

UK Government Releases Bombshell Study Showing COVID Vax ‘Increases Risk of Death’ and ‘Kills Hundreds Of Thousands After Five Months’

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The Covid-19 vaxxed population is substantially more likely to die of any cause than the unvaxxed population in all age groups, according to new data released by the UK’s Office for National Statistics.

This is yet more evidence that the Covid-19 vaccines are deadly, and research included within the ONS data shows it takes five months after vaccination for fatal side effects to start occurring. reports: On the 17th May, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) published its latest dataset on deaths by vaccination status in England, and it has revealed a whole host of shocking findings.

For example we now know that according to the ONS, 70,000 people have died within 28 days of Covid-19 vaccination in England, and 179,000 people have died within 60 days.

We also now know that Covid-19 vaccination increases children’s risk of death between 8,100% and 30,200%.

But it turns out that once you dig a little deeper into data, you find that Covid-19 vaccination actually increases the mortality rate of everyone within approximately 5 months.

Table 1 of the ONS dataset contains figures on the monthly age-standardised mortality rates by vaccination status for deaths between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22. The first Covid-19 injection was administered in England on 8th December 2021, and here are the figures on mortality rates by vaccination status in the following 4 months –

The unvaccinated were substantially more likely to die of any cause other than Covid-19 than the vaccinated population in both January and February 2021, before the rates seemed to normalise by the end of April.

But look at what happened from May 2021 onwards –

All of a sudden, the vaccinated population as a whole were more likely to die than the unvaccinated of any cause other than Covid-19, and this trend has continued month after month since. It also turns out this trend tally’s up with those who received the Covid-19 injections first.

People in England were vaccinated by order of age, with the eldest being offered the Covid-19 injection first.

The following chart shows the age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 person-years by vaccination status and age-group for the month of May 2021 –

The figures show that in May the three age groups who had a higher mortality rate among the vaccinated were the 70-79, 80-89, and 90+-year-olds. The trend then continues into June with vaccinated 60-69-year-olds joining the highest mortality rate club.

It then continues into July with the 50-59-year-olds joining the highest mortality rate club.

This data either indicates that the Covid-19 injections take approximately 5 months to completely decimate the immune system to the point where a person’s chances of dying of any cause are significantly increased, or it indicates that the Covid-19 injections are directly killing people in the thousands with a slow and painful death that takes on average 5 months to conclude.

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Devon Seamoor
Devon Seamoor
2 years ago

Many Britons of over 60 years of age are so dumbed down that no proof of this will enter their ears. They simply deny what I share with them, as a Dutchy.
When discomfort is felt, they shut down, and fall silent. “I’m paying attention to other things, it’s been enough as it is” And the next booster shot is happily accepted, for doctors, and vicars know what’s good for you.
Blind compliance will lead to a cleaning up of many elderly in Britain. Could this be a deliberate attempt to get rid of the “useless eaters”?

2 years ago

Thank you I wasn’t aware of these figures.

Dr. Whatever
Dr. Whatever
2 years ago


Magnificent God
Magnificent God
2 years ago
Reply to  Dr. Whatever

ONS. Didn’t you actually read the article?

2 years ago

I want money. I could use a million, let’s get the class action lawsuit going

sharon sivori
sharon sivori
1 year ago
Reply to  A.M. Smith

You should pay attention to the fact that Pfizer is in court right now on fraud charges (they admitted to fraud!) and now want charges dropped because this administration has been in on it since the beginning! Once fraud is acknowledged that Pfizer willingly and knowingly put a bad drug out, everyone can sue them!! There is NO MORE Protection!!

2 years ago
Reply to  bert33

they are exempt from any liability al vaccine companys are. Thanks to president Regan. They cannot be held responsible for injury.

sharon sivori
sharon sivori
1 year ago
Reply to  VICKIE A Casey

NOT NOW!! Pfizer admitted to fraud in court, there is no more protection. Read about MEDICAL FRAUD, that is what PFIZER just admitted to! ANYONE can NOW SUE THEM!!

2 years ago


2 years ago

You took these statistics to work with your own narrative, what these statistics actually mean is that on average way more people are vaccinated than unvaccinated so when someone dies theyre much more probable to have been vaccinated which is why the “vaccinated deaths” are so much, I’m well aware you already knew this just posting to let others know before this comment gets removed off the website

Carol Chapman
Carol Chapman
2 years ago
Reply to  Liam

Who told you there are more vaxxed than unvaxxed. Oh right the swamp. There are millions and millions of unvaxxed. Eyes wide open

2 years ago

I got one vaccine almost a year ago , does that mean i am screwed ?!

Patricia Martin
Patricia Martin
1 year ago

The perpetrators of this heinous crime should be jailed for life! Every official, government, doctors who KNEW,….. no exceptions and Fauci and Gates should be tried for murder!

1 year ago

Going to get worse for some yet.