

WATCH: WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declares They Have The Ultimate Power To Impose The Great Reset On The Rest Of The World

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World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab said, “We have the means to impose the state of the world”. Take those words seriously. That goal is the core of The Great Reset.

“Let’s also be clear. The future is not just happening, the future is filled by us, by a powerful community as you here in this room. We have the means to impose the state of the world.”

Schwab said there are two conditions. “The first one is that we react all as stakeholders of larger communities so we serve not our only self-interests but we serve the community. That’s what we call stakeholder responsibility.” Second, we “collaborate”.

Schwab wants these elites “to engage into very action and impact-oriented issues to make progress related to specific issues on the global agenda.”

In other words, Schwab and his elitist allies have taken it upon themselves to “impose the state of the world” but he adds his allegedly higher moral purpose to sell it. They will be honorable stakeholders serving the community. Additionally, they will be kind enough to “collaborate.”

In the end, it’s for a one-world global agenda where the appointed leaders are so far removed from the people that there can be no accountability.

This is globalism and it ends in feudalism. Only this will come out far worse than it did hundreds of years ago. This time, they can track us, inject us, control our money, and punish the disobedient if they choose.

Too much power corrupts absolutely.

He’s not specifically threatening President Bolsonaro. It’s a threat to all of us.



President Bolsonaro will not sign his nation’s medical sovereignty over to the World Health Organization. He made that clear while Joe Biden is eager to do so.

“National sovereignty is not something to be handed over to WHO or other entities and to be renounced just to join a club of seemingly advanced nations…,” he said.


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2 years ago

Thank God for Spain! We have a globalist eager to give our sovereignty over to WHO and WEF!

2 years ago

where’s the grey suit, and the cat? lol ach, du meine uberreiche plutokratische von das scheissigkeitenhaften!!!

2 years ago

This prick nazi akibf with every prick and beach involved in this globalism BS needs to be strung up with ropes tied to 5 horses and let the horse go in different directions. None of these bastards deserve to breathe air ever again and that goes for their minions!

2 years ago

This is just insane letting WHO, have the sovereignty of the United States, so they’re gonna lock us down on a whim now we have monkeypox it’s a wonder they don’t lock us down for that now, there making such a big deal about in the usa, more bullshit from the Democrats, Biden is a socialist and a dictator !

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago

When you consider all the terrorist murders all over the world, it only takes ONE person with ONE bullet who disagrees with WEF to upset the ‘Great Reset and send Mr.Zchwab to Nirvana! Klaus is risking all for no advantage! He is not paid enough for the ultimate sacrifice!

david russell
david russell
2 years ago

Klaus has a great looking Dr. Evil outfit on. Where can I get mine?

2 years ago

Today the WEF tomorrow the world. This guy is reading too many books, and thinks he is going to rule the world. He needs to be looked after, and given some prune juice.

2 years ago

Nothing, but ineffective bravado from this guy who looks like he has been embalmed.