

Big Pharma Boss Caught FAKING His COVID Vaccination Status; Injected Himself With Salt Water Instead… Now Facing Criminal Charges

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While the WHO and our political leaders want us to trust in the COVID vaccines and push for legal measures to force it upon us, it seems even Big Pharma executives don’t even trust the safety of the vax.

Police have charged Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, the president of European pharmaceutical behemoth PharmaMar, with being falsely vaccinated against COVID-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro is embroiled in a European controversy involving individuals, many of whom are well-known figures, being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money.

According to police sources and El Periodico de Espana, Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a COVID-19 vaccination and spent hundreds of euros to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register.

Dr. Sousa-Faro is one of almost 2,200 celebrities and European elites who have been erroneously vaccinated against Covid, according to a list compiled by National Police.

Jose Maria Fernandez Sousa-Faro, president of European pharmaceuticals giant PharmaMar, has been charged by police with being falsely vaccinated against Covid-19. Dr. Sousa-Faro has been caught up in a scandal in Europe involving people being added to the National Immunization Registry in exchange for large sums of money, with many of them familiar faces and household names.

Police allege that Sousa-Faro arranged to be injected with a saline solution instead of a Covid-19 vaccination and paid thousands of dollars to have his name added to Spain’s immunization register, as confirmed by police sources and reported by El Periodico de Espana.

Dr. Sousa-Faro is among more than 2,200 celebrities and European elites on the list drawn up by National Police of those falsely vaccinated against Covid.

According to El Mundo, Spanish police carried out the investigation called Operation Jenner which uncovered the vast network of celebrities and elites who have paid money to have their names fraudulently entered on the National Immunization Register, despite refusing to be vaccinated.

Euro Weekly News report: The leader of the network was a nursing assistant at the La Paz University Hospital, where he is accused of charging more than €200,000 euros for fraudulently registering 2,200 people as vaccinated in the National Registry against Covid-19. He has been arrested and is currently in custody.

Among those accused are Bruno González Cabrera, a defender who played for Betis, Getafe, Levante and Valladolid. Fabio Díez Steinaker in beach volleyball, runner-up in Europe and fifth in the Sydney Olympic Games. The former Valencian boxer and wrestler José Luis Zapater, alias Titín, who starred in more than a thousand fights.

The famous people invesitaged so far includes: José María Fernández Sousa-Faro, President of PharmaMar, Trinitario Casanova, one of the richest men in Spain, Kidd Keo, trap singer in English and Spanish, Anier, rap singer, Jarfaiter, rap singer, Veronica Echegui, actress, Bruno Gonzalez Cabrera, soccer player, Fabio Díez Steinaker, former beach volleyball Olympian, José Luis Zapater, alias Titín, former boxer, Camilo Esquivel, recognized and prestigious doctor.

According to the police who are investigating the 2,200 false Covid-19 vaccination certificates, the fee was dependent on your social standing. The more important you were, the higher the price.

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2 years ago

SO how safe is this vac people wake up

2 years ago
Reply to  uthred

no vax is safe. none.

2 years ago

so how about biden and the rest of the demorats did they get salt water or the real vaccine. Notice how nearly 500 of them never had any side effects. I pray HE SMITES THEM ALL without delay

2 years ago

Do you trust the Elites and Gov, political puppets? I don’t trust any Socialist/Communist!

Steven Rowlandson
Steven Rowlandson
2 years ago
Reply to  Junius

I don’t trust democrats of any description. In my book they are communists.

2 years ago

I agree with you, but I also don’t trust most Republicans either! They’ll sell us out and they’re sneaky about it. At least we KNOW democrats are selling us out!

David A Howard
David A Howard
2 years ago
Reply to  julie

Coming soon: Alina Habba reveals polygraph results for Donald J. Trump.

Jens Petersen
Jens Petersen
4 months ago
Reply to  Junius

Ha, Gates is a Communist, Bourla, etc. etc?

2 years ago

How many of you good folks know that the very word Pharma in the bible means Sorcery ???

2 years ago
Reply to  byvdb

pharma is not in the buy bull.

