

WATCH: MASSIVE Crowd Shows Up To Put An End To Liz Cheney’s Political Career

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Liz Cheney has, amazingly, decided to try to fight off the Trump-backed Harriet Hageman and remain in her spot as Wyoming’s sole Congressional representative. Despite her anti-Trump tirades, vote to impeach him, and buddy-buddy relationship with inveterate RINO Adam Kinzinger, Liz somehow thinks that voters in ruby-red Wyoming will think that she’ll represent them and vote for her. If that’s not delusional, what is?

Well, since she apparently needs yet more evidence of her unpopularity to disabuse her of the notion that she’s popular in her home state, or at least the place she pretends is her home rather than the DC Swamp, Trump traveled to the Cowboy State for a rally and it should have RINO Liz very, very worried. This video should show you why:

Hear that? That’s the sound of raucous applause, of cheering so loud it’ll give you a headache, of an outpouring of pro-Trump (and thus pro-Hageman, his pick for the seat) sentiment that Liz could never hope to garner even in the deepest depths of her Swamp-induced fever dreams.

Also, according to the announcer at the event, it was the largest crowd in Wyoming’s history: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to announce, this is the biggest crowd in Wyoming history! And with that, I ask you to please welcome the 45th President of the United States, President Donald J. Trump!

Was it actually? Probably not, as the attendance at Wyoming football games can get up to 27,000; it seems more like a bit of puffery, as is normal for Trump. But still, as the photo gallery of the rally attests, it was obviously a big turnout, a crowd size neither Liz nor her warmonger father could hope to match, a fact well-reflected by the polls.

That’s according to a new survey of Liz’s August primary conducted by the Club for Growth, which found that Cheney is down by thirty points with Hageman garnering a whopping 56 percent of the vote while the incumbent Cheney has only 26 percent support from the Wyoming GOP. A smattering of lesser-known candidates garnered the remainder.

And that support for Hageman isn’t just due to Liz’s unpopularity. Much of it is due to GOP-kingmaker Trump, who fired off at Liz during the rally and boosted Hageman, saying “This is MAGA country. Over the next six months, the people of Wyoming are going to vote to dump your RINO Liz Cheney and you’re going to send the incredible Harriet Hageman to Congress.

Further, GOP voters in Wyoming are full of disdain for their RINO representative. As Business Insider reported:

At the rally, Trump’s supporters, some of whom have previously voted for Cheney, poured scorn on her and echoed his disdain for the incumbent member of Congress.

“My opinion of her is treasonistic [sic]. I don’t feel she did her sworn duty in representing her constituents,” James West, a 40-year-old from Lander, said of Cheney.

“Disgrace to the Republican Party,” said Chris Sorge, 30. “Two-faced,” added Dallas Peasley, 31. “She might as well put a D in front of her name,” Obe Corbian, 48, said. Cheney’s a “RINO,” said Chelsea Roan, 36.

Like conservative-minded Americans around the nation, Wyoming’s voters want a real representative, not some hack that claims to champion their interests while really selling them out to the Swamp. Hageman is that and Liz isn’t; now we get to watch the RINO flounder and suffer the indignity of being booted from office.

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Marlene McAllister Williams
Marlene McAllister Williams
2 years ago

I was born and raised in wonderful Wyoming – now live in Alberta, Canada, and it does my heart good seeing Trump fans in Casper.

2 years ago

Little fat kid Lizzy daughter of fired was hawk Cheney is getting her head handed to her by fellow Stata people.

Michelle Robinson
Michelle Robinson
2 years ago

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Last edited 2 years ago by Michelle Robinson
2 years ago

u lie like a rucking fug!

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago

This woman is as ‘Dumb as Dog Shit! She just doesn’t get it! Being a TRAITOR has consequences.

2 years ago

Folks really want to get rid of this politician hell any politician. Do what her old man Dick did to his lawyer. Hey come on lets go kill some quail. Then Dick shoots the poor bastard in the face or was it the back, claimed a hunting accident no charges. Not say you should do this, but LMAO of. Shite gonna need lots of hunting accidents to clean the house and senate out.
As for her being GOP, she is a liberal commie demorat who deserves everything bad.

Harry Matheson
Harry Matheson
2 years ago

Couldn’t happen to a better rino????????????

2 years ago

LIZARD cheany is Dead in the water, just like her father!

Angelfood McSpade
Angelfood McSpade
2 years ago

Kick the bum out!

Barbra Q. Ribbs
Barbra Q. Ribbs
2 years ago

If I had a dog with a face like that, I’d shave its butt and teach it to walk backward.