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WATCH: AOC Says If You Appose Abortion It’s Because You’re A THEOCRATIC Authoritarian Whose Only Argument Is Your Religion

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In defense of murdering the unborn, AOC took to her Instagram page to argue last night that banning abortion would be ‘theocratic authoritarianism’.

She argued from the fallacy that believing an unborn baby in the womb is a life is simply a religious belief, saying that the Jewish religion allows Jews to abort their babies:

For people who say ‘oh, but you’re harming a life, I believe this is life’, well some religions don’t. So how about that?

Our Jewish brothers and sisters, they are able to have an abortion according to their faith.

There are so many faiths that do not have this same definition of life as fundamentalist Christians. And so what about their rights? What about their rights to exercise their faith?

It’s ridiculous and it is theocratic. It’s authoritarian. It is wrong.

This is absurd. The argument against abortion isn’t a battle of relative religious beliefs. It’s so much more than that.

I don’t argue that an unborn baby is a ‘life’ simply because I’m a Christian. I argue that an unborn baby is a life because it truly is a life and it deserves the protection of law.

We’re talking scientific facts here. We’re talking absolute reality.

From the moment of conception an unborn baby is alive and if you don’t do anything to keep that unborn child from existing, it will pop out 9 months later ready to eat. It’s that simple.

As Patrick Madrid likes to say, that little glob of tissue is simply what a baby looks like at that point in the pregnancy. It’s absolutely a baby and it’s still growing and, like we all do, it deserves protection.

For AOC to dumb this down to competing religious beliefs just shows how confused and ill-informed she is, to say the least.



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1 year ago

Yes, my Christian faith does cause me to oppose murdering children in the womb! ????

Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago

it really is a shame that AOC’s mother did not swallow…

Alondra Labute
Alondra Labute
1 year ago

How does someone become as utterly STUPID as AOC? But worse, how does one become as stupid as the fools who voted for her?

1 year ago

first of all, what would AOC know about children? just because she acts like a child does not make her a good source for or against children, does she have a child? no, have you ever seen her with a child? no. Can she have a child, probably not, but would you want her to have a child? I mean considering her actions and her thought process, but besides that she’s getting old and trust me, she doesn’t know what a garbage disposal is, she thinks there is no reason the federal government can not just “print more money” HINT BIDENFLATION and she is supposedly an economic major, so her being an expert on anything besides maybe what mattress kamala and her use is about all, because apparently she slept her way through college, in and out of the class room….

1 year ago

Careful, your utter hatred and disdain for all things precious and holy is showing. Your ignorance is inexcusable for a woman in your position. You’re unfit to represent a truly diverse group of people. You’re more like a cult leader.

James CowellD
James Cowell
1 year ago

Will AOC YOU must be special, 100,000 sperms and you were the fastest? Well , aren’t you a waste of two billion years of evolution ! ! ! ISN’T IT AMAZING HOW JUST ONE tiny egg, AND ONE tiny sperm CAN MAKE ONE MASSIVE ASSHOLE ???

david russell
david russell
1 year ago

I’m an atheist, but I see nothing wrong about opposing abortion due to your Christian ethics.

This is a matter that will be resolved politically. It seems that abortion in first trimester will be the most acceptable compromise, but I expect there will be states that outright ban it altogether.

Stefan Bach
Stefan Bach
1 year ago

The Jewish Approach to Abortion in Short:
Under normal circumstances it is forbidden to take the life of an unborn child, and it may be akin to murder.
As long as the unborn remains a fetus, it does not have a status of personhood equal to its mother, and therefore may be sacrificed to save the life of the mother.
Under which circumstances would abortion be permitted? For one, if a pregnant woman’s life is endangered unless the pregnancy is terminated, “her life takes precedence over [the fetus’s] life.”
(Rabbi Yehuda Shurpin,

Last edited 1 year ago by Stefan Bach
1 year ago

conception an unborn baby is alive and if you don’t do anything to keep that unborn child from existing

1 year ago

1 word: Condom. (mic drop)

1 year ago

AOC also says that her opinion on Roe Vs. Wade She doesn’t care how illegal Aliens Cross the Rio Grande.