

WATCH: Biden SLIPS — Admits That Soaring Gas Prices Are All Part Of His ‘Incredible Transition’ To End Dependence On Fossil Fuels

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Joe Biden just admitted to the whole world that the high US gas prices are part of what he called a ‘incredible transition’ that will end up with us being less dependent on fossil fuels:

What he said: “When it comes to the gas prices, we’re going through an incredible transition that is taking place and God willing, when it’s over, we’ll be stronger and the world will be stronger and less reliant on fossil fuels when this is over.”

There you go. Biden is admitting that all of this is intentional. He’s trying to force us to spend gobs and gobs of money we don’t have on electric vehicles just because he hates fossil fuels, all in the name of his green climate agenda.

If it weren’t intentional, his administration wouldn’t be slow-walking drilling permits and closing down oil and gas leases — essentially doing everything they can to drive up the price of oil to make Americans hate it.

Now of course he’ll lie and claim it’s Putin’s fault, just as he’s been doing since Russia invaded Ukraine. But we all saw with our own eyes that gas prices were high long before Putin invaded and Biden has done nothing to resolve this. It’s only gotten worse and will continue to get worse because Biden refuses to unleash American energy.



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2 years ago

Dear Biden,
(IF) only U could get American’s to believe your Approval numbers would reach
a bit higher %.
AND U speaking of Running again…Hello U could not win a Local office.

2 years ago

Everyone knows this is exactly what he had in mind, but many of his supporters don’t understand that. He may be right about not depending on fossil fuels, but now is not the time. We haven’t the technology yet to end the use of fossil fuels.

James Cowell
James Cowell
2 years ago

President Joe Biteme berated Americans demanding they buy expensive electric cars instead of complaining about gas prices. Of course, many Americans wonder how we are supposed to charge the vehicles when the summer brownouts start.

2 years ago

Obamas Clintons et al all need to see the AOD without delay

Alpin ThuesonD
Alpin Thueson
2 years ago

‘Biden’: Washington, DC Sanhedrin/Kahal. Ruling America in totality since January, 1981.

Uncle Pat
Uncle Pat
2 years ago

I wonder if any of the actual 6 people who voted for this idiot are still happy.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago
Reply to  Uncle Pat

hang on… I will walk circle to circle and poll them…

2 years ago

How will electric cars lesson our dependence on fossil fuels. Where is the electricity to recharge these cars come from if places like California are already suffering from summer brown outs because of shortage of electric generation. Ask any of these wingnuts and they can not answer that quesion.

Roy Miller
Roy Miller
2 years ago
Reply to  Gordo555

Would somebody fuind a way, anyway to boot ole Brandon permanently !

2 years ago
Reply to  Gordo555

Nor the damage caused by the extraction of the materials required for the batteries alone. Have you seen the scars left behind? And BTW: the term “fossil fuel” is also made-up. It implies a limited amount, which is far from the truth.

2 years ago

It is a tossup as to whether Biden is a complete incompetent and imbecile or a manipulative evil traitor to America and the American way of life. Not really. He is all of the above.