

Mexican President To Meet With Biden To Discuss ‘Integrating’ Countries Into One ‘Superstate’ With Open Borders [VIDEO]

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Mexico’s communist president is calling for a superstate combining North American and South American workers. You can only imagine what this would do to middle-class Americans.

“I will go in July to visit [President Joe Biden] at the White House and I want to discuss with him the issue of the integration of all America,” President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said at a press conference in Mexico’s presidential palace.

One with cartels, great idea. Biden will likely go for it.

“My position is that, just as how the European community was created … we have to do that in America.”

He insists the border differences must first find resolution. “There has to be a change in the policy, an end to confrontation, an end to hate, an end to threats, the blockades, the foreign interference, and choose brotherhood, good neighbor policies.”

Labrador is using the fake racist-hate arguments the Democrats use.

President Lopez Obrador supports US open borders but does not allow open borders in Mexico.

This policy has been batted about since Bush in 2001. The “Any Willing Worker” plan would have allowed U.S. employers to easily import low-wage employees from central and south America. It was derailed following the 9/11 attack.

Globalist George W. Bush and then-president Vicente Fox pushed the idea. Wall Street liked it but no one else did. However, Americans appear to have gone nuts since them.


He then made a pitch for Biden, calling him a “good man” and then demonized Republicans.  What communist or dictator wouldn’t agree?

He’s not going to tolerate our so-called racism or GOP barriers any longer.

“Not anymore, we will not remain silent anymore in the face of insults to immigrants and Mexicans. And I will insist on immigration reform,” he said.

It’s all the Republicans’ fault, he says.

We all know what is going on here. We have a dolt for a president and American Marxist globalists making all the decisions from behind a curtain.

“I am talking now about the attitude of the Republican Party, who surely will drive with their spokesmen that the [this week’s] Summit [of the Americas] was a failure. Well, yes, it is possible it will be a failure, but they are the responsible ones for maintaining a policy of closure and not openness.

“The option is [continentall] transformation and you have to dare to do it. And you don’t have to keep thinking about the next election, you have to think about the next generation.”

This is aimed at the destruction of the United States. We get their workers and cartels and we become impoverished without a national identity.


George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama all have employees running around the Oval Office. They have in the past called for open borders and a North American Union. It’s a similar idea.

Hillary has said that those who want to limit immigration are “fundamentally unAmerican”. We know that Soros wants open borders and Obama did too.

Bush was into it and so is Biden.

Everyone is taking advantage of the aging imbecile. No civilized country in the world has unvetted millions pouring in from terrorist or communist countries. Except the US, of course. The haters finally get to destroy the US via the Democrat Party.

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2 years ago

GO to hades..

2 years ago

How about we tell Mexico close your damn border or we will bomb your nation into a worse shithole nation it is.
Put our USArmy, Marines et al on the border every 2 feet order
1st bullet over their friggin heads, 2nd bullet through their heads.
Drain the crocs and alligators and pythons from FL and LA, set them lose in the waterways + alligator snapping turtles and if they make it put mines in the beaches or and zap the shite out of them.

2 years ago

THE CHINESE ARE THE ONES WHO RUN MEXICO,they control the OIL,the GANGS,THE DRUGS,THE MILITARY,THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT AND ALL OF IT,mexico becoming part of america would INCLUDE THE CHINESE MILITARY which would be millions of them crossing into america uncontroled,WILL CHINA JOE ALLOW THIS,hahaha,yea I think he would…

adolf stalin
adolf stalin
2 years ago

americans are unusually lazy smug parasitic trash with no God. Their useless eating days are over.

John Joeshph
John Joeshph
2 years ago
Reply to  adolf stalin

Your a cunt that does mot need to be here!

2 years ago

Any bets that Biden will agree to this? Then you’ll see a real insurrection.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  johninnil

It’s doubtful because there is so much apathy and nihilism today, over 90% don’t understand globalism and agenda 20/30 doing away with fossil fuels and going back to the 1800’s. People are self absorbed in their own tiny world of shallow lifestyles. Few patriots today for a so called insurrection today. Military need to follow their oaths and remove traitors from gov. and corporations and restore constitution.

2 years ago

Not likely that a military full of homosexuals will fight for their country.
Political agenda of DC? Yes. Losing their job? Probably not.

Backwoods Squirrel
Backwoods Squirrel
2 years ago
Reply to  johninnil

It won’t be an insurrection. It will be a counter coup. One LONG overdue.

2 years ago

Forget it Mexicommie druglord we have a constitution and your plan will make us another narco super state where only the criminals have guns and power.

William Robert
2 years ago

AMLO is to Mexico what TRUMP is to America. They are both proud nationalists, men who love and want only the very best for their countries, their people. Both are men, subject to error, but both are, intelligent, well informed, well intentioned men. I sincerely doubt AMLO wants to subsume Mexican autonomy, cultural identity to a foreign nation, no matter how close rhat nation may possibly be.

2 years ago

This is how close we are to dissolving the 250 year experiment of America. The democrat socialists/globalists are very close to having dissolved the United States. Shame on us for not standing up to them

2 years ago

Translation? You give us free welfare, no Senor?

2 years ago

A great way for Biden to end our Constitution and Bill of Rights.If he attempts this it’s war!

2 years ago

They’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. This will kill our country.

Laura McDonough
Laura McDonough
2 years ago
Reply to  RLN

It’s already dead, most patriots have passed on,not enough todays to fight back anyway. local politicians and state are sold out to globalism w/ grant money.

2 years ago

Hmm, who leads? The Cartels and their hit men?

2 years ago

What, the MexPres wants to open his jails and have all the inmates go to America?

2 years ago

Wanna bet the Mex’ll just empty their prisons and give their thousands of inmates a free ride to the border? What can you expect from a deal between devils?