

WATCH: Beto O’Rourke Crashes Greg Abbott Presser On Uvalde Massacre In A Sick Political Stunt, Disrespecting The Dead Children — Dragged Out By Police

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Moments ago, during a press conference by Governor Abbott on the Uvalde school massacre yesterday, Beto O’Rourke made his way in and interrupted Abbott while he was speaking, saying in front of the stage something that I’m sure was about gun control.

I couldn’t make out everything Beto said and, to be honest, I don’t care. We all know what Beto is about and he’s nothing but a socialist gun-grabber.

But this was nothing but a political stunt by a desperate candidate when he knew the entire nation was watching. And it’s disgusting that he would politicize an event like this for his own gain.

Here’s a video with better audio where one of the men on stage calls Beto a ‘sick son of a bitch’:

During the presser, Abbott detailed three Facebook posts left by the psychopath gunman yesterday:

Also, it’s reported that Abbott said the grandmother called police after she was shot:



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Janice E Prescott
Janice E Prescott
2 years ago

These horrid Dems don’t care about the people America, but you would think they would care about 19 dead children, and not go on the Lunatic rants about gun control. I have never seen a gun walk into a place and shoot people. I think it’s always been someone holding that gun that did the dirty work, They make me want to puke and I pray this hurts them at election time. They are the sickest of the sick.

2 years ago

To think that the democrats are so callous to our country. This guy speaks out with disrespect for dead children and adults to get a political boost and the president of the United States takes away power from the police in the name of a drug dealer and user. And you vote for them. Everyone who voted for Biden voted for the death of these children. You carry the blood on your hands every time you vote for a democrat.

Alpin ThuesonD
Alpin Thueson
2 years ago

khazjeu sanhedrin/kahal: “Beto looks like ‘presidential material’ for 2024. Quick, phone Eric over at Dominion and tell him to make it happen!”

2 years ago

Once again, the democrat leadership demonstrates the wisdom of our founders in crafting the first and second amendments to our Constitution, a document which Obama and other far-leftists have called an “inconvenience.”

Carol Walters
Carol Walters
2 years ago

No amount of “gun control” would have stopped this psychopath. More gun control laws won’t stop the next one either. Even confiscating guns from the public won’t stop the next one because as you know, criminals and psychopaths don’t follow the laws.
These kinds of problems will never stop now that we as a nation have pushed our creator out of our lives. The gross loss of morals in this country contributes to the vast majority of our problems. There’s no “natural affection” for one another as human beings any more and that by itself causes so much hate between people. Couple that with these political hacks and you see the result we now have.

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Carol Walters

Little Johnny Coward confiscated all the guns off the Auzziez at the request of George Bush and yet we are having 2-3 shootings per week in the streets of Sydney/Melbourne by the Lebanese Drug Families and there’s not a damn thing we can do about it!

2 years ago

You have to be a sick person to come to a briefing on the lost lives of 19 children to make a political point for “yourself” the day after these deaths! I think Beto just cost himself the the Governorship of Texas! I hope the people of Texas can see right through the political antics of Beto! What a low life!

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago

Beto better stay away from the middle East unless he can grow wings and learn to fly but then he knows that doesn’t he!

2 years ago

Beto is a disgrace. He continues to prove how unfit he is to be governor of Atlanta or anywhere. This was even a new low for him he is literally walking on the graves of those slaughtered innocent children and teachers with no conscience at all because he wanted to make a political point. The grieving parents he literally spit in their eyes and showed how little regard he had for them and for the slaughter of their children. Normal human decency and empathy would have stopped him from even considering to do what he did but he made it all about him and all about politics at the expense and to the detriment of those slaughtered innocent children and teachers and their families and for that matter the entire nation that is grieving for them.