2 years ago
Reply to  irish

[Greek] φαρμακεία (pharmakeia), [Latin] pharmacia: spells, sorcery, magic, witchcraft, occult; Gal.5:20, Rev.18:23, Rev.9:21

2 years ago
Reply to  Tryptik

In the most literal sense, the word means ‘drug magic’. Medicine isn’t that.
Ancient and medieval medicine in the western tradition was linked to magic, and was condemned from time to time for the use of prognostication. Outside of the learned doctors of (often esoteric) philosophy and their scholastic tradition, there were plenty of folk healers and witches. Until Pasteur and Koch theories of disease abounded that were borderline magic. Even today we see vestiges of that history in osteopathic (D.O. real doctors) and chiropractic schools. Pre-modern women’s health is even more tied to folk medicine as doctors traditionally did not concern themselves with those matters.

no name
no name
2 years ago

US Congress was made legally exempt from having to take the experimental injections.
It would surprise me to see the proof of any US politician taking the actual injection.
No… normal saline is not the Covid-19 injection.
When was a mandate made a law?

Debra Robinson
Debra Robinson
2 years ago

pfizer employees were never required to take the injection either

martina ruth Meier hübscher
Reply to  Debra Robinson

and the Moderna boss was sayin on German TV he will wait to get the Vaccination because it is still in testing…hahaha.. and how many in the USA got the vaccine??? OMG

Don Miller
Don Miller
2 years ago

Interesting angle;Since forced release of Pfizer data on side-effects/deaths after injections, Pharmacist accepting monthly bonus from Pharma are if fact mercenaries of planned genocide. Since pharma profession demands staying current on effects of pharmaceuticals, ignoring overwhelming numbers of injury and/or death from this now proven damaging serum places pharmacist in a very ugly legal spot. These injections are administered under their shingle and responsibility lands in their lap…

steve pivac
steve pivac
2 years ago

nothing surprises me about this. But hey, lets stop slandering socialists/communists etc. Not only are these terms totally irrelevant today; it serves no real purpose. People are HOW THEY ACT. goes for governments or any organisation

Dr. Toni Fraud-ci
2 years ago

SO WHAT.!!! Can you blame him for NOT wanting to be one of the maimed? The idiots who took those vaccines without doing any of their own research into them, deserve everything they have coming. Anyone who took whatever means they felt necessary to avoid getting jabbed (even IF it was by means of deception), shows creative thinking and a will to survive. Is anybody going to hold him down and make sure he gets the vaccine now? I highly doubt it. So then.???

2 years ago

It wasn’t that he didn’t take the vax. Refusing it isn’t the problem. It was that he faked it to get lots of money for being on the official list of vaccinated celebrities & elites

2 years ago
Reply to  Jwag14

It says they PAID money to have their names put on the vax list, wrongfully so. The higher their profile, the more they paid/pay.

2 years ago

Actually you’re right about him not wanting to be maimed but ALL these people who are in positions of authority or famous absolutely needed to speak out AGAINST this poison instead of hiding behind their fortune and buying their way out of the poison! They are cowards and instead of using their positions to help EVERYONE they used their money to help themselves! Typical selfish rich pos.

2 years ago

It’s not just that he Faked taking the so called vax. Not taking it is smart, but he Faked it while he encouraged others to take it & he got a lot of money for being on the list of vaxxed celebrities & elites! That’s why people care about this. He knows it’s dangerous but instead of telling people that, he promotes others to take it for his own financial benefit. That shows that he is a real piece of ????

2 years ago
Reply to  Jwag14

Yes exactly. By pretending that they have taken the jabs, these people have willfully encouraged millions of people into taking their deathshots. What they have done are crimes against humanity, and the penalty for that during WW1 and WW2 was death. As far as I am aware, it still is. They KNEW, They PAY.

Ludwika Stead
Ludwika Stead
2 years ago

Even now MSM are pushing the vaccine.
Don’t blame the people, I had a deep fear but was persuaded that I was wrong and for a while I was convinced it would help the elderly, I’m one, however, totally against giving to younger people and now of course against the vaccine. I am trying to tell people, please, please not the children. I have been partially successful. We must work hard to stop even more lies being told and expose the devils who are organising our deaths.
It’s a hard road. ????

Dr. Toni Fraud-ci
2 years ago

Kudos to him for thinking outside the box and for his creative, problem solving solution. Better be amongst the living than the walking dead.

2 years ago

So you are congratulating this piece of excrement for encouraging many millions to take their deathshots when he pretended to take it himself, KNOWING what it would do to people? Doesn’t say much about your humanity, does it mate?

