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CDC And Biden Admin Caught Secretly Collecting Personal Data From Home Covid Test Kits

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Major corporations, including Google, Netflix, and the NBA, have been pushing a new COVID-19 testing kit that will allow its users to perform the test and receive the results in the privacy of their homes. Unbeknownst to them, however, is that it secretly transfers data about its customers to the Biden administration.

A young boy tests for Covid after learning his classmate has tested positive in a February advertisement for a testing device called ‘Cue.’

When the device is turned on by the boy’s mother, other “smart devices” in the house begin to communicate with the new gadget. reports: In the end, the new technology sends a text to the child informing him he tested negative.

The Cue website advertises the devices as “Reliable, easy-to-use COVID-19 tests with PCR-quality results delivered right to your mobile device in 20 minutes. No lab visits. No lines. No second guessing your results.”

However, what many people may not be aware of or care about is that the tech is sending their personal health data to the CDC, other federal agencies and state agencies.

A “Fact Sheet For Healthcare Professionals” accompanying the device states, “The Cue Health Mobile Application (Cue Health App) automatically reports test results according to the reporting guidelines of the appropriate public health authorities.”

The Cue Health App Privacy Policy says the company may share your personal information “To report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or other federal agency and/or state government agencies as required for public health surveillance and related purposes.”

A section of the company’s website brags the “NBA, Google, Mayo Clinic, NASA, Johnson & Johnson, and the U.S. Departments of Health & Human Services and Defense” use its product.

Just last month, a researcher discovered a security vulnerability for the Cue Covid test kit after proving the results could be altered.

A security consultant named Ken Gannon intercepted the data before it was sent to the mobile phone of the user and successfully changed the test result from false to positive or vice versa.

The issue has allegedly been fixed since Gannon exposed the flaw, but it highlights an important issue with moving towards a fully digital health data platform.

With the elite planning to release more pandemics in the future, virus-detecting technology like the Cue Health App will be heavily promoted by the corporations and governments that desire more control over every aspect of your life.

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2 years ago

All about control. All of it.

2 years ago

Grand pop was so right in 1921 and today
The only good politician judge is a dead one. WHY? that way they can no steala from you no more. I am not advocating any violence but I shall continue to pray HE will send the HOST to punish these evil men and women..
If you wonder if you are in hell in the afterlife, if you see just black and white, no color, no trees, no flowers, no pets and other animals but you see Clintons, Bidens Trumps Pelosism etc, rest assured you are in hell.

2 years ago

We need to have the right to be forgotten. All this tracking and monitoring of people is just another method of control. Be careful what you wish for.

Ima Enyurphase
Ima Enyurphase
2 years ago

When the illegitimate biden administration sent out those first test kit’s they had no instruction’s-you HAD to put an ap on your phone and use it to do the test and get the results.And guess wo ALSO got the results? CDC (government). so I threw mine away.