

WATCH: MSNBC Left In Shock After Hispanic Dad WRECKS Biden Presidency In One Sentence

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Do Americans like Joe Biden, the American republic’s seeming attempt to recreate Emperor Galba (with his son, Hunter, doing an even better job of imitating Elagabalus, the most depraved of all the emperors)? No, no they don’t.

In fact, Americans are so mad about how terrible of a job Biden is doing that even traditionally Democratic voting blocs are turning away from him and toward the GOP.

Such was the case in this video, where a father interviewed by MSNBC didn’t back down when asked if gas prices would influence how he would vote but instead tore into how terrible of a job Brandon has done. Watch that here:

One administration had cheaper gas and this administration has more expensive gas.” There it is; though the fact-checking types say that gas prices are higher for a variety of factors not related to Biden, or at least not directly his fault, such as the Russian invasion of a certain country in Eastern Europe that Google won’t let us say, increased demand now that most of the Covid craziness is over, and other factors, that’s not how Americans see it. Rather, they blame the guy in charge: Biden.

And that makes sense given what has happened to gas prices since President Galba grasped the reigns of power with his arthritic hands.

Back when Trump left the presidency, the national average for a gallon of gas was about $2.39 a gallon. States with low gas taxes were, under the Trump presidency, occasionally even seeing gas prices below $2.

Not anymore! Now, with Brandon in charge and chaos abroad, the national gas price average is about $4.86, meaning that the price of a single gallon of gas has more than doubled, going up by $2.47, since Trump left office and Brandon wandered into his new napping spot.

Further, as economist Steve Moore said during a recent Fox News appearance, much of the gas-price crisis is a self-inflicted wound on the part of the Biden regime. As he put it:

I’d love to see President Biden say, we’re going to work toward a pause on the climate change craziness, and we’re going to continue to drill and to get American oil and gas. I think that would start to bring that oil price down. I was looking at those charts you were showing earlier on the show, and it was amazing because, I think you said it was $4.45 a gallon for the national average for the gas price, it was about $2.39 or so a gallon the day that Joe Biden took office. So do the math there. That means that we’ve got a doubling in the gas price in 15 months.

This is a result of policies that were implemented. These are self-inflicted wounds that are not a result of COVID. But in fact, because COVID’s basically over, we should be seeing less inflation, better growth. One other quick thin, when the president was citing those survey results of how Americans feel good about the economy, there’s a new Gallup poll that just came out about a week ago that they’ve been doing this poll for about 40 years. Do you think the economy’s head in the right direction or on direction? Only two out of ten Americans, believe the economy is good or great. Most Americans feel the economy is fair or poor.

But, alas, Biden is probably not going to say that. In fact, it was only a week ago that he said that there was nothing he could do to lower gas prices, saying:

“We can’t take immediate action that I’m aware of yet to figure out how we’re bringing down the prices of gasoline back to $3 a gallon. And we can’t do that immediately with regard to food prices either”

By: Gen Z Conservative, editor of Follow me on Parler and Gettr.

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Donald Nicholas
Donald Nicholas
2 years ago

We went from exporting energy to begging our enemies for energy. That’s not difficult to understand, but very difficult to spin.

2 years ago

The Voters sentiment …Fed UP..
Biden can go on ALL late night shows…HE is DONE….

2 years ago

We achieved energy independence under Trump and even became a net exporter. America was prosperous and flourishing.

No matter how much the Democrats lie about the state of affairs in America, even everyday Democrat voters recognize that their party has sold out to progressive socialist tendencies that will destroy American prosperity and independence.

Democrats and leftists are leading us to Globalism just as fast as Corporatists and RINO Globalists. I don’t care if you like Trump’s personality or not, and I don’t care much for aspects of his personality myself, but the man is smart, can lead, made great decisions, and did actually do what he said, Make America Better.

LGB has got to go. LGB = Let Go of Biden.

2 years ago

Democrats are on their way out. I hope people don’t have short term memories again and let them back in some years down the road. Every time a Democrat is in power, a recession happens.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Why isn’t the fact that Google won’t let you say UKRAINE a reason for you to shout it nonstop from your rooftops??? WHY?

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Who still uses Google???

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago

FJB could have subsidized our citizens fuel prices with the $40B he gave the Ukies.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Why isn’t the fact that Google won’t let you say YOUCRANE a reason for you to be shouting it nonstop from your rooftops?

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

You need to make the story the fact that you are being schtooped in the ass without lube by Google.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

How can you call this a discussion when everything I write is erased?

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Your so called comment section is … fill in the blank because everything I write disappears.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Comment? That’s a sick sad joke since this place is totally controlled.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

This comment section can go to double hockey sticks.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Oh I sure do love this opportunity to share my thoughts. Too bad you won’t show them.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Biden is my hero. I just love everything about him and his beautiful family. I bet you print that.

Thomas Johnston
Thomas Johnston
2 years ago

Well you’ve been taken over thoroughly here haven’t you?

Ricardo Gonzales Jr
Ricardo Gonzales Jr
2 years ago

What Fact checkers? The author must mean the Faux Checkers of FB, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, and the likes. Who are proven incapable of doing real Fact-Checking. They should start with the E.O.s Joe signed shortly after claiming to Serve the People.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Trudeau, in Canada, is pulling the same globalist energy B.S. that Biden is doing in the USA. In S. W, Ontario a liter (about a USA quart) of regular gas is selling for $2.13.9 today, equaling about $8.60 for a USA gallon. Canada too is an oil-rich nation and there is no excuse for this.

Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago

Why focus on fuel prices? Look around you. Groceries, utilities, insurance, everything is up in price. Is everything suddenly worth more today? No. Our dollar is worth less. The vampiric / satanic central bank is squeezing the last drops of blood from us turnips. Brace for impact.

Hate communism
2 years ago

Why would I donate money to this site for free speech when you block posts that are about free speech and corrupt Biden and his gang of thugs? Google?. Really ? The Nazi site ! No thanks! Down with communism, socialism and down with any news outlets who block free speech!

Elizabeth L Davis
Elizabeth L Davis
2 years ago

MY question to Biden is: How does our stop drilling for oil help the environment? Since he is asking for the Saudis’ or Venezuela to produce more oil for us . They probably do not have the EPA restrictions we have on producing oil. So it is okay for them to pollute the air? so again how does that help our environment or the world environment???? Sounds as if we have a bunch of illiterates in Washington.

2 years ago

Thank God! This fool commentator will most likely get fired for airing the truth. While the MSM is trying desperately to hold theBuffoons testickles out of the fire he lit of stupidity.

2 years ago

more going on than gas prices border failure foreign policy failure other failures. November’s coming, time for the dems to pack their @#$# and get out of D.C. pretty much. People are over it.

2 years ago

Biden is not doing anything except murdering America on a daily basis…He has NO intention of doing anything other than keep raising gas prices so everyone cannot leave their homes as they cannot afford to put gas in their cars. He is a terrible liar….

2 years ago

You know if biden were pope, the curia has a special coffee they would have given to him, like they did John Paul 1st.

2 years ago

I find it hard to believe that people actually believe Biden is doing a good job. I don’t see anything that he has done that benefits Americans. Not to mention refusing to do his job as Chief Law Enforcement Officer. He is doing the opposite.