

BREAKING VIDEO: Pro-Abort Activists Storm To Protest At Justice Kavanaugh’s Home Just One Day After Assassination Attempt

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Baby murder activists are already outside the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh despite a failed assassination attempt this morning.


It’s absolutely disgusting that these pro-baby-murder activists are out in force tonight at Kavanaugh’s home, essentially legitimizing and celebrating the assassination attempt that was foiled this morning.

Thankfully there’s a huge police presence on his property there to protect him and I’m sure his home is well protected.

We are learning more about the left-wing activist who wanted to kill Kavanaugh. Here’s a police write-up of the interview they did with the leftist perp today, who said he was also angry about the Uvalde massacre and thought Kavanaugh would side with the second amendment and loosen gun laws even more or something.



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2 years ago

Which Party Is instigating this HATE.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jane

The usual. How long before things get out of hand. They’ll even call BLM and Antifa maybe……

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
Reply to  edl

You mean, the primary users of planned parenthood? Check out the skin color… Maybe a certain segment of society should not be so quick to spread their legs? Or better yet. just use birth control.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Good thing I am not on the supreme court.. I would dig in my heels and overturn Roe. Pull that sh!t in front of my house… SMH

2 years ago

The DEMONIC party!

2 years ago

I keep hearing about how it is illegal to protest and attempt to change or sway the justices on the Supreme Court or any court for that matter, yet these people aren’t being arrested. Why is that? There are more and more violations of laws that are being ignored, yet nothing is being done? Why is that?

2 years ago
Reply to  johninnil

Because the deep state want the chaos to continue!! Keep people distracted to what is really going on.