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Stanford University Suggests Harvesting The Blood And Organs Of Children In Attempt To Achieve Immortality

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Harvesting the blood and body parts, including organs, of children and transplanting them into the bodies of the elderly could help humanity achieve “immortality” according to researchers at Stanford University.

Elitists and transhumanists have long been interested in harvesting material from young people in a bid to pursue life-extension. What was once a conspiracy theory has now become conspiracy fact.

According to a report by the Telegraph newspaper, cultures throughout history have “revered the young” and the Stanford research shows that “infusing cerebrospinal fluid of young mice into old mice improves brain function,” opening the door for humans to experiment with the blood and organs of children.

The Stanford team infused fluid from 10-week-old mice into the brains of 18-month-old mice over seven days, and found that older mice were better at remembering to associate a small electric shock with a noise and flashing light.

Closer examination showed the fluid had “woken up” processes which regenerate neurons and myelin – the fatty material that protects nerve cells within the hippocampus, the memory centre of the brain.

The study shows that the same process could be applied to anti-ageing research in humans, and that, “Experiments are even showing that young blood itself can reverse the ageing process, perhaps even curing Alzheimer’s disease.”

Summit report: Former North Korean dictator Kim Jong-il routinely had himself injected with blood taken from young, healthy virgins in the belief that it would help him live longer.

The Telegraph report notes that, “Harvesting the blood and body parts of the young in the hope of achieving immortality has long been a familiar trope in horror novels and conspiracy theories.

Apparently, not for much longer.

It may only be a few years before “youth transplants” finally move from the pages of gothic horror novels into the clinic,” writes Sarah Knapton.

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Jacques MerdeD
Jacques Merde
1 year ago

I believe I have heard of this before… certain political and Hollywood elites were rumored to be involved in Adrenochrome (drinking the blood of terrified children). True or not? no idea.

1 year ago

DEMROATS ARE THE SICKEST MOTHER F AROUND AND NEED TO BE REMOVED. Can you imagine Pelosi et al, which she most likely has had some treatments living forever!

Master Bater
Master Bater
1 year ago

I get paid $20,000 per hour to reply to STUPID IDIOTIC posts like this from dumb f’king A$$H0LES like you.