

Hunter Biden’s Delusional Legal Team Claims to Have Evidence ‘Laptop from Hell’ Was Faked

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Hunter Biden’s legal team claims to have his “other missing laptop” in possession which the lawyers claim will contain proof that the original “Laptop from Hell” was faked.

The claims have come from the legal team assembled by Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” Hollywood lawyer.

The lawyer, Kevin Morris, has been funding Hunter’s lavish lifestyle in California for some reason.

Morris has reportedly been paying the $20,000-per-month rent on Hunter’s extravagant Los Angeles mansion along with all his living expenses since he moved there in 2020.

Morris’s team claims to have one of his missing laptops and is using it to try to determine if damning revelations from the laptop Biden left at a repair shop in 2019 were faked, according to a new report.

CBS News obtained an alleged photo of the MacBook Pro from the team put together by Morris.

hollywood lawyer kevin morris is funding hunter biden s lifestyle
Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris is funding Hunter Biden’s lifestyle

However, the image only shows a MacBook Pro computer and provides no evidence of its content or that it ever belonged to Hunter Biden.

They claim it was left at Biden’s psychiatrist’s office and seized by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration during a raid.

They believe its contents can be checked against information reported from the laptop Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer shop in 2019.

“We have the Rosetta Stone,” one adviser from the Morris team told CBS.

Copies of the hard drive from the laptop abandoned in the Delaware shop have been widely distributed to the media.

When the information first surfaced just before the 2020 election, only the New York Post reported on it and was banned from Twitter for doing so.

Most of the media, encouraged by leftist former intelligence officials, dismissed it as a “Russian disinformation” operation.

But a year and a half after Biden’s election, outlets including The New York Times and Washington Post have grudgingly authenticated information on the hard drive.

Emails, text messages, photos, and videos on the hard drive paint Hunter Biden as a venal degenerate, using his father’s clout to score million-dollar deals while smoking crack and consorting with prostitutes.

Perhaps more troubling, some of the correspondence suggests that his father may have been in on the shady dealings.

Hunter Biden’s business dealings and tax compliance are currently under investigation by U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware David Weiss.

The Morris team has produced no evidence that any information on the laptop abandoned in Delaware was faked, and suggested to CBS that media outlets in possession of copies of that laptop’s hard drive should verify its contents with the Morris team.

“They can send us theirs and we’ll see what they have,” the adviser said.

“They should be the ones with the burden of proof in this nasty circus.”

It is also possible that the two laptops could contain some information that is the same and other information that is different, so using the one Morris now has may not be determinative of the authenticity of information on the other.

the  laptop from hell  has exposed major biden family corruption
The ‘Laptop from Hell’ has exposed major Biden family corruption

The laptop Morris’s team claims to have was left at the Boston office of Dr. Keith Ablow and was seized during a raid by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, according to CBS.

No charges have been filed against Ablow, a one-time Fox News contributor, in connection with the raid.

An attorney for Biden negotiated for the return of the laptop seized from Ablow’s office in 2020.

The laptop left at the Mac repair shop in Delaware became the possession of the shop after Biden abandoned it for 90 days.

Morris, who won a Tony Award as co-producer of “The Book of Mormon” reportedly paid off Hunter Biden’s $2 million delinquent tax bill.\

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Buck O'Fama
Buck O'Fama
2 years ago

Sure took them long enough to fabricate this BS.
Let’s see how they walk-back a hard drive.

2 years ago
Reply to  Buck O'Fama


Janice E Prescott
Janice E Prescott
2 years ago

Well to start with, They have to be as nuts as Hunter and his crazy daddy Biden to even think this will fly, or take on this case. Why are they paying all these expenses for this loser? Is he supplying them with the GOOD STUFF. That’s the question I want asked. Check out the hard drive you idiots.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

here we go…

2 years ago

Well lets just see if they can pull rabbit out of theirA– oh, I mean hat !!! These people will stop at nothing to skate the law and the truth!!!

2 years ago

Ha ha ha ha ha ha wait —— ha ha ha ha ha ha. Where do they get this stuff. It breaks me up.

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

hmmm… really?

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Hmmm… not buying it…

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Fake? I think not…

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Hunter text with Hallie

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

Malia Obama’s credit card with lines beside it in Hunter’s Hotel room…

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
2 years ago

The Bidens’ the Obama’s… Sick lot!

2 years ago

Another “proof” story. I guess he got that from Adam Schiff.

2 years ago

In thier demented fake reality, I’m sure it is!
We don’t live in thier phoney matrix!
Go fornicate with yourselves

2 years ago

Just like michael Obamas Penis?