

Democrats Refuse To Talk About It, But Here’s The Real Reason School Shootings Persist

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Tuesday, May 24th began just like any other day in Uvalde, Texas.

It was another lovely Texas day, with temperatures about 91 degrees. Residents in this small town of just over 16,000, however, would never be the same after that day. Salvador Ramos, 18, stormed into Robb Elementary around noon and started shooting.

At least 20 people were killed, including many children under the age of ten, as well as Ramos himself. Whatever information we learn over time and in the coming days, there is one thing we can all agree on: this was a terrible tragedy.

Many will speculate on the intentions of this 18-year-old long before all is said and done. They’ll sift through his personal papers and social media for hints. There will be Instagram pictures where he says “you will repost my guns.” This will lead to speculation about whether he could have been prevented by an Instagram user. They’ll even guess as to why he killed his grandma before arriving at Robb.

Yet, despite what drove him to commit these actions, one thing will remain: the gun he used did not kill those people- RAMOS killed those people.

The Crime We Never Get Used To

While many school shootings have happened sporadically over the last 50 years, in the last 30 years that number has spiked dramatically. That is because our culture has changed. The world is different, because people are different. It’s not the other way around.

On December 15th, 1791, the 2nd amendment of the Bill of Rights was ratified, which gave all citizens the right to “keep and bear arms.” Within the last 25 years, many on the political Left have fought to eliminate or negate this ratification, utilizing in part as political collateral horrific tragedies such as this and those in the recent past:
Sandy Hook elementary, where 26 individuals(including 20 children) were murdered; Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, which resulted in the loss of 17 innocent lives, the Oxford High School shootings, that left 4 murdered and several injured, and of course, Columbine High School, which saw the slaughter of 15 helpless students.

Though clearly not enough to satisfy those that oppose guns altogether, the most extensive and intensive background checks have been put in place as well as greater gun restrictions, all in efforts to deter or decrease gun fatalities. However, studies show that such restrictions have made little difference.

Gun Laws and Their Effectiveness

While cities like Chicago maintain some of the most stringent gun laws in the nation, there were more than 3,200 shootings in 2020 alone, leaving nearly 800 dead: those numbers up more than 50% from the prior year. The expression, “guns don’t kill people, people kill people,” is not merely a catch phrase; it is a matter of fact.

In 1999, many were quite surprised with the now infamous “debate/attack,” during the run of ‘The Rosie O’Donnell Show.’ While interviewing actor Tom Selleck (a member of the NRA) for his current film, O’Donnell (then known as the ‘queen of nice’), showed her true colors when it came to gun control.

Selleck’s response to her barrage of questions is as valid now as it was then, stating:

“The troubling direction in our culture and where I see consensus, which is what I think we ought to concentrate on in our culture, is [that] nobody argues anymore (whether they’re conservatives or liberal), whether our society is going in the wrong direction.

They may argue trying to quantify how far it’s gone wrong or why it’s gone that far wrong; whether it’s guns or television or the internet or whatever- but there’s consensus saying that something’s happened. Guns were much more accessible 40 years ago. A kid could walk into a pawn shop or hardware store and buy a high-capacity magazine weapon that could kill a lot of people, and they didn’t do it. The question we ought to be asking is…

Look, suicide is a tragedy; it’s a horrible thing, but 30 or 40 years ago, particularly men- (and even young men) when they were suicidal, they went and unfortunately blew their brains out. In today’s world, someone who is suicidal sits home, nurses their grievance, develops a rage and is just as suicidal, but they take 20 people with

Selleck’s grasp of the reality concerning guns is one that escapes far too many.

As difficult as it was to hear the mother of Telemachus Orfanos (the 27 year-old that was among the 12 murdered at the Borderline Bar & Grill in 2018) say she wanted, “Gun control, not prayers”, many of us already know that gun control is not the answer. Clearly, it never was. Those on the political Left would have us to believe that all they want is gun control, but we know the truth; gun control is not the end; it is the beginning.

Ironically, leftists ignore statistics that prove guns are not the problem. A CBS report explained that according to the FBI, across the United States in 2018, there were: 1,515 deaths by knives or cutting instruments, 443 people were killed with hammers/clubs/other blunt objects, 672 people were killed from fists/feet/’personal weapons’ compared to the 297 killed by (any) rifles. The reason leftists can’t acknowledge facts like this is that it completely renders their arguments moot.

Every Democrat Presidential candidate in the 2020 election ran on this very platform and promise. Michigan Radio host simply known as ‘Renk’ once put it this way: “I believe that the outcry we are hearing today for gun control has nothing to do with protecting Americans and legal citizens from violence. I believe it must do simply with hatred. Hatred of people who do not believe in the same government policies as others. I believe if we look further, you will find that the side that wants gun control really just cannot stand that the other “team” will not go along with their governmental policies of “controlling” the people.”

In other words, the plan that you hear is not the real plan.

It is a smokescreen- the ‘old bait n’ switch, or “the rope a dope.” The truth is you cannot make guns behave. They are inanimate objects with no moral compass, no sense of right or wrong. Obviously, they are just machines; no different than an automobile. Yet, while gun murders claim 39,000 lives each year, and deaths by car accident are only slightly behind at 38,000, there is still (as of this writing) no call for car control. So, rather than deal with the issue honestly, the Left would rather eliminate the guns.

Regardless of what you hear, our 2nd amendment is designed so that we would be able to protect ourselves and our families. Thus, what better way to control people than to take away their ability to protect themselves? Be not deceived. Gun control is people control. If you don’t understand that… you are part of the problem.

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2 years ago

Not one person talking about Knightscope technology. Not one.

2 years ago
Reply to  anonymous

Knightscope??? Is this some kind of King arther type mouthwash?? Never heard of such technology…. I am intimately involved with special weapons. Never heard of it….

2 years ago

We could fix this with one law:

Make it illegal to publish the name or photograph of any psycho that does anything remotely similar to this.

2 years ago
Reply to  JohnnyClutch

That would take away the Democrats agenda,nothing to tun on then but RACISM

2 years ago

IMO, every classroom should be locked with no outside entry allowed, and guns in the school for protection. EVERY school should have Mental Health Counselors. I’m an adult. What is going on in the country I love is enough to send me into a deep depression, but I have learned important coping skills. Children, especially confused ones like this young man, don’t know how to deal with their thoughts and feelings. In many cases they have no one to listen and guide them. Guns don’t kill people. Hurting people kill people.

Kathy Olmstead
Kathy Olmstead
2 years ago

The guns DON’T go out by itself and shoot people, it takes a “person” or nut if you will to take the gum and shoot people! The gun is not at fault, try the person and persecute the person instead of taking law abiding people’s way of defending themself.

Kathy Olmstead
Kathy Olmstead
2 years ago
Reply to  Kathy Olmstead

gun, not gum. Typo.

2 years ago

When teenage asses get whipped in the principal’s office and repeated acting out gets you expelled and identified to the police as a community risk and…juvenile enforcement is taken more seriously because lives apparently are at stake

2 years ago

suicidal means you want to kill yourself, homicidal, as in ‘rampage’, means you want to kill other people. Kids going/being turned into berzerkers and running amok while liberals ‘ay, gevalt’, because they just don’t ‘get’ that there is a hostile violent subculture out there that they don’t understand and thus can’t deal withthat hates law, authority, society, all that good establishment stuff and an elementary school was the soft underbelly. Expect more while liberal idiots bury their heads in the sand. Denial isn’t just a river in egypt, try honesty instead.