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Man On Terrorist Watchlist Was RELEASED Into The Country By Biden’s DHS After Sneaking Across Border

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Suspected terrorist Isnardo Garcia-Amado was released by border patrol on April 18th. On April 21st, the FBI matched him to a watchlist. May 4th, ICE authorized re-arrest. Two days later on May 6, he was arrested in Pinellas County, Florida. ICE took custody of him on May 9th.

So much for our formidable vetting system and deportation process.

DHS doesn’t have time for terrorists apparently. It took them two weeks to authorize ICE to take him into custody. We all can guess why. They don’t want any deportations and have slowed down the process so we can’t even get terrorists out of the country.

When Bill Melugin asked DHS why it took so long, they didn’t really answer the question. They’re unabashedly unaccountable.  Although they did give him a form letter.

“When we receive additional derogatory information from our law enforcement partners, DHS and our federal partners take swift action to apprehend those individuals. In this instance, after receiving additional “law enforcement information, ICE, in coordination with federal and local law enforcement, promptly detained this individual, who was already under supervision [they count an ankle monitor as supervision] via a Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring device.”

Obviously, this is a”massive national security breach” as Tom Homan said. Governor DeSantis wants to know how many other terrorists DHS has allowed into this country. Watch the live report with Bill Melugin:

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2 years ago

Myorkis hasn’t got a clue. He is so full of crap it’s ridiculous.

John BlowD
John Blow
2 years ago

And on and on it goes! The Biden Crime Cabal must be making billions out of this rort!