Dr. Toni Fraud-ci
2 years ago

en-volve moderators SUCK the big ba-shvantz.!!

2 years ago
Reply to  A.M. Smith

And delete valid posts?

James Brice
James Brice
2 years ago

This reminds me of the inventor of leaded gasoline. He got sick from the lead and afterwards always avoided any contact with leaded gasoline, but did not warn consumers or motorists about the danger to health. Lead is highly toxic, and he wanted all the money that was made by leaded gas. Perhaps the same thing here.

2 years ago

Saline jabs for the elites, death jabs for us…

2 years ago

lol add all world “leaders” to that list along with gates from hell etc.

2 years ago

How about they charge the tyrants who were forcing people to get the ClotShot? Honestly—Common Sense is dead; we now live in Clown World.

2 years ago

I am an indigent senior citizen. Can I get a fake shot and onto the registry for $5?

2 years ago
Reply to  gagaismine

I’m afraid you have no social status.????

Peter and Mary Langer
Peter and Mary Langer
2 years ago

We always suspected something like that and now we have proof! Thank you. Those bastards should be in jail.

2 years ago

Only an IDIOT would take the vax it KILLS I have a card only I did not pay anything and did not take saline. I am registered how is yours to figure out!

2 years ago
Reply to  janznice

I agree that taking the so called vax is a dumb idea! Also I think it was smart of you to get a card without actually getting the clot shot. However, I do think it would make a bigger impression if we All just openly REFUSED the jab & REFUSE to get their stupid card! We CANNOT follow along with their rules & restrictions! We CANNOT COMPLY or even Pretend to COMPLY! Every time that we comply, we are giving them more power!

2 years ago
Reply to  Jwag14

Exactly! The truth will set us free. Don’t lie to be safe, tell the truth. It matters when you meet your maker.

2 years ago

Their punishment should be getting all four jabs…at the same time.

Tonya Middleton
Tonya Middleton
2 years ago

Yep this is what one of the doctors I work around told me to do. Just fake the jab and get your card. I told him that’s not the point! The point is that I have the right to not get the jab! I will not confirm and I lost my job as a nurse. I pushed forward them to use the protocols from the frontline doctors. Which one or two were using until the hospital told them they would be fired if they prescribed those meds! They also were giving ivermectin in the hospital and saving lives and then we’re stopped. This, the hospitality’s that were using that protocol left and opened their own clinic!!!! So the hospital decided to allow people to be killed with Remdesvir. This
happened in a state that I thought for sure would never fold. My Wyoming failed the people. My hospital failed the people!

2 years ago

That is terrible to hear!

2 years ago

This doesn’t make sense. I’d like to know how they were found out?

2 years ago

This nothing new. We can safely assume that there are many more leading and prominent figures worldwide that avoided the Jab at all costs. I remember months ago reading about an Italian nurse who said exactly the same thing. I can only say, well done for not getting yourself injected with this poisonous concoction that doesn’t help to avoid contracting Covid and doesn’t protect others from catching it. And if prominent people, who are usually better informed then the rest of us, avoid the so called “vaccine” there will be a genuine reason for this.

2 years ago

It might be big news if we knew the aurhor or if this were from a reliable source. There are no authors noted. There are no sources noted.

2 years ago

2076 is the date when full details will be released on vaccine contents by the FDA! I wait to make my decision until that time! How about you?

2 years ago

It Honestly does not surprise me one bit. We have known all along the “elite” & the politicians were given either saline or certain batches that were probably just saline. Photo ops and propaganda all the way. This does NOT surprise me.

David A Howard
David A Howard
2 years ago
2 years ago

Most American politicians have received the real death jab.They were just as covid frightened as everyone else that were conned into gambling with their lives. Trying to pull off something like this successfully is next to impossible. These people are going to want to save their spouses, children, nieces, nephews, friends and other close family members. It’s like being on the sinking titanic. There’s not enough safety boats for everyone and if someone can’t get their way, one of these entitled cretins are going to upset the apple cart. Now these bastards will not only face charges, but also family members and close friends that they hungout to dry.

2 years ago

yygyg hguhg

2 years ago

By hofg

2 years ago

Shame on all of them these executives and politicians who are doing exactly the same thing making others take this neurotoxin which eventually will kill or main them for the rest of their lives one of the other will happen thank you to those who have taking the initiative to circulate this online for all to see the real truth