his media ventures,” a statement from DeSantis declared.

“WAQI-AM and WQBA-AM were recently announced as part of the Soros-backed acquisition of Spanish Language radio.” reports: Jess Morales Rocketto, a former Hillary for America and AFL-CIO employee, and Stephanie Valencia, a former White House staffer during the Obama administration, are heading the venture, and say their purchase across the multitude of media markets will give them “access to one-third of the Hispanic population” within the U.S, according to an interview conducted by Axios.

The investment project comes as concern from Democrats continues to grow over the party’s loss in support from large swaths of Hispanic voters.

In April, a poll from Quinnipiac University showed President Biden’s approval among Hispanics sitting at just 26%, appearing to solidify earlier polls showing Hispanic support sharply slipping from Democrats and increasing toward Republicans.

The new DeSantis ad, which will air on WAQI-AM and WQBA-AM, warns voters about the media purchase and touts his stance against “leftist disinformation” as he continues the “fight against socialism in America.”

“Warning, voters! The Left is taking control of our local media. Billionaire George Soros, known for financing extreme leftist causes, is now financing the purchase of Hispanic radio stations right here in Miami,” the translated version of the ad says.

“They are coming with their ideological agenda,” it continues. “Soros and his minions know what this community represents in the fight against socialism in America. This community will not get confused. Under Governor Ron DeSantis’ leadership Florida is standing against the corporate media and leftist disinformation.”

In an exclusive statement provided to Fox News Digital, DeSantis pushed back on what he described as the Left’s “attempt to infiltrate” Florida.

“The Soros-funded radical Left is running a scheme to manipulate local media in Florida to push their Marxist agenda on voters. In Florida, we reject the professional Left and their attempt to infiltrate our state and will always stand for truth and freedom,” DeSantis said.

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2 years ago

Totally Disgusting.

2 years ago


Last edited 2 years ago by GYPSY
Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
Reply to  GYPSY

I suggest you have better aim… LOL

2 years ago
Reply to  Jacques Merde

I would suggest u do the body guard first! btw that is Sor-ass,,, Frankly i don’t know why that POS is still walking

2 years ago
Reply to  byvdb

Adrenochrome from violently aborted babies.

2 years ago

We need more than Gov DeSantis to make this known to all Hispanics. Also make this open to everyone who otherwise may not hear of more cheating done by G Soros (evil). 2 others from Demons are in charge to make this happens.

2 years ago

Soro’s Satan has met his match with a Jesus Christ believer. And now we burn him out. We finally have a leader with the shield of Christ before him. Thank you Jesus.

2 years ago

This comes as a surprise to anyone!!!!!!!

2 years ago

I don’t understand Soros or his hatred for this country but I feel we the people will have to rise up against him and his partners soon if we are to save our country.

Lisa Mochan
Lisa Mochan
2 years ago

So what do we do to prevent this? They always say it’s gonna happen, but don’t put measures in place to avoid it. Then complain that it happened